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AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide

Basic Network Utilities

The Basic Network Utilities (BNU) is a group of programs, directories, and files that can be used to communicate with any UNIX system on which a version of the Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (UUCP) is running.

Note: To use baud rates higher than 38400, specify a baud rate of 50 in the /etc/uucp/Devices file for the desired tty, then change the SMIT configuration for that tty to reflect the actual baud rate desired.

For example. to run the cu command on tty0 with a baud rate of 115200, use the following procedure:

  1. Ensure the hardware supports the baud rate.
  2. Edit /etc/uucp/Devices to include the following line:
    Direct tty0 - 50 direct
  3. Enter the smit chtty fast path.
  4. Select tty0.
  5. Change the baud rate to 115200.
  6. Exit SMIT.

The following sections contain information about BNU:

BNU Prerequisites

Before users on the system can run BNU programs, BNU must be installed and configured.

BNU is controlled by a set of configuration files that determine whether remote systems can log in to the local system and what they can do after they log in. These configuration files must be set up according to the requirements and resources of each system.

BNU must also be maintained. To maintain BNU, users must read and remove log files periodically and check the BNU queues to ensure jobs are transferring to remote systems properly. Users must also periodically update the configuration files to reflect changes in the system or remote systems.

BNU establishes communications between computer systems on local and remote networks and is on of the Extended Services programs that can be installed with the AIX base operating system.

BNU is a version of UUCP, which was developed by AT&T and modified as part of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD).

BNU provides commands, processes, and a supporting database for connections to local and remote systems. Communication networks such as token-ring and Ethernet are used to connect systems on local networks. A local network can be connected to a remote system by hardwire or a telephone (modem) configuration. Commands and files can then be exchanged between the local network and the remote system.

How BNU Works

BNU uses a set of hardware connections and software programs to communicate between systems. A structure of directories and files tracks BNU activities. This structure includes a set of public directories, a group of administrative directories and files, configuration files, and lock files. Most of the directories for BNU are created during the installation process. Some of the administrative directories and files are created by various BNU programs.

With the exception of the remote login commands, BNU works as a batch system. When a user requests a job sent to a remote system, BNU stores the information needed to complete the job. This is known as queuing the job. At scheduled times, or when a user instructs it to do so, BNU contacts various remote systems, transfers queued work, and accepts jobs. These transfers are controlled by the configuration files on each system and those of the remote system.

National Language Support for BNU Commands

All BNU commands, except uucpadm, are available for National Language Support (NLS). User names need not be in ASCII characters. However, all system names must be in ASCII characters. If a user attempts to schedule a transfer or a remote command execution involving non-ASCII system names BNU returns an error message.

BNU File and Directory Structure

BNU uses a structure of directories and files to keep track of their activities. This structure includes:

Most of the directories for BNU are created during the installation process. Some of the administrative directories and files are created by various BNU programs as they run.

BNU Public Directories

The BNU public directory, /var/spool/uucppublic, stores files that have been transferred to the local system from other systems. The files wait in the public directory until users claim them with the uupick command. The public directory is created when BNU is installed. Within the public directory, BNU creates a subdirectory for each remote system that sends files to the local system.

BNU Configuration Files

The BNU configuration files, also known as the BNU supporting database, reside in the /etc/uucp directory. The files must be configured specifically for your system. They are owned by the UUCP login ID and can be edited only with root authority. The configuration files contain information about:

Some configuration files also specify limits on BNU activities which prevents the local host from becoming overloaded. The BNU configuration files include:

Devices Contains information about available devices, including both modems and direct connections.
Dialcodes Contains dialing code abbreviations, which allow the user to shorten phone numbers in the Systems file.
Dialers Specifies calling command syntax for a specific modem type (dialer).
Maxuuscheds Limits simultaneous scheduled jobs.
Maxuuxqts Limits simultaneous remote command executions.
Permissions Contains access permission codes. This file is the primary file for determining the security for BNU.
Poll Specifies when the BNU program should poll remote systems to initiate tasks.
Systems Lists accessible remote systems and information needed to contact them, including the device to use and the user name and password combinations the user needs to log in. Also specifies the times when the systems can be contacted.

The configuration files cross-reference each other when BNU is in use (see the following figure). For example the:

Entries in the BNU configuration files depend on the types of connections between the user's host system and each remote system. For example, special entries must be made if TCP/IP or direct connections are used to contact other systems. If modems are used to contact other systems, the modems must be defined in the Dialers file.

The Systems, Devices, and Permissions files must be configured on the user's host system before they can contact remote systems using BNU. Other configuration files enable the user to use BNU capabilities, such as automatic polling. Many of the configuration files must be modified periodically to reflect changes to the user's host or remote systems.

Systems File

The /etc/uucp/Systems file contains the primary information that is used by the uucico program to connect to the various systems. Users should consider this file the database of systems where their machine can connect. The following figure shows the Systems file entries and format.

Specifies a name that the BNU caller program (uucico) uses to associate the remote system to the dial-up and login information from the user's Systems file database. The Systems file contains all the information needed to call a specific system, and login as a specific user.

When uucico calls the remote system, it will actually login (like any other user) into a special user account that will invoke as its login shell. When the remote system invokes its login shell, it will present its uuname (see the uuname command) to the system calling in.

That uuname must match the name in the Systems file of the host calling in. If they do not match, the system calling in will report a WRONG MACHINE NAME message and the call will fail.

Indicates the time-of-day that the user's system can call out to the specified remote site. Normally (for testing), this entry will read: Any, which means "I can call this system Any time of the day."

