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Commands Reference, Volume 4

net Command


Configures and controls Fast Connect servers.


net [ help | start | stop | pause | resume | config | status | statistics | trace | share ]


The net command configures and controls Fast Connect servers.


help Displays help on the subcommand.
start Starts the server.
stop Stops the server.
pause Stops the server temporarily.
resume Resumes the paused server.
config Lists and changes configuration parameters for the server.
status Gives status of the server.
statistics Gives statistics on server resources.
trace Turns the server tracing on and off.
share Lists, adds or deletes file and printer shares on the server.

net help Subcommand

net help subcommand


net subcommand help

Provides help information about the subcommands.

net start Subcommand

Starts the server
net start [/load]
The start subcommand starts and initializes the server using parameters from the configuration file.

It can start the server only if the server process is already loaded but the server is in stopped (not running) state. The server can be in this state either in the beginning when the process was started at system initialization time or after stopping the server using net stop.

/load Loads the server process if it is not already loaded.
Return Codes
0 The server (%s) is already running.
0 The server (%s) has started successfully.
1 Syntax error was detected: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 The server (%s) could not be started because its process was not running.
3 The request is not valid for the current state of the server (%s).
4 Operation could not be performed.

net stop Subcommand

Stops and terminates the server.
net stop [/unload]
The net stop subcommand stops and unloads the server. It can stop the server only if it is running or paused. Once stopped, the server can be restarted using net start.
/unload Unloads the server process.
Return Codes
0 The server (%s) has stopped successfully.
0 The server (%s) has stopped and its process unloaded successfully.
1 Syntax error detected: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 The request is not valid for the current state of the server (%s).
3 Error in unloading the server process on the server (%s).
4 Operation could not be performed.
5 Either cifsPrintServer is not running or it could not be terminated.

net pause Subcommand

Pauses the server
net pause
The net pause subcommand pauses the server. It can pause the server only if it is running. Once paused, the server does not accept any new connections but continues serving the existing ones. It can be resumed with net resume.
Return Codes
0 The server (%s) has paused successfully.
1 Syntax error detected: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 The request is not valid for the current state of server
3 Operation could not be performed.

net resume Subcommand

Resumes the server.
net resume
The net resume subcommand resumes the server. It can resume the server only if it is paused. Once resumed, it starts accepting new connections.
Return Codes
0 The server (%s) has resumed successfully.
1 Syntax error detected: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 The request is not valid for the current state of server
3 Operation could not be performed.

net config Subcommand

Lists and changes the configuration parameters of the server.
net config
net config /component
net config /component: cname /parameter:val
net config /listparm /component: cname /parameter:parameter
The net config subcommand lists and changes the configuration parameters of the server. For example:
Syntax1 Lists the configuration parameters.
Syntax2 Lists all the components or groups of configuration parameters for the server.
Syntax3 Adds or changes the given parameter for the given component cname.
Syntax4 Lists the entry for the given parameter for the given component cname from the configuration file.

Note: The configuration parameter can only be changed by the root user.

/listparm Lists the given parameter for the given component.
/component:cname Specifies the component in the configuration file whose parameter needs to be added or changed. Valid values for cname are smbserver, and one of the shares specified for shares parameter of the smbserver. The default component is smbserver.

The parameter can be one of the following:

