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Assembler Language Reference

mtcrf (Move to Condition Register Fields) Instruction


Copies the contents of a general-purpose register into the condition register under control of a field mask.


mtcrf FXM,RS

See "Extended Mnemonics of Condition Register Logical Instructions" for more information.


The mtcrf instruction copies the contents of source general-purpose register (GPR) RS into the condition register under the control of field mask FXM.

Field mask FXM is defined as follows:

Bit Description
12 CR 00-03 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 00-03.
13 CR 04-07 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 04-07.
14 CR 08-11 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 08-11.
15 CR 12-15 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 12-15.
16 CR 16-19 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 16-19.
17 CR 20-23 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 20-23.
18 CR 24-27 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 24-27.
19 CR 28-31 is updated with the contents of GPR RS 28-31.

The mtcrf instruction has one syntax form and does not affect the Fixed-Point Exception Register.


FXM Specifies field mask.
RS Specifies source general-purpose register for operation.


The following code copies bits 00-03 of GPR 5 into Condition Register Field 0:

# Assume GPR 5 contains 0x7542 FFEE.
# Use the mask for Condition Register
# Field 0 (0x80 = b'1000 0000').
mtcrf 0x80,5
# Condition Register Field 0 now contains b'0111'.

Related Information

Fixed-Point Processor .

Branch Processor .

Fixed-Point Move to or from Special-Purpose Registers Instructions .

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