Other valid entries are:

Specifies the name of a device that is listed in the BNU Devices file. There is no restriction on the name, other than it being no longer than 7 characters long and the fact that it must exist in the Devices file. If users do not wish to use the Devices file, they may use the dash (-) entry which indicates a valid NULL device.
Indicates the connection speed for serial line communications. If the system is using a direct connect serial line (that is, no modem just one host connected serially to the other) or modem lines, this field is required. If the system is using a TCP connection device type (a special Devices file type), this field should be a dash (-).
Chat script
Indicates the BNU Systems file entries. The UUCP chat utility is what allows the user's machine to login to other systems and start a BNU connection without user intervention. This sequence is broken into send and expect fields. For every send, there is a corresponding expect (until the last one). Basically it works like this: "I send", "the other end responds"; "I send", "the other end responds", etc. until I am logged in. It can be thought of in this way: "what would I type, and what would the remote modem or system respond with, if I were going to login to that system". Normally this sequence starts with the phone number of the remote system (if the remote system is to be connected over a modem); and is then followed by the sequence used to login to the remote system. The login sequence will look something like:
in:--in: username word: password
Begins: in:--in: which is the last 3 digits in the login: prompt separated by two dashes (--) used to signify:

If I don't get this within my default time out period, send the characters between the dashes (-) plus a carriage return and then wait for in: again. In the following example, wait for in:. If we don't see it, send hello and wait for howdy: in response:


The next part of the chat sequence is the username of the remote site's UUCP account. This can be any login account the remote system administrator wants to set up to do UUCP, but the default program that it calls MUST be /usr/sbin/uucp/uucico.

Some sites accomplish this by creating a normal user and making the first line of the user's .profile call uucico, but it is not recommended. The default directory of this user is usually /usr/spool/uucppublic but it is not a requirement.

The next part of the chat sequence is word: which is the last five characters of the password: prompt. If the remote system were to say Enter your secret code: instead of prompting for the password:, this entry would be code: in the chat sequence.

The last entry in the chat sequence is usually the actual password of the account you will be using for UUCP on the remote system. This entry should result in a completed login and direct access to the uucico program. Some systems have two (or more) passwords per account, so the user would simply add more expect - send entries onto the chat sequence to show this.

Refer to "Security and the Systems and remote.unknown Files" for more information on the Systems file.

Note: For quickest setup, it is probably easiest to copy the existing sample entry in the Systems file, and replace the system name, phone number, and account specific information (login name and password) from this default entry.
Permissions File

The /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions file is used to create security control over machines attempting to communicate with the local host. This file has two distinct entries each of which does a different job. It should be noted that although the entries appear together in the file, they are not related to one another.

The first entry in the Permissions file is the MACHINE= entry. This entry is used to establish the base permissions for a given sitename as shown in the following figure.

Indicates the remote systems that are allowed to access the user's machine. This entry must have a corresponding system_name listed in the /etc/uucp/Systems file or it is ignored.

Several system names may be separated by colons (:) on one entry (all systems entered this way will have the same permissions, as dictated by the rest of the entry's fields).

Indicates whether the users from remote systems may initiate requests to perform BNU jobs on this system. A yes in this field also requires a yes value be placed in the REQUEST= field for the LOGNAME= entry in this file (this line will be discussed later).

An answer of yes means that remote users may spool up jobs for this system, and request files be transferred to and from this system. For added security, it is recommended that REQUEST=no be used so that only this machine can initiate job requests.

Indicates the directories, separated by colons (:), that the remote system may have read access to on this system. If the remote system is given access to the root directory (/), then remote users will be able to read all directories on this machine. The remote users will be subject only to the normal AIX file permissions
Note: Giving the remote system read access to the root directory (/) will allow it to read only those directories accessible to the UUCP account.

If the intention is to restrict access to only the uucppublic directory and the tmp directory, the READ= field would resemble the following:

Indicates which directories (separated by colons (:)) that the remote system may write to on this system. This works the same as the READ= field above, but determines write access.
Indicates the command that the remote system may execute on this system, separated by colons (:). These commands can be the command names alone or the complete path to the commands. To execute the commands listed here, however, the UUCP user account on this system must have execute permission. This field does note override normal file permissions permitting execution on this system.

The second line type in the Permissions file is used to establish the permissions for the login account that the remote system is using. Several of the fields for this line are the same as the MACHINE= fields of the same name.

The primary difference is that these entries are specific to the login account that the remote system is using, while the MACHINE= fields are specific to the remote system's uuname. This field is the LOGNAME= entry and it has the format as shown in the following figure.

Indicates the username, separated by colons (:), which remote systems will use when logging in to this machine. When a remote system logs into this machine, its username will be checked against the Permissions file for an entry that has LOGNAME= as the first characters on the line. After uucico checks the LOGNAME= line, the permissions for that remotely logged in system will be set to the the permissions defined on the rest of the LOGNAME= line.
Specifies permissions based on the login name, as opposed to the system name. It is exactly the same as the MACHINE= line entry of the same name.
Indicates when the local system may send files to a remote system. It is only used on the LOGNAME= line and can be set to either yes or call. When the field is set to yes, the local system may send files (and/or jobs) to the remote system when either system initiates the call.

When the field is set to call, the local system may only send files or jobs when the local system initiates the call.

In other words with SENDFILES= set to call this system can only receive files when the remote machine calls in. With this setting the local system can send and receive files only when it initiates the call to the remote machine.

Indicates the same as the MACHINE= field of the same name, but it sets permissions based on the login name, as opposed to the system name.
Indicates the same as the MACHINE= field of the same name, but it sets permissions based on the login name, as opposed to the system name.
Devices File

The /etc/uucp/Devices file is used by several programs (including uucico) to determine which device on the system to use for a given connection attempt. For example, the cu program uses entries in this file for Direct access to the tty port, Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) uses the Devices file for determining access to tty's for TCP/IP connections over serial line, and ECS (the IBMLINK connection facility) uses the Devices file to make modem connections to IBMLINK.

