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AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide

Appendix G: 7318 Connector Pinouts

This appendix contains pinout information for the following ports:

This appendix also contains cable pinout information for the following:

RS-423 Serial Ports

This interface conforms to the electrical specifications of EIA RS-423A and has a minimum driven voltage swing of +5.6V to -5.6V in a 3K load to ground. The interface is wired as a data terminal equipment (DTE) driving TXD and receiving RXD. The interface is the same on all 16 serial ports of the concentrator. The following tables show the configuration of the interface.

Normal Mode Pinout
Pin Designator Circuit Name CCITT Number
1 DCD Received Line Signal Detector 109
2 DTR DTE Ready 108/2
3 RTS Request to Send 105/133
4 RD Received Data 104A
5 RD REF DCE Common Return 102b/104B
6 CTS Clear to Send 106
7 TD REF Signal Ground 102
8 TD Transmitted Data 103
Note: The input circuits are biased for fail-safe operation so that if no connection is attached, the circuits as shown in the following table.
Disconnected State
Pin Designator Circuit Name Disconnect State
1 DCD Received Line Signal Detector False
4 RD Received Data Break
6 CTS Clear to Send False

TD REF provides a common ground reference for TXD+, DTR, and RTS. It is connected to the system ground. RD REF provides a common reference for RXD+, DCD, and CTS but is isolated with respect to the system ground.

Cable and Adapter Pinouts

The following information describes the necessary wiring for cables that connect between the 7318 and various serial hardware devices.

DB-25 or DB-9 Terminal Adapter

The DB-25 or DB-9 Pinout figure depicts an expanded null modem that translates the appropriate control signals for connecting a terminal to the 7318. It also shows how the terminal signals relate to pins on the DB-25 and DB-9 connectors.

Order the DB-25 terminal adapter as Feature Code 7904 and the DB-9 terminal adapter as Feature Code 7905.

MMJ Connectors

Recent Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) terminals (and clones) use a connector that DEC calls a modified modular jack (MMJ) connector. To attach a terminal with this type of connector, you need a special adapter. The MMJ Connector figure depicts the MMJ circuits and pins.

Order the RJ45 to MMJ cable as Feature Code 7907.


The Modem Pinout figure maps the control signal between an EIA 232 modem and the 7318 to preserve modem control functions. The figure also depicts how the modem signals relate to pins on a DB-25 connector.

Order the DB-25 modem adapter as Feature Code 7903.

Extended EIA 232D Modem Control Cable

The Extended EIA 232D Modem Control Cable Pinout figure includes the DSR and RI signals. Order the Extended EIA 232D Modem Control Cable as Feature Code 7902.

General EIA 422 Device Cable

The EIA 422 Device Pinout figure depicts the pinout for cabling an EIA 422 serial printer and the 7318. The figure also depicts how the EIA 422 signals relate to the printer's DB-25 connector. When using EIA 422, refer to the printer/terminal documentation for the correct pin settings. The EIA 422 Device Pinout figure is a sample diagram. This is a customer-supplied part.

P10 Serial Port EIA 422 Printer Cabling

The figure below is applicable to 7318 P10-style ports that are connected to EIA 422 printers and are configured as native LP devices. You will notice that this configuration required additional wiring to connect RTS to CTS and DTR to DCD. These jumpers are required by AIX for serial printers and can be made at either end of the cable.

Macintosh Computers

The Macintosh DIN-8 Port figure depicts the pinout for cabling a 7318 to Macintosh computers with DIN-8 style communications ports.

Order the Macintosh DIN 8 cable as Feature Code 7906.

Parallel Ports

The 7318 has a standard DB-25F parallel interface.

Parallel Port Pinout
Pin Signal Direction
1 -Strobe Out
2-9 Data Out
10 -Ack 1 In
11 Busy In
12 PE In
13 Slct In
14 -Autofd Out
15 -Error In
16 -Init Out
17 -Slct in Out
18-25 Ground

10BaseT Ports

The following two tables describe the 10BaseT pinouts.

T Port Pinout

The T port uses four of the eight available pins to connect to a 10BaseT hub, as shown in the following table.

T Port Pinout
Connector Pin Signal Name
1 TD+
2 TD-
3 RD+
6 RD-

T-X Port Pinout

The T-X port also uses four of the eight possible pins but crosses the RD and TD pins to directly connect to a host instead of a 10BaseT hub, as shown in the following table.

T-X Port Pinout
Connector Pin Signal Name
1 RD+
2 RD-
3 TD+
6 TD-

AUI Port

The following table describes the adapter unit interface (AUI) port pinout:

AUI Port Pinout
Pin Circuit Use
3 DO-A Data Out circuit A
10 DO-B Data Out circuit B
11 DO-S Data Out circuit shield
5 DI-A Data In circuit A
12 DI-B Data In circuit B
4 DI-S Data In circuit shield
7 Unused
15 Unused
8 Unused
2 CI-A Control In circuit A
9 CI-B Control In circuit B
1 CI-S Control In circuit shield
6 Vc Voltage Common
13 VP Voltage Plus
14 VS Voltage Shield
Shell PG Protective Ground

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