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System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices

Managing Paging Spaces

The following commands are used to manage paging space:

chps Changes the attributes of a paging space.
lsps Displays the characteristics of a paging space.
mkps Adds an additional paging space.
rmps Removes an inactive paging space.
swapon Activates a paging space.

The mkps command uses the mklv command with a specific set of options when creating a paging space logical volume. To create NFS paging spaces, the mkps command uses the mkdev command with another set of options. Some of the following options are required for all logical volume paging spaces:

The following options are used to maximize paging performance with a logical volume:

For NFS paging spaces the mkps command needs the host name of the NFS server and the path name of the file that is exported from the server.

The swapon command is used during early system initialization to activate the initial paging-space device. During a later phase of initialization, when other devices become available, the swapon command is used to activate additional paging spaces so that paging activity occurs across several devices.

Active paging spaces cannot be removed. To remove an active paging space, it must first be made inactive. To accomplish this, use the chps command so the paging space is not used on the next system restart. Then, after restarting the system, the paging space is inactive and can be removed using the rmps command.

The /etc/swapspaces file specifies the paging-space devices that are activated by the swapon -a command. A paging space is added to this file when it is created by the mkps -a command, removed from the file when it is deleted by the rmps command, and added or removed by the chps -a command.

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