The basic purpose of the Devices file is to define the device type, location, speed, and other communication parameters necessary for the dial-out programs (it is only used for dial-out connections). The following figure shows the Devices file format.

Specifies a user specified name for the device used in dial out connections. Any name may be used in this field except for the reserved words Direct and TCP which are used for direct connect serial lines (hard-wired; no modems) and connections over a network involving TCP/IP, respectively.

By standardization the device_name ACU is used for modem dial-out connections. The name ACU stands for Automatic Calling Unit. An ACU device used to be required for autodialing the telephone numbers for modems. The device would be attached to a second line and would dial the phone for the modem, and then attach the telephone line to the modem for communication with the remote modem/system.

Specifies the physical device to be used by UUCP. For serial communications, the entry is the name of a tty device (for example, tty2). If a device_name of TCP is specified, the connection_port entry should be a dash (-).
Early versions of UUCP used this field to indicate which tty the autodialer, or ACU, was attached to. This entry became less critical however, as modem technology progressed. Now that modems can dial without the use of ACUs, the entry is no longer needed. A dash (-) is used here only as a place-holder.
Indicates the speed in bits per second (bps) of a serial line connection. If the device_name is TCP this field will be a dash (-). If the user does not wish to limit the speed of this device to a specific bps rate, they may specify the speed in the Systems file and set this field (in the Devices file) to Any. This allows the same device to be used for several different systems that need to connect at different speeds.
Indicates the type of dialer (as specified in the /etc/uucp/Dialers file) that this device will use. Several default dialers are specified in the Dialers file, they are:
hayes, penril, ventel, rixon, vadic, micom, TCP, and direct

Each dialer specifies a different command set to use when attempting to dial the modem. Although several dialers are listed, the most commonly used entries are: hayes, direct, and TCP.

The default hayes entry, shown below, seems cryptic at first, but it can easily be translated using the information provided.

hayes =,-, "" \dAT\r\c OK \pATDT\T\r\c CONNECT

Escape Characters for the UUCP Dialers File

No carriage return or newline.
Delay (1 to 2 seconds depends on UUCP version - BNU or BSD).
Telephone number (do not use Dialcodes translation).
Disable echo checking.
Enable echo checking (use for slower devices).
Insert a Break character (BNU only).
Send a newline.
Send carriage return.
Send a space character.
Send telephone number without Dialcodes translation.
Send a backslash (\) character.
Change an equal (=) or dash (-) in UUCP dial string to comma (,). Hayes uses a double quotation mark (") for pause.
Expect nothing (null string).
Send an end-of-transmission character.

System administrators who are familiar with modem configuration could use these escape characters to build a command string capable of programming even the most complicated modems. The following Dialers entry is an example of one such string used to program a Hayes-compatible, 9600 baud modem.

Note: The following lines should be combined into a single line:
HayesProgrm9600 =,-, "" \d\dAT\r\c OK AT&F\r\c OK
ATM1\r\c OK AT&D3\r\c OK AT&K3&C1\r\c OK ATL0E0Q2\r\c OK
ATS0=1\r\c OK AT&W\r\c OK 

The direct dialer is only a dummy entry, in that it does not specify any command set. Use of the direct dialer is limited to direct (non-modem) serial connections only.

The TCP dialer is effectively the same as the direct dialer, but is a keyword that TCP/IP and UUCP connections look for when making a call.

This field indicates whether the Devices file should send the phone number as it is listed in the Systems file, or whether it should interpret the number through the /usr/lib/uucp/Dialcodes file first.
Indicates that the number should be checked with the Dialcodes file first.
Indicates that the number should be passed straight through to the Dialers file without interpretation.

The Dialcodes file is used to make standardized names for certain parts of a phone number. For example, if you made a lot of calls to a certain area code in San Francisco, you could create a Dialcodes entry that reads: SFO 9,1415. Which would be used in the phone number dial string like this: instead of - 9,14155551111, you would use - SFO5551111. The SFO would be changed by the Dialcodes file for automatically.

It should be noted that users often include the \D token even though the Dialcodes file is rarely used by UUCP administrators.

BNU Administrative Files and Directories

The BNU administrative directories and files are in subdirectories of the /var/spool/uucp directory. These directories and files contain two types of information:

Under the var/spool/uucp directory, BNU creates the following seven directories:

Contains the following four administrative files that retain error and log information about BNU activities:
Contains copies of files that cannot be processed by the BNU program.
Contain log files from BNU transactions.
Contain log files from BNU transactions.
Stores the last time the daemon tried to contact remote systems.
Holds temporary files that the file transport programs use internally.
Contains execute files with lists of commands that remote systems can run.

Directories are also created under the /var/spool/uucp directory which contain the system_name of each remote system the host contacts. Note that the names of all the above directories start with a period (.). This means that they cannot be found with an ls or li command unless the -a flag is used. When the daemon is started, it searches the /var/spool/uucp directory for work files and transfers the files from any directory that is not hidden. The daemon sees only the system_name directories, not the other administrative directories.

The files in the hidden directories are owned by the UUCP login ID. These files can be accessed only with root authority or with a login ID which has a user ID (UID) of 5.

BNU Lock Files

The BNU lock files are stored in the /etc/locks directory. When BNU uses a device to connect to a remote computer, it places a lock file for that device in the /etc/locks directory. When another BNU program or any other program needs the device, that program checks the /etc/locks directory for a lock file. If a lock file exists, the program waits until the device is available or uses another device for the communication.

In addition, the daemon places lock files for remote systems in the /etc/locks directory. Before contacting a remote system, the daemon checks the /etc/locks directory for a lock file for that system. These files prevent other instances of the daemon from establishing duplicate connections to the same remote system.

