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Assembler Language Reference

stdx (Store Double Word Indexed) Instruction


Store a double-word of data from a general purpose register into a specified memory location.


stdx RS, RA, RB


The stdx instruction stores a double-word in storage from the source general-purpose register (GPR) RS into the location in storage specified by the effective address (EA).

If GPR RA is not 0, the EA is the sum of the contents of GPR RA and RB. If GPR RA is 0, then the EA is RB.


RS Specifies the source general-purpose register containing data.
RA Specifies source general-purpose register for EA calculation.
RB Specifies source general-purpose register for EA calculation.


This instruction is defined only for 64-bit implementations. Using it on a 32-bit implementation will cause the system illegal instruction error handler to be invoked.

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