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System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices

Accessing InfoExplorer from CD-ROM

The first time you access InfoExplorer databases from your CD-ROM, you must:

Note: You can also install databases from the CD-ROM. Some databases on this CD-ROM may have already been installed with the operating system or other licensed products. Run the lslpp command or SMIT to get a list of the database packages already installed on your system.
The installation application that you use (SMIT or one of the VSM applications) will create a temporary mount point for the CD-ROM.


  1. You must have root user authority or be a member of the system group to create and mount the CD-ROM file system and run the linkinfocd script.

Create a CD-ROM File System

  1. Set the power switch to On if you are using an external CD-ROM drive.
  2. Remove the CD-ROM from the plastic case and place it in the disc caddy or disc tray.
  3. Insert the disc caddy containing the Hypertext Information Base Library CD-ROM into the disc caddy opening or on the disc tray.
  4. Use the smit crcdrfs fast path to create the CD-ROM file system. The Add a CDROM File System menu appears.
  5. Press F4 for the DEVICE name field to get a list of the devices available. The DEVICE NAME overlay appears over the previous screen.
  6. Specify the available CD-ROM device you plan to use.
  7. Highlight the MOUNT POINT field.
  8. Type the following, but do not press Enter until you get to step 10.
  9. Highlight the Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart? field. Select one of the following choices:
    1. Mount InfoExplorer every time the system starts, press the Tab key to specify yes.
    2. Mount InfoExplorer manually, use the default value no.
  10. Press Enter after you have completed making changes to the entry fields.
  11. Press F10 to exit SMIT.

Mount the CD-ROM File System

Mount your CD-ROM to the file system you created by following the steps below:

  1. Enter the SMIT fast path at the system prompt:
    smit mountfs
    The Mount a File System menu appears.
  2. Highlight the FILE SYSTEM name field.
    Note: The system always mounts the CD-ROM as a read-only file system. You can use the tab key to select yes or no in the Mount as READ ONLY file system field.
  3. Press F4 to list file system names. The FILE SYSTEM name overlay appears over the previous menu.
  4. Select a line similar to the following:
    /dev/cdx /infocd cdrfs
    where x is the number of your CD-ROM drive.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Select Do to mount the CD-ROM file system.
  7. Press F10 to exit SMIT when the Command: status field changes to OK.

The InfoExplorer databases are now mounted and ready to be accessed from the CD-ROM.

  1. If the CD-ROM is ejected from the system while it is still mounted, the connection is broken and you cannot access the information. To remove the CD-ROM from the system, unmount that file system using the unmount command before ejecting the CD-ROM. To access the CD-ROM again, you must remount the CD-ROM file system, using the mount or smit command.
  2. You can keep copies of the information bases on your fixed disk, in case your CD-ROM becomes inaccessible, or you can delete them. For more information, see "Removing InfoExplorer Information Bases" .

Run the linkinfocd Script

The linkinfocd script links the database subdirectories from the /infocd CD-ROM file system to the /usr/lpp/info/lib/en_US/aix41 directory. Each database subdirectory is linked individually, just as each database can be installed separately. This allows you to have databases installed on your fixed disk drive, databases linked from a mounted CD-ROM, or a combination of both. The script also links the ispaths file from the /infocd CD-ROM file system to the /usr/lpp/info/data directory.

The linkinfocd script does the following:

To run the linkinfocd script, enter:


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