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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: A-B

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a64l Subroutine Converts between long integers and base-64 ASCII strings.
abort Subroutine Sends a SIGIOT signal to end the current process.
abs Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
absinterval Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
access Subroutine Determines the accessibility of a file.
accessx Subroutine Determines the accessibility of a file.
acct Subroutine Enables and disables process accounting.
acl_chg Subroutine Changes the access control information on a file.
acl_fchg Subroutine Changes the access control information on a file.
acl_fget Subroutine Gets the access control information of a file.
acl_fput Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acl_fset Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acl_get Subroutine Gets the access control information of a file.
acl_put Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acl_set Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acos Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
acosh Subroutine Computes inverse hyperbolic functions.
acosl Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
addch Subroutine Adds a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
addnstr Subroutine Adds a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
addssys Subroutine Adds the SRCsubsys record to the subsystem object class.
addstr Subroutine Adds a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
adjtime Subroutine Corrects the time to allow synchronization of the system clock.
advance Subroutine Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
aio_cancel Subroutine Cancels one or more outstanding asynchronous I/O requests.
aio_cancel64 Subroutine Cancels one or more outstanding asynchronous I/O requests.
aio_error Subroutine Retrieves the error status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_error64 Subroutine Retrieves the error status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_read Subroutine Reads asynchronously from a file.
aio_read64 Subroutine Reads asynchronously from a file.
aio_return Subroutine Retrieves the return status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_return64 Subroutine Retrieves the return status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_suspend Subroutine Suspends the calling process until one or more asynchronous I/O requests is completed.
aio_suspend64 Subroutine Suspends the calling process until one or more asynchronous I/O requests is completed.
aio_write Subroutine Writes to a file asynchronously.
aio_write64 Subroutine Writes to a file asynchronously.
alarm Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
alloca Subroutine Provides a memory allocator.
alphasort Subroutine Scans or sorts directory contents.
asctime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
asctime_r Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
asin Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
asinh Subroutine Computes inverse hyperbolic functions.
asinl Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
assert Macro Verifies a program assertion.
atan Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atan2 Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atan2l Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atanh Subroutine Computes inverse hyperbolic functions.
atanl Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atexit Subroutine Terminates a process.
atof Subroutine Converts an ASCII string to a floating-point or double floating-point number.
atoff Subroutine Converts an ASCII string to a floating-point or double floating-point number.
atoi Subroutine Converts a string to a signed or unsigned long integer or long long integer.
atol Subroutine Converts a string to a signed or unsigned long integer or long long integer.
attroff Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
attron Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
attrset Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
audit Subroutine Enables and disables system auditing.
auditbin Subroutine Defines files to contain audit records.
auditevents Subroutine Gets or sets the status of system event auditing.
auditlog Subroutine Appends an audit record to the audit trail file.
auditobj Subroutine Gets or sets the auditing mode of a system data object.
auditpack Subroutine Compresses and uncompresses audit bins.
auditproc Subroutine Gets or sets the audit state of a process.
auditread Subroutine Reads an audit record.
auditwrite Subroutine Writes an audit record.
authenticate Subroutine Verifies a user's name and password.
basename Subroutine Return the last element of a path name.
baudrate Subroutine Gets the terminal baud rate.
bcmp Subroutine Performs bit and byte string operations.
bcopy Subroutine Performs bit and byte string operations.
beep Subroutine Sounds the audible alarm on the terminal.
bessel Subroutines Computes Bessel functions.
bindprocessor Subroutine Binds kernel threads to a processor.
box Subroutine Draws borders from single-byte characters and renditions.
brk Subroutine Changes data segment space allocation.
bsearch Subroutine Performs a binary search.
btowc Subroutine Single-byte to wide-character conversion.
bzero Subroutine Performs bit and byte string operations.

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