BNU Security

Because other systems contact the user's system to login, transfer files, and execute commands, BNU provides a means to establish security. BNU security enables the user to restrict what users of remote systems can do on the local host. BNU runs several daemons to complete its activities and uses administrative directories to store the files it needs. BNU also keeps a log of its own activities.

BNU security works on several levels. When the user configures BNU, they can determine:


When BNU is installed, all of the configuration files, daemons, and many of the commands and shell procedures are owned by the UUCP login ID. The UUCP login ID has a user ID (UID) of 5 and a group IDD (GID) of 5. The cron daemon reads the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file to schedule automatic jobs for BNU.

Usually, logging in as user UUCP is not allowed. To change files that are owned by the UUCP login ID, log in with root authority.

Note: Allowing remote systems to log in to the local system with the UUCP login ID seriously jeopardizes the security of the local system. Remote systems logged in with the UUCP ID can display and possibly modify the local Systems and Permissions files depending on the other permissions specified in the LOGNAME entry. It is strongly recommended that the UUCP administrator create other BNU login IDs for remote systems and reserve the UUCP login ID for the person responsible for administering BNU on the local system. For the best security, each remote system that contacts the local system should have a unique login ID with a unique UID number.

BNU Login IDs

The startup shell for BNU login IDs is the daemon /usr/sbin/uucp/uucico. When remote systems call your system, they automatically start the daemon on your system. Login IDs for BNU have a UUCP group ID of 5.

Login IDs used by remote systems need passwords. To prevent security from prompting a new BNU login ID for a new password when the remote system logs in, you must set the password as soon as you create the account. To do this, use the passwd command followed by the pwdadm command.

To set a password for the login ID nuucp, log in as the root user and enter the following commands:

passwd nuucp
pwadm -f NOCHECK nuucp

The system prompts you for a password for the nuucp login ID. Completing these steps allows the remote system to log in without being immediately prompted for a new password (which the batch-oriented nuucp login cannot provide).

After creating the login ID for a remote system, notify that system's BNU administrator and give them the login ID and password to access your system.

Creating a BNU Administrative Login ID

A user with root authority can set up a BNU administrative login ID. This is useful if you wish to delegate BNU administration duties to a user without root authority. The BNU administrative login ID should have password security, a UID of 5, and be in a UUCP group with an ID of 5.

The login shell for the administrative login should be the /usr/bin/sh program (instead of the daemon). Giving the BNU administrative login a UID of 5 causes it to have the same privileges as the UUCP login ID. Thus, for security, remote systems should not be allowed to login as the BNU administrator.

Adding BNU Login Shells to the login.cfg File

User configuration stanzas in the /etc/security/login.cfg file provide configuration information for programs that change user attributes or add new users. There are two stanzas of this type:

Note: In AIX Version 4 the pw_restrictions stanza is no longer available in the login.cfg file.

The shells attribute in the usw stanza defines the valid shells on the system. The value is a list of comma-separated full path names such as:


Before using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to add a new BNU user, add the program name /usr/sbin/uucp/uucico to the usw shells stanza. The new program name should be separated from the last entry by a comma and no blanks.

Note: SMIT will fail when specifying /usr/sbin/uucp/uucico as a user's login shell if the program name is not added to the login.cfg file located in the /etc/security directory.

Security and the Systems and remote.unknown Files

On most BNU systems, only remote systems listed in the /etc/uucp/Systems file can log in to the local system. The /usr/sbin/uucp/remote.unknown script is executed whenever an unknown system attempts to call the local system. This script refuses to let the unknown system log in, and makes an entry in the /var/spool/uucp/.Admin/Foreign file recording the time of the login attempt.

With root authority, or as a BNU administrator, you can modify the remote.unknown shell procedure to log more information about the remote system or to store the information in a different file. For example, you can modify the shell procedure to send mail to the BNU administrator whenever an unknown system tries to log in.

By taking away execute permissions on the remote.unknown shell procedure you enable unknown machines to log in. In this case, you should add a MACHINE=OTHER entry to the /etc/uucp/Permissions file to establish permissions for the unknown machines.

Your system can contact only remote systems listed in the Systems file. This prevents users on your system from contacting unknown systems.

Security and the Permissions File

The /etc/uucp/Permissions file determines:

The /etc/uucp/Permissions file contains two type of entries:

MACHINE Defines machine names and the privileges associated with them. MACHINE entries take effect when the local system contacts a remote system.
LOGNAME Defines login names and the privileges associated with them. LOGNAME entries take effect when a remote system calls the local system and attempts to log in.

Options in the Permissions file enable you to establish various levels of security for each remote system. For example, if many remote systems share one login ID on the local system, use the VALIDATE options to require each remote system to use a unique login ID. The SENDFILES, REQUEST, and CALLBACK options specify which system has control, keeping the local system in control of transactions if necessary.

The READ, WRITE, NOREAD, and NOWRITE options define access to specific directories on the local system. These options also control where on your system remote users can place data. The COMMANDS option limits the number of commands users on remote systems can execute on the local system. The COMMANDS=ALL option allows total privileges to remote systems but seriously jeopardizes the security of your system; it should therefore be used only when necessary.

BNU Daemons

The BNU software includes four daemons stored in the /usr/sbin/uucp directory:

Facilitates file transfers.
Facilitates work request scheduling of files queued in the local spooling directory.
Facilitates remote command executions.
Facilitates communications using TCP/IP.

uucico, uusched, and uuxqt are started by the cron daemon according to a schedule set by the BNU administrator. With root authority, you can also start these daemons manually. The uucpd daemon should be started by the TCP/IP inetd daemon.

Using the uucico Daemon

The uucico daemon transports the files required to send data from one system to another. The uucp and uux commands start the daemon to transfer command, data, and execute files to the designated system. The uucico daemon is also started periodically by the BNU scheduler, the uusched daemon. When started by the uusched daemon, the daemon attempts to contact other systems and execute the instructions in the command files.

