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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of Security and Auditing Subroutines

Access Control Subroutines

acl_chg or acl_fchg Change the access control information on a file
acl_get or acl_fget Get the access control information of a file
acl_put or acl_fput Set the access control information of a file
acl_set or acl_fset Set the base entries of the access control information of a file
chacl or fchac l Change the permissions on a file
chmod or fchmod Change file access permissions
chown, fchown, chownx, or fchownx Change file ownership
frevoