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Commands Reference, Volume 5

swapon Command


Specifies additional devices for paging and swapping.


swapon -a | DeviceName ...


The swapon command is used to specify additional devices on which paging and swapping are to take place. It is used during early system initialization to make the initial paging space available. During a later phase of system initialization, the swapon -a command is used to make other devices available so that paging and swapping activity is interleaved across several devices. The swapon -a command makes all devices specified in the /etc/swapspaces file available. Calls to the swapon command normally occur in the system multiuser initialization /etc/rc file.

The DeviceName parameter specifies a specific device to be made available. The second form gives individual block devices as given in the system swap configuration table. The call makes this space and other defined spaces available to the system for paging and swap allocation. The system swap configuration table is the set of all devices specified in the /etc/swapspaces file.

You can use the Web-based System Manager Devices application (wsm devices fast path) to run this command. You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit swapon fast path to run this command.

Note: The maximum number of active paging spaces is 16.


-a Causes all devices present in the /etc/swapspaces file to be made available.


  1. To cause all devices present in the /etc/swapspaces file to be made available, enter:
    swapon -a
    All devices present in the /etc/swapspaces file are now available.
  2. To cause the /dev/paging03 and /dev/paging04 devices to be available for paging and swapping, enter:
    swapon /dev/paging03 /dev/paging04
    The /dev/paging03 and /dev/paging04 devices are now available.


/etc/rc System multiuser initialization
/dev/paging Device entries for paging/swap space
/etc/swapspaces Contains a list of swap devices.

Related Information

The mkps command, chps command.

The swapon subroutine.

The Paging Space Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices explains paging space and its allocation policies.

Setting up and running Web-based System Manager in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices explains the structure, main menus, and tasks that are done with SMIT.

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