How the Daemon Process Begins

To run the instructions in the command files, the uucico daemon first checks the /etc/uucp/Systems file for the system to be called. The daemon then checks the Systems file entry for a valid time to call. If the time is valid, the daemon checks the Type and Class fields and accesses the /etc/uucp/Devices file for a device that matches.

After finding a device, the uucico daemon checks the /etc/locks directory for a lock file for the device. If one exists, the daemon checks for another device of the requested type and speed.

When no device is available, the uucico daemon returns to the Systems file for another entry for the remote system. If one exists, the daemon repeats the process of searching for a device. If another entry is not found, the daemon makes an entry in the /var/spool/uucp/.Status/SystemName file for that remote system and goes on to the next request. The command file remains in the queue. The daemon attempts the transfer again at a later time. The later attempt is called a retry.

When the Daemon Reaches the Remote System

When the uucico daemon reaches the remote system, it uses the instructions in the Systems file to log in. This causes an instance of the daemon to be invoked on the remote system as well.

The two daemons, one on each system, work together to make the transfer. The daemon on the calling system controls the link, specifying the requests to be performed. The daemon on the remote system checks the local permissions for whether they allow the request to be performed. If so, the file transfer starts.

After the daemon on the calling system has finished transferring all requests it has for the remote system, it sends a hangup request. When the remote daemon has transactions to send to the calling system, it denies the hangup request, and the two daemons reverse roles.

Note: Either the /etc/uucp/Permissions file on the local system or the /etc/uucp/Permissions file on the remote system can forbid the daemons to reverse roles, In this case, the remote system must wait to transfer files until it calls the local system.

When nothing is left to be transferred in either direction, the two daemons hang up. At this point, the uuxqt daemon is called to execute remote command requests.

Throughout the transfer process, the daemons on both systems log messages in the BNU log and error files.

Using the uusched Daemon

The uusched daemon schedules the transfer of files that are queued in the spooling directory on the local system. The spooling directory is /var/spool/uucppublic. When the uusched daemon is invoked, it scans the spooling directory for command files, then randomizes the files and starts the daemon. The daemon transfers the files.

Using the uuxqt Daemon

When a user issues the uux command to run a specified command on a designated system, the uuxqt daemon executes the command. After creating the necessary files, the uux command starts the daemon, which transfers those files to the public spooling directory on the specified system.

The uuxqt daemon periodically searches the spooling directory for command-execution requests on every connected system. When it locates such a request, the uuxqt daemon checks for necessary files and permissions. Then, if permitted, the daemon executes the specified command.

Using the uucpd Daemon

The uucpd daemon must be runnable on the remote system before BNU can establish communications with a remote computer with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The uucpd daemon is a subserver of the TCP/IP inetd daemon and is started by the inetd daemon.

By default, the inetd daemon is configured to start the uucpd daemon. However, if this has been changed on your system, you may need to reconfigure the inetd daemon to start the uucpd daemon.

UUCP Configuration


Configuring UUCP

To configure UUCP on your system, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the /etc/security/login.cfg file making the following changes: User configuration stanzas in the /etc/security/login.cfg file provide configuration information for programs that change user attributes or add new users. This entry must be made before attempting to add or change a user's login shell to uucico.


    The UUCP login herald may also be customized for a specific tty port. The system's default herald contains control sequences which may cause a uucico process to terminate login attempt. UUCP errors such as Enough already may indicate such a problem.

    To avoid this situation the administrator should make the herald as short as possible. Use the following steps to accomplish this:

  2. Create a UUCP administrator account. Edit the /etc/passwd file adding the following line after the uucp entry:
    This creates a user with the same group and user ID as UUCP which is helpful for BNU administration and debugging.
  3. Add other machine logins. You have the option of maintaining separate logins, or having one login for all UUCP connections. The rule of thumb here is that if you need to maintain complete control over access by each individual machine, you must create separate login IDs as well as combine the MACHINE and LOGNAME entries in the Permissions file. A few examples are shown below:
    If you want to have one set of permissions and do not want to maintain separate control for any of the UUCP connections, you can have a single login for all the machines. For example:
    Field requirements:

    The user ID (the third colon-separated field) must be unique to avoid would be a security risk. The group ID (the fourth colon-separated field) must be a 5, which is the same group as UUCP. You can change the home directory (the sixth field) to any valid directory, but the login shell (the seventh field) must be /usr/lib/uucp/uucico.

  4. Make sure that the /etc/group file contains the new users added in step 3. For example:
    Take this time to add any other users to the UUCP group who will be using modems to dial out with programs other than the cu command. The user name ayalad was added at the end of the UUCP group as an example. The user name luucp is added as a login name for systems being granted limited machine access.
  5. After editing these files as root, set up a password for the new users with the command:
    passwd UserName
  6. After changing the passwords, it is necessary to edit the flags = entry in the /etc/security/passwd file for each new UUCP user. Locate the following flags entry for each UUCP user:
    flags = ADMCHG
    Change it to:
    flags =
    Otherwise, when the remote uucico logs in, it will be prompted to enter a new password, which it cannot do. Hence the login will fail.
  7. Activate cron. After logging in as uucpad, run the following command to read the current crontab for UUCP into a temporary file:
    crontab -l > /tmp/cron.uucp
    Next, edit /tmp/cron.uucp to uncomment entries. They should look like following:
    20,50 * * * /bin/bsh -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.poll >/dev/null"
    25,55 * * * /bin/bsh -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hour> /dev/null"
    45,23 * * /bin/bsh -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.cleanu > /dev/null"
    48,8,12,16 * * /bin/bsh -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.admin > /dev/null" 
    Changed the entries to suit your needs. Afterwards, read in the edited version into UUCP's crontab with this command:
    crontab /tmp/cron.uucp
  8. Verify that your changes took effect by running the command:
    crontab -l
    Refer to AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices for more information on cron.
  9. Set up the BNU data files: Systems, Devices, Permissions, and Dialers. You can use the /usr/sbin/uucp/uucpadm command to initially set up the files, and then edit them to suit your exact needs.
  10. Use the uucheck command to verify that everything is in place:
    /usr/sbin/uucp/uucheck -v
    The uucheck command verifies that the directories, programs, and support files are set up properly and that the Permissions file entries are consistent. Correct any errors reported by the uucheck command.

