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AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide

Appendix H: 7318 BIOS Command Summary

This appendix contains a command summary for the BIOS console.

BIOS Console Commands
Keyword Parameter Value Remarks
set Various Various Sets NVRAM parameter.
show Various
Shows NVRAM parameter.
load Path
Starts 7318 download.
biosload Path
Reprograms BIOS NVRAM image.
save Path
Saves NVRAM changes.
admin Password
Sets password level.

Shows LAN interface statistics.

Resets and restarts the 7318.

Sets BIOS NVRAM to predefined state.
diag Various
Performs diagnostics.
ping Address
Sends diagnostic packet echo.

The following set commands affect NVRAM.

Set Commands
Key Item Value Default Bounds Remarks
set loadimage String null 64 chars Must be AIX path name.
config String xxxxxxxxxxxx.cfg 64 chars Must be AIX file name.
inet Address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
password String null
Set password.
interface Decimal auto 0-4 0 = Auto LAN select. 1 = 10BaseT. 2 = AUI. 3 = Reserved. 4 = Disable loading.
protocol Decimal auto 0-2 0 = Auto protocol. 1 = IPX protocol. 2 = UDP protocol.
netmask Address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
gateway Address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
nameserver Address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
domain String

host1 Address auto
nnnnnnnn:dddddddddddd or xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
host2 Address auto
nnnnnnnn:dddddddddddd or xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
name String CNSEthernet# 16 chars Set server name.
log Boolean disable 0-1 Disable/enable verbose log.
console 0-15 disable
0-15 = Ports.
upload Boolean enable 0-1 Upload control.
show self

Shows self-test result.

Shows BIOS version.

Shows physical memory.

The following set commands affect the diag command.

Set Commands
Key Item Value Default Bounds Remarks
set iterations Decimal 1 10000
device String cns
cns, comxx, lptx, lan
pair String None
cns, comxx, lptx, lan
size Decimal 512 2-910
pattern String LN

rate String 9600

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