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Base Operating System and Extensions Technical Reference, Volume 1

auditproc Subroutine


Gets or sets the audit state of a process.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include <sys/audit.h>
int auditproc (ProcessIDCommandArgumentLength)
int ProcessID;
int Command;
char * Argument;
int Length;


The auditproc subroutine queries or sets the auditing state of a process. There are two parts to the auditing state of a process:


ProcessID The process ID of the process to be affected. If ProcessID is 0, the auditproc subroutine affects the current process.
Command The action to be taken. Defined in the audit.h file, valid values include:
Sets the list of audit classes to be audited for the process and also sets the user's default audit classes definition within the kernel. The Argument parameter is a pointer to a list of null-terminated audit class names. The Length parameter is the length of this list, including null bytes.
Returns the list of audit classes defined for the current process if ProcessID is 0. Otherwise, it returns the list of audit classes defined for the specified process ID. The Argument parameter is a pointer to a character buffer. The Length parameter specifies the size of this buffer. On return, this buffer contains a list of null-terminated audit class names. A null name terminates the list.
Sets the list of audit classes to be audited for the process. The Argument parameter is a pointer to a list of null-terminated audit class names. The Length parameter is the length of this list, including null bytes.
Returns the audit status of the current process. You can only check the status of the current process. If the ProcessID parameter is nonzero, a -1 is returned and the errno global variable is set to EINVAL. The Length and Argument parameters are ignored. A return value of AUDIT_SUSPEND indicates that auditing is suspended. A return value of AUDIT_RESUME indicates normal auditing for this process.
Sets the audit status of the current process. The Length parameter is ignored, and the ProcessID parameter must be zero. If Argument is AUDIT_SUSPEND, the audit status is set to suspend event auditing for this process. If the Argument parameter is AUDIT_RESUME, the audit status is set to resume event auditing for this process.
Argument A character pointer for the audit class buffer for an AUDIT_EVENT or AUDIT_QEVENTS value of the Command parameter or an integer defining the audit status to be set for an AUDIT_STATUS operation.
Length Size of the audit class character buffer.

Return Values

The auditproc subroutine returns the following values upon successful completion:

Error Codes

If the auditproc subroutine fails if one or more of the following are true:

EINVAL An invalid value was specified for the Command parameter.
EINVAL The Command parameter is set to the AUDIT_QSTATUS or AUDIT_STATUS value and the pid value is nonzero.
EINVAL The Command parameter is set to the AUDIT_STATUS value and the Argument parameter is not set to AUDIT_SUSPEND or AUDIT_RESUME.
ENOSPC The Command parameter is AUDIT_QEVENTS, and the buffer size is insufficient. In this case, the first word of the Argument parameter is set to the required size.
EFAULT The Command parameter is AUDIT_QEVENTS or AUDIT_EVENTS and the Argument parameter points to a location outside of the process' allocated address space.
ENOMEM Memory allocation failed.
EPERM The caller does not have root user authority.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The audit subroutine, auditbin subroutine, auditevents subroutine, auditlog subroutine, auditobj subroutine, auditwrite subroutine.

List of Security and Auditing Subroutines and Subroutines Overview in AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

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