BNU Example

The following BNU file entries were made using the examples shown in this chapter. An optional entry is included to show how to program a modem (a Telebit T3000 in this case).

The Systems file:

Umicrtk Any ACU 9600 9,15551111 "" \d\r in:--in: nuucp word: nuucp
Ufloydl Any ACU 9600 9,15551234 "" \d\r in:--in: nuucp word: nuucp
Uicus Any ACU 9600 9,15554321 "" \d\r in:--in: luucp word: luucp
Urisctkr Any ACU 2400 9,15559876 ""\d\r in:--in: luucp word: luucp
telebit Nvr TELEPROG 19200

The Devices file:

ACU tty1 - 9600 hayes \D 
ACU tty1 - 2400 hayes \D
TELEPROG tty1 - 19200 TelebitProgram

The Dialers file:

hayes =, -, "" \dAT\r\c OK \pATDT\T\r\c CONNECT
# NOTE: The following 4 lines should be made into one long line:
TelebitProgram =,-, "" \dAT&F\r\c OK ats0=1s2=255s7=60s11=50s41=2s45=255s51=252s63=1s58=2s64=1\r\c OK
ATs69=2s105=0s111=30s255=0M0&C1Q2&D3&Q0&R3&S1&T5\r\c OK ATE0X12&W\r\c OK 00

The Permissions file:

LOGNAME=luucp REQUEST=yes SENDFILES=yes  \ READ=/usr/spool/uucppublic:/tmp  \

Setting Up Automatic Monitoring of BNU



BNU uses the cron daemon to start BNU daemons and to monitor BNU activity. The cron daemon reads the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file for instructions about when to start BNU procedures.

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.
  2. Using an ASCII text editor, edit the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file.
  3. Uncomment the lines for BNU maintenance procedures, uudemon.admin and uudemon.cleanup. You can change the times these procedures are run if the system needs maintenance at more or less frequent intervals. It is best to run the uudemon.admin command at least once a day and the uudemon.cleanup command at least once a week.
  4. You can use the crontabs/uucp file to schedule other BNU maintenance commands, such as the uulog, uuclean, or uucleanup commands. In addition, you can use the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file to instruct the cron daemon to start the uucico, uuxqt, or uusched daemons at specific times.

Setting Up BNU Polling of Remote Systems



To enable BNU to poll remote systems for jobs, list the systems in the /etc/uucp/Poll file. In addition, run the uudemon.hour and uudemon. poll commands periodically.

  1. Decide which remote systems to automatically poll. Decide how often you want to poll each one. Specify times for each system with the Poll file as seldom as once a day or as often as you wish.
  2. Log in as a user with root authority.
  3. Using an ASCII text editor or the uucpadm command, edit the Poll file. Add an entry for each system your system will poll. Any systems listed in the Poll file must also be listed in the /etc/uucp/Systems file.
  4. Using an ASCII text editor, edit the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file. Remove the comment characters (#) from the lines that run the uudemon.hour and uudemon.poll commands. You can change the times these commands are run; however, be sure to schedule the uudemon.poll command approximately five minutes before you schedule the uudemon.hour command.

BNU will now automatically poll the systems listed in the Poll file at the times you have specified.

Maintaining BNU

BNU must be maintained to work properly on your system. The following checks should be performed in order to maintain the Basic Network Utilities:

In addition, occasionally check with administrators of remote systems to keep up with changes on their systems that may affect your configuration. For example, if the supervisor of system venus changes your system's password, you will need to put the new password in the /etc/uucp/Systems file before your system can log in to system venus.

Working with BNU Log Files

BNU creates log files and error files to track its own activities. These files must be checked and removed periodically to keep them from filling the storage space on your system. BNU provides several commands for use in cleaning log files:

Run these commands manually or use entries in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp files to run the commands by the cron daemon.

Logging Files in the .Log and .Old Directories

BNU creates individual log files in the /var/spool/uucp/.Log directory. A log file is created for each accessible remote system, using the uucp, uuto, or uux command. BNU places status information about each transaction in the appropriate log file each time someone on the system uses BNU. When more than one BNU process is running the system cannot access the log file. Instead, it places the status information in a separate file with a .Log prefix.

The uulog command displays a summary of uucp or uux requests, by user or by system. The uulog command displays the files. However, you can also have BNU automatically combine the log files into a primary log file. This is called compacting the log files, and can be done with the /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.cleanu command (usually run by the cron daemon).

The cron daemon runs the uudemon.cleanu command, which combines the uucico and uuxqt log files on the local system and stores them in the /var/spool/uucp/.Old directory. By default, the uudemon.cleanu command saves log files that are two days old.

If storage space is a problem, consider reducing the number of days that files are kept. To track BNU transactions over a longer period of time, consider increasing the number of days that files are kept. To change the default time for saving log files, modify the shell procedure for the uudemin.cleanu command. This script is stored in the /usr/sbin/uucp directory and can be modified with root authority.

Other BNU Log Files

BNU also collects information and stores it in the /var/spool/uucp/.Admin directory. This directory contains the errors, xferstats, Foreign, and audit files. These files must be checked and removed occasionally to save storage space. BNU creates each file when it is needed.

