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Assembler Language Reference

oris or oriu (OR Immediate Shifted) Instruction


Logically ORs the upper 16 bits of the contents of a general-purpose register with a 16-bit unsigned integer and stores the result in another general-purpose register.


oris RA,RS,UI
oriu RA,RS,UI


The oris and oriu instructions logically OR the contents of general-purpose register (GPR) RS with the concatenation of a 16-bit unsigned integer, UI, and x'0000' and store the result in GPR RA.

The oris and oriu instructions have one syntax form and do not affect Condition Register Field 0 or the Fixed-Point Exception Register.


RA Specifies target general-purpose register where result of operation is stored.
RS Specifies source general-purpose register for operation.
UI Specifies a16-bit unsigned integer for operation.


The following code ORs the upper 16 bits of the contents of GPR 4 with 0x0079 and stores the result in GPR 6:

# Assume GPR 4 contains 0x9000 3000.
oris 6,4,0x0079
# GPR 6 now contains 0x9079 3000.

Related Information

Fixed-Point Processor .

Fixed-Point Logical Instructions .

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