Maximum number of connections to server resources. 0 specifies unlimited number.
Maximum number of users (sessions) that are permitted. 0 specifies unlimited number.
Timeout (in minutes) for inactive, unused sessions.
Maximum number of open files on the server. 0 specifies unlimited number.
Maximum number of open searches on the server. 0 specifies unlimited number.
The name of the server.
The name of the domain, server belongs to.
Logon name as guest on the server.
The name of the passthrough authentication server.
The name of the backup passthrough authentication server.
Specifies the dotted IP address of the primary WINS server.
Specifies the dotted IP address of the secondary WINS server.
Specifies whether or not the server has to act as WINS PROXY. Valid values are 0 for no and 1 for yes with 0 as the default.
Specifies whether or not the send_file API is to be used. Valid values are 0 for off and 1 for on with 1 as the default.
If the send_file_api is 1 and the requested SMB read size is greater than the value of this parameter, send_file API will be used in the SMB operation. The value ranges between 1 and 4194304 with 4096 as the default value.
If the send_file_api is 1 and the requested SMB read size is less than the value of this parameter, the send_file API will cache the file. The value ranges between 0 and 4194304 with 0 as the default value which means that the send_file API will not cache the file.
AIX umask. It is an octal value and ranges between 0 and 0777 with 022 as the default.
/guestlogonsupport: 0|1
Specifies whether or not guest access is allowed. Valid values are 0 for no and 1 for yes with 0 being the default.
If set to 1, then Archive, System, and Hidden attributes will be mapped to user, group, and other execute bits respectively. Otherwise, these attributes are not supported.
If set to 1, long filenames will be mapped to 8.3 format. Otherwise long filenames will be truncated.
The characters used to map long filenames to 8.3 format. Valid values are'~' and '^' with '~' being the default.
Return Codes
0 Command completed successfully.
1 Syntax error: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 Command could not be executed. Invalid parameter value (%s).
3 Operation could not be performed.
Output for syntax1 command net config
        Server Name                             ........
        Server Description                      ........
        Domain Name                             ........
        AIX Fast Connect Software version       ........
        Guest ID Name                           ........
Assuming that the smbserver had entries:
       adapters = tr0 tr1 and
       shares   = file0 print1)
Output for syntax2 command net config /component
Assuming that the smbserver had entries
       adapters = tr0 tr1 and
       shares   = file0 print1
Output for syntax4 command net config /listparm /component:smbserver /parameter: adapters
        tr0 tr1
Output for syntax4 command net config /listparm /component:smbserver /parameter: shares
        file0 print1

net status Subcommand

Displays status of the server.
net status
The status subcommand displays status of the server. It tells whether the status of the server is running, paused, or stopped.
Return Codes
0 Server (%s) is running.
1 Syntax error: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 Server (%s) is not running.
3 Server (%s) has been paused.
4 Operation could not be performed

net statistics Subcommand

Displays the statistics on server resource usage.
net statistics [ /reset ]
Lists the statistics on server resources since it was started or resets the statistics.
/reset Resets all statistic fields for the server.
Return Codes
0 Command completed successfully.
1 Syntax error: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 Operation could not be performed.
Server statistics for server (%s) since %s time
  Sessions started              .....
  Sessions timedout             .....
  Sessions dropped              .....
  Password Errors               .....
  Permission Errors             .....
  System Errors                 .....
  Bytes sent low                .....
  Bytes sent high               .....
  Bytes received low            .....
  Bytes received high           .....
  Average response              .....
  Request buffer failures       .....
  Big buffer failures           .....
  Jobs  queued                  .....

net trace Subcommand

Turns tracing on or off for the server.
net trace /on
net trace /off
Turns tracing on or off for the server. The user does not have to start or stop the server.
/on Turns tracing on.
/off Turns tracing off.
Return Codes
0 Command completed successfully.
1 Syntax error: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 Operation could not be performed.

net share Subcommand

To list, add and delete file or printer shares on the server.
net share [ /infolevel:0|1|2 | /netname:share_name ]
net share /add /netname:share_name /type:file /path:path_name [/desc:share_desc ]
net share /add /netname:share_name /type:printer /printq:qname [/print_options:ostr | /desc:share_desc]
net share /delete /netname:share_name
Syntax1 lists one or more shares.
Syntax2 adds a file share to the server.
Syntax3 adds a printer share.
Syntax4 deletes a share from the server.
Note: To change a share, you must first delete it and then add it again.
/add Adds a share to the server.
/deletes Deletes a share from the server.
/infolevel Specifies the level of information desired. Default level is 1. Valid values are 0, 1 and 2 and 99.
/type Specifies the share type. Valid values are file and printer. Default value is file.
/netname:share_name Name of the share that is to be listed, added or deleted. Without this option, all shares will be listed.
/path:path_name Absolute pathname of the share which must be specified if it is of type file.
/printq:qname Name of the share queue which must be specified if it is of type printer.
/print_options:ostr String specifying printer options.
/desc:desc Brief description of the share.
Return Codes
0 Command completed successfully.
1 Syntax error: Unknown keyword or command option (%s).
2 Operation could not be performed.
3 Command could not be executed. Invalid value (%s) of parameter.
4 Syntax Error: The share path or queue name must be specified.
5 Error adding the share - share name already exists.
6 Error deleting the share - share name not found.
7 The configuration file could not be updated to reflect the current change.
Output for info level 0 :
Output for info level 1 :
        Share Name      Share Type      Path Name or        Share Description
                                        Queue Name
        -----------     ----------      ---------------     ------------------

        netname1        File            /home/name/xxx      File Description
        netname2        Printer         lpq1                Printer Description
        ......          ......          ....                ..........
        netnamen        Printer         lpq2                Printer Description
Output for info level 99 :

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