When another system contacts your system with the uucico daemon's debugging mode on, it invokes the uucico daemon on your system with debugging turned on. The debugging messages generated by the daemon on the local system are stored in the audit file. This file can get quite large. Check and remove the audit file often.

The errors file records errors encountered by the uucico daemon. Checking this file can help you correct problems such as incorrect permissions on BNU work files.

The xferstats file contains information about the status of every file transfer. Check and remove this file occasionally.

The Foreign file is important to the security of your system. Whenever an unknown system attempts to log in to the local system, BNU calls the remote.unknown shell procedure. This shell procedure logs the attempt in the Foreign file. The Foreign file contains the names of the systems that have attempted to call the local system and been refused. If a system has been attempting frequent calls, use this information when considering whether to allow that system access.

Systemwide Log Files Used by BNU

Because many BNU processes need root authority to complete their tasks, BNU creates frequent entries in the /var/spool/sulog log file. Similarly, using the cron daemon to schedule BNU tasks creates multiple entries in the /var/spool/cron/log file. When using BNU, check and clean these files.

Using BNU Maintenance Commands

The Basic Networking Utilities contain several commands for monitoring BNU activities and cleaning BNU directories and files.

Cleanup Commands

BNU contains three commands that clean directories and remove files that have not been sent:

Status-Checking Commands

BNU also provides five commands for checking the status of transfers and log files:

Shell Procedures

BNU is delivered with two shell procedures used for maintenance:

These shell procedures are stored in the /usr/sbin/uucp directory. If you wish to change what they do, copy the procedures and modify the copy. Run the procedures from the command line or schedule them to be run by the cron daemon.

To automatically run the uudemon.cleanu and uudemon.admin commands, remove the comment characters (#) from the beginning of the relevant lines in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file.

Monitoring a BNU Remote Connection



The Uutry command can help monitor the uucico daemon process if users at the local site report file-transfer problems.

  1. Issue the uustat command to determine the status of all the transfer jobs in the current queue as follows:
    uustat -q
    A status report similar to the following is displayed:
    venus 3C (2) 05/09-11:02 CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE
    hera 1C 05/09-11:12 SUCCESSFUL
    merlin 2C 5/09-10:54 NO DEVICES AVAILABLE 
    This report indicates that three command (C.*) files intended for remote system venus have been in the queue for two days. There could be several reasons for this delay. For example, perhaps system venus has been shut down for maintenance or the modem has been turned off.
  2. Before beginning more extensive troubleshooting activities, issue the Uutry command as follows to determine whether the local system can contact the remote system venus now:
    /usr/sbin/uucp/Uutry -r venus
    This command starts the uucico daemon with a moderate amount of debugging and the instruction to override the default retry time. The Uutry command directs the debugging output to a temporary file, /tmp/venus.
  3. If the local system succeeds in establishing a connection to system venus, the debugging output contains a good deal of information. However, the final line in this script, which follows, is the most important:
    Conversation Complete: Status SUCCEEDED"
    If the connection is successful, assume that the temporary file transfer problems are now resolved. Issue the uustat command again to make certain that the files in the spooling directory have been transferred successfully to the remote system. If they have not, use the steps in Monitoring a BNU File Transfer to check for file transfer problems between the local system and the remote system.
  4. If the local system cannot contact the remote system, the debugging output generated by the Uutry command contains the following type of information (the exact form of the output may vary):
    mchFind called (venus)
    conn (venus) 
    getto ret -1
    Call Failed: CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE
    exit code 101
    Conversation Complete: Status FAILED
    Check the physical connections between the local and remote systems. Make sure that the remote computer is turned on and that all cables are properly connected, that the ports are enabled or disabled (as needed) on both systems, and that the modems (if any) are working.

    If the physical connections are correct and secure, then verify all the relevant configuration files on both the local and remote systems, including the following:

  5. Once the physical connections and configuration files have been checked, issue the Uutry command again. If the debugging output still reports that the connection failed, it may be necessary to contact a local service representative for additional assistance. Save the debugging output produced by the Uutry command. This may prove helpful in diagnosing the problem.

Monitoring a BNU File Transfer

Use this procedure to monitor a file transfer to a remote system. Monitoring a file transfer is useful when transmission of files to the remote system is failing for unknown reasons. The debugging information produced by the uucico daemon (called by the Uutry command) can help determine the point of failure.



Use the following procedure to monitor file transfers.

  1. Prepare a file for transfer using the uucp command with the -r flag, by entering:
    uucp -r test1 venus!~/test2
    The -r flag instructs the BNU program to place the test1 file in the queue but not to start the uucico daemon.
  2. Issue the Uutry command with the -r flag to start the uucico daemon with debugging turned on by entering:
    /usr/sbin/uucp/Uutry -r venus
    This instructs the uucico daemon to contact the remote system venus overriding the default retry time. The daemon contacts system venus, logs in, and transfers the file while the Uutry command produces debugging output that monitors the uucico process. Press the interrupt key sequence to stop the debugging output and return to the command prompt.

    The Uutry command also stores the debugging output in the /tmp/SystemName file.

UUCP Conversation Flow Diagram

UUCP error messages can be linked to a specific phase in the conversation flow. Use the following diagram and the message descriptions on the following pages to help diagnose your UUCP problems. Some of the messages described may not be sent from AIX's UUCP (BNU) version but are included in case another UUCP version is in use on a different system platform.

PHASE 1 Status Messages

Assert Error The system is having problems. Check the error report for possible causes (for example, errpt -a | pg).
System not in Systems If you supply a remote system name that is not found in the Systems file, this status message is created. UUCP will terminate. Use the uuname command to check the system name again.
Wrong time to call The Systems file has restrictions on times to allow outgoing calls. UUCP will keep trying until the time is right. Check the Systems file.
Callback required The network has restricted usage either for security or economic reasons and access is denied at this time.
Cannot call or No call UUCP recently tried to call the remote system and failed. It will not immediately try again. Can also be caused by an old system status file being left around thus keeping uucico from trying again.

PHASE 2 Status Messages

Dialer Script Failed Your Dialers file script did not complete successfully.
No Device Available or Can't Access Device The modem or the outgoing phone line from your system is busy. Check for an error in the device entry of the Systems file. Also, check the Devices and Dialers files to be sure logical devices have physical devices associated with them. Is the device in use by some other program? Check the /etc/locks directory for lock on port. If a lock file exists (for example, LCK..TTY0), remove it (for example, rm /etc/locks/LCK..TTY0 ). Also check permissions on the port.
Dial Failed or Failed (call to system) Appears when your system dials another successfully but the other system does not answer. It may also indicate a problem in the Devices file.

Enter the uucico -r1 -x6 -s system name command. It could be that UUCP is expecting some string that it is not receiving. Make connection by hand to find out what needs to be incorporated into the Systems file entry to satisfy the request. Please keep timing in mind; perhaps some delays are needed. This could also mean that the port is busy, you dialed a wrong number, or UUCP lost ownership of port.

OK or Auto Dial These are information messages only.

PHASE 3 Status Messages

Handshake Failed (LCK) The device is being used by someone else; the process could not create the LCK file. Sometimes LCK files must be manually removed by the administrator. After a number of retries, see your system administrator. See if another process has control of the port (for example, another uucico).
Login Failed or Timeout Login failed due to a bad connection or slow machine. Similarly, you might see Timeout, which means the remote system did not respond within a set period of time. This could also indicate a problem with the chat script.
Succeeded (Call to System) or BNU These are informational messages only and do not indicate a problem.

PHASE 4 Status Messages

Startup Failed or Remote reject after login After login, uucico is started on the remote system. If there is a problem in initiating a conversation between the two systems, these messages are created. You may also have logged in using the wrong UUCP account. Initial shere handshake failed.
Wrong machine name You called the wrong machine or the machine's name was changed.
Bad login/machine combination Login for remote system failed. Problem could be a wrong phone number, login/password, or chat script.
Remote has a LCK file for me Remote was trying to call at same time and your request will fail temporarily.
You are unknown to me System or Permission file may have wrong permission or owner or may not have correct system name within. Use uuname on both machines.
OK or Talking These are informational messages only and do not indicate a problem.
Get the login or password prompt but it is in all capital letters
                          Modem may be in echo mode (E1 on Hayes compatibles). This causes the modem to echo back, or send, a RING to your system when an incoming call is received. The getty process receives the string and accordingly changes the login: or password: into all caps.

To fix this problem, change echo mode on modem to off (ATE0 for Hayes compatibles).

Note: Keep in mind that once this change is made, you should use ATE1 in your Dialers file chat script or you will not get the expected OK back from the modem.
Remote port set for "delay or "getty -r and chat script expects key input
                          Ports set for delay are expecting one or more carriage returns before proceeding with the login.

To fix this problem, try beginning the chat script on dialing system to the following:

 "" \r\d\r\d\r\d\r in:--in: ...

Interpreted, the above reads to expect nothing and send return, delay, return, delay, return, delay, return.

PHASE 5 Status Messages

Alarm uucico is having trouble with the connection. Either the connection is bad or xon/xoff is set to yes on modem.
Remote access to path/file denied or copy (failed)
                          Permission problem; check file/path permissions. Try giving read, write, and execute permission to the receiving directory (chmod 777) as a test.
Bad read Remote system ran out of space, most likely in the spool area. Can also mean uucico could not read or write to device.
Conversation failed The modem is powered off, its cable pulled or loose, or the remote system crashed or shutdown. A telephone disconnection can also cause this error.
Requested or Copy (succeeded) These are informational messages only and do not indicate a problem.

PHASE 6 Status Messages

OK (Conversation Complete) The remote can deny the hangup request and reverse the roles (meaning the remote has work for the local system to do). Once the remote uucico and the local uucico agree that no more work exists, they hang up.
Conversation succeeded These are informational messages only and do not indicate a problem.

AIX UUCP Quick Setup Guide and Information Sheet

Denotes HoneyDanBer versions only (or BNU).
Denotes Berkeley (BSD) versions only.
( )
Denotes common across all versions.
Chat Script Parameters
Parameters Version Type Description
" " ( ) Null string.
\N (H) Null character.
\b (H) Backspace character.
\c ( ) Suppress carriage return sent at the end of every send string.
\d (H) Delay 2 seconds.
\d (B) Delay 1 second.
\e ( ) Disable echo checking.
\E ( ) Enable echo checking.
\p (H) Pause for approximately 1/4 second.
\K (H) Send a break.
\n ( ) Newline character.
\N (H) Send a null character. Use \0 on the other UUCP versions.
\p (B)
\r ( ) Carriage return character.
\s ( ) Space character.
\t (H) Tab character.
\ \ ( ) Backslash character.
ABORT (B) Arm abort trap in expect string.
BREAK ( ) Generate break signal (approximately 1/4 second).
BREAKn (B) Generate n/10 seconds break signal.
CR (B) Carriage return character.
EOT (H) Send Ctrl-D newline Ctrl-D newline.
EOT (B) Send Ctrl-D newline.
NL (B) Newline character.
PAUSE (B) Delay for 3 seconds.
PAUSEn (B) Delay for n seconds.
P_ODD (B) Use odd parity for future send strings.
P_ONE (B) Use parity 1 for future send strings.
P_EVEN (B) Use even parity for future send strings.
P_ZERO (B) Use parity 0 for future send strings.
\ddd ( ) Send octal character.
\M (H) Open dial-out port with O_NDELAY (clocal on).
\m (H) Reopen port with clocal off.

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