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System Management Guide: Communications and Networks

AIX Fast Connect for Windows Configuration

You can use Web-based System Manager, SMIT, the net command, or a combination of these methods to configure the Fast Connect server for your site.

Configurable Parameters

Fast Connect is designed for ease of administration without eliminating required customization. Therefore, only a small set of configurable parameters is available for configuration.

Note: Most configurable parameters are dynamically configurable and do not require the server to be stopped and restarted for the changes to become effective.

A brief description of these parameters follows:

Parameter Description Type Value S/D1
      (Default, Min, Max)  
autodisconnect Timeout(minutes) for inactive sessions int 120, 0, 65535 D
backup_passthrough_authentication_server IP address of the backup passthrough authentication server String n/a D
comment Comment of the server String n/a D
domainname Server domain String n/a S
dosattrmapping If set to 1, then Archive, System, and Hidden attributes are mapped to User, Group, and Other execute bits. Otherwise, these attributes are not supported. int (1, 0, 1) D
dosfilenamemapchar The character used to map long file names to 8.3 format. Valid values are tilde (~) and caret (^). Tilde (~) is the default. char ~ D
dosfilenamemapping If set to 1, long file names are mapped to 8.3 format. Otherwise, long file names are truncated. For more information, see Mapping AIX Long File Names to DOS File Names. int (1, 0, 1) D
encrypt_passwords If set to 0, plain text password. If set to a non-zero value, negotiates with client. int (1, 0, 2) S
filenamematchinglevel If set to 0, case-insensitive matching. If set to 1, case-sensitive matching. int (1, 0, 1) S
guestlogonsupport Whether or not guest access is allowed int (0, 0, 1) D
guestname Guest id String n/a D
maxconnections2 Maximum number of open connections on the server int 0, 0, 1000 D
maxopens2 Maximum number of open files on the server int 0, 0, 1000 D
maxsearches2 Maximum number of open searches on the server int 0, 0, 1000 D
maxusers2 Maximum number or user session permitted int 0, 0, 1000 D
nbns If set to 1, server acts like a NETBIOS name server int 1, 0, 1 S
oplockfiles Whether oplocks on files are supported Y/N yes, no, yes S
oplocktimeout Timeout in seconds for oplock int 35, 35, 640 S
os2compatible If set to 0, READONLY means all readable but not writable files. If set to 1, READONLY means all readable files. int 1, 0, 1 D
passthrough_authentication_server IP address of the passthrough authentication server String n/a D
wins_proxy Whether or not server has to act as WINS proxy int (0, 0, 1) D
primary_wins_ipaddr IP address of primary WINS address String n/a D
secondary_wins_ipaddr IP address of secondary WINS address String n/a D
send_file_api Turn on or off send file API int (1, 0, 1) D
send_file_cache_size If the send_file_api is 1 and the requested SMB read size is less than the value of this parameter, the send_file API will cache the file. The default value is zero, which means send_file API will not cache the file. int (0, 0, 4194304) D
send_file_size If the send_file_api is 1 and the requested SMB read size is greater than the value of this parameter, then send_file API will be used in the SMB operation int (4096, 1, 4194304) D
servername Name of the server String n/a S
umask AIX umask octal (022, 0, 0777) D
  1. S stands for static and D for dynamic. Any changes to static parameters require a Shutdown/Restart of the server before they take effect.
  2. For maxusers, maxconnections, maxopens, and maxsearches, a default or minimum value of zero means unlimited (no restrictions).

File or Print Share Configuration

There are two types of shares that can be configured by Fast Connect: File Shares and Print Shares. When the server is first started, a file share with netname HOME is created and loaded by default. More file or print shares can be added by the administrator using Web-based System Manager, SMIT, or the net command.

Note: The default shares HOME, IBMLAN$, and ADMIN$ cannot be changed or deleted.

User Configuration

User accounts can be configured on the server using Web-based System Manager, SMIT, or the net command. Each defined Fast Connect user must also be a defined AIX user. Fast Connect supports user level authentication using plain text passwords. Resource access is permitted based on the authenticated user's AIX credentials.

Guest access is controlled with the help of guest and guestname configuration parameters. If enabled, Fast Connect allows guest access to server resources when the user ID received in the server session setup does not match any of the users defined on the server and is also different from the value of the guestname parameter configured on the server.

Note: If encrypt_passwords is set to 0, the user's password cannot be in mixed case. If encrypt_passwords is set to 1 or 2, add usernames to the Fast Connect Users database using Web-based System Manager, SMIT, or the net command. The Fast Connect Users database is a subset of the AIX Users database.

Configuration of Network Interfaces

Fast Connect complies with the SMB protocol requirement of using NetBIOS over TCP/IP protocol as described in IETF RFC1001 and RFC1002. It uses all the network interfaces that are defined and operational (are up) for AIX TCP/IP.

Initial Configuration

On a newly installed Fast Connect server, the initial configuration parameters are:

Server Name
TCP/IP hostname of the server
Server Description
Fast Connect server on hostname
Default Shares
HOME, with the following attributes:
Network Name
AIX directory
User's home directory as defined in the user profile

Other server parameters are at default values.

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