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AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide

IBM 3151 Asynchronous Terminals

The following provides general information concerning the use of IBM 3151 asynchronous terminals with the AIX system's tty subsystem. The following information is specific to the IBM 3151 terminal:

Overall Characteristics

The IBM 3151 has 5 models: 110 (withdrawn by IBM), 310, 410, 510, and 610. The models can be identified by the part number on the rear of the IBM 3151 terminal. Refer to "Model Identification" for further information.

All IBM 3151 ASCII displays support the following capabilities:

For a detailed description of the 3151 display and cartridges, refer to the following manuals:

Model Identification

Connectivity Options

The 3151 display can connect directly, or through a modem, to an AIX system. The connection to the AIX system can be made to one of the native serial ports or to an asynchronous adapter. Additionally, a printer can be connected to the 3151 display and is supported by AIX as terminal attached printing.

See the following figure for an illustration of the 3151 connectivity options.

The 3151 display has two ports: the main port and the auxiliary port. In the scenario discussed previously, the AIX system is connected to the main port, and the printer is connected to the auxiliary port.

See the following figure for an illustration of the physical location of the main and auxiliary ports.

The main port is DTE (DB-25) and does not require an interposer. The printer port already has an interposer (DCE); therefore, when connecting a serial printer to the 3151 display, no interposer is necessary.

Attributes for the IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station

Following are the recommended setup values for the 3151 ASCII Display Station, Models 110, 310, 410, 510, and 610 when used with an AIX system.

For a detailed description of the 3151 setup values, refer to "Setup Procedures," in the IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Models 110, 310, 410 Guide to Operations or to IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Models 510, 610 Guide to Operations.

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Models 110, 310, 410

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Models 510, 610

Problem Determination

Problems with the Keyboard

Function keys do not work

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

The insert key does not work

Procedures for Recovery:

Change the Insert Character attribute from mode to space.

Double Prompt occurs when the Enter or Return key is pressed

Possible Causes:

The New Line attribute is set to CRLF.

Procedures for Recovery:

Change the New Line attribute:

The IBM 3151 terminal locks up

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

The *, /, -, Alt, Ctrl, Page Up, Page Down keys are not working

Possible Causes:

When a Model 510 or 610 is in ASCII mode, the keyboard uses a 310/410 ASCII layout.

Procedures for Recovery:

Refer to 3151 Guide to Operations for correct keyboard layout.

Cannot redefine function keys

Possible Causes:

Using a 3151 Model 510 or 610.

Procedures for Recovery:

Redefining the function keys not supported for Models 510 or 610.

The 3151 backspace key is not working

Possible Causes:

Using DEC emulation.

Procedures for Recovery:

With DEC emulation, use the DEL key to backspace.

Problems with the Display

Double characters are displayed

Possible Causes:

The Operating Mode attribute is not set correctly.

Procedures for Recovery:

Change Operating Mode attribute from char to echo.

The IBM 3151 displays backwards question marks

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

The screen is wavy

Possible Causes:

The refresh rate of the terminal is incorrect.

Procedures for Recovery:

Vary the refresh rate between between 50 and 60 hertz. Press Ctrl-Shift-Hold. The 3151 displays the keyboard test pattern. Press Ctrl-F10. The 3151 displays A or B (refresh rate). Press F1 to toggle between A or B. Power off and on the 3151.

Miscellaneous Problems

The IBM 3151 terminal does not communicate to the AIX system

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

Second session not working when using Connectivity Cartridge in Dual Session by Dual Port

Possible Causes:

The directions of pins 2 (TxD) and 3 (RxD) may be reversed.

Procedures for Recovery:

Switch pins 2 and 3 on the communications cable attached to the auxiliary port.

The 3151 display is missing or losing characters

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

The 3151 terminal is losing its setup values

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

Cannot place the 3151 terminal in setup mode

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

Cannot print or not is printing correctly

Possible Causes:

Procedures for Recovery:

Line-drawing characters do not display

Possible Causes:

A character set mismatch between system and terminal.

Procedures for Recovery:

The 3151 offers the following character sets:

Determine which character set is defined on the 3151, and which character set the system is expecting. The character set used by the system and the terminal must match.

The 3151 has extra blank lines

Procedures for Recovery:

The setup values of one 3151 does not match another 3151

Possible Causes:

The 3151 offers many models, 8 cartridges with over 20 emulations. Compare the machine mode of each 3151. Possibilities include:

Common Questions About the IBM 3151 Terminal

How do you change the cursor style to Block, Underscore, or Blink?

How do you change the status line (None, Machine Status, Host Message)?

From the system:

  1. Write Host Message
  2. Display Host Message
  3. Display Machine Status.

From the user, by keyboards or user setup.

Does the auxiliary port support an EIA 422 interface?

No, it only supports EIA 232.

What is the difference between EIA 232 and EIA 422?

How do you change the function keys?

How many function keys are available on the 3151?

How do you reset/clear a function key to default values?

Can an input device be attached to the auxiliary port?

Yes, the auxiliary port is bidirectional (for Models 310, 410, 510 and 610).

Can a selected key (setup, break, ctrl...) be physically disabled?

No, this requires a keystopper under keycap.

Can a selected key be remapped to another key?


Can you use a 3151 Model 310, 410, 510, 610 keyboard on a 3151 Model 110?

No, you cannot mix any combination of 84-, 101-, and 102-key keyboards. The keyboard must match video display.

How do you automatically dial a modem?

Use the connectivity cartridge, or assign an unused function key. Cartridge requires 6 keystrokes; unused function key requires 2 to 3 keystrokes.

How do you activate or deactivate the printer from the keyboard?

Press Ctrl-Trace key.

How do you display CAPS information?

Turn on the status line.

What screen sizes do the various 3151 terminals support?

Model 310, 410: 24x80, 25x80, 24x132 or 25x132.

Model 310, 410 Expansion Cartridge: Models 310, 410 base screen sizes, plus 28x80 or 28x132.

Model 510, 610: 24x80, 25x80, 24x132 or 25x132.

How do you change the screen size?

Are communication cables included?


What is the command to turn the printer on/off from the system?

Begin/End Pass through mode (DLE DC2 and DLE DC4)

Can you switch a 3151 between a 110 and a 220 volt?

No, each country has the appropriate video display with the proper power supply.

How can the 3151 display line-drawing characters?

  1. Assign G0/G1 using Select Character Set command.
  2. Select either G0 or G1 by:

    8-bit mode, turn on most significant bit.

    7-bit mode, use SO/SI ASCII control characters.

What character sets are available?

What is the gender of the main and auxiliary ports?

Both are 25-pin D-Shell female.

Which port is the main communication port?

Looking at the back of the 3151, the main port is on the right-hand side, closest to the edge. The auxiliary port is closest to the power cord.

How do you get a dual session?

Use the Cartridge for Connectivity. Select Dual Session by Dual Port in SESSION ASSIGNMENT setup menu.

Is there a keyboard extension cable available?

Changes between the keyboard and display elements are not offered and are not supported.

Is there support for an IBM 7695 Bar Code Reader placed between keyboard and display elements?

Only the Models 51/61 support the 7695 Bar Code Reader. Other bar code reader products are available that can be placed between the keyboard and display element; however, only the 7695 bar code reader is supported.

Does the 3151 offer a CRT Saver/Screen Saver?

Yes, CRT is selectable between No Save or 15 minutes. The CRT is selectable by the user in the General Setup menu, or by the system using the Set Control 2 command.

Is a tilt/swivel stand included?


Does the 3151 have a data entry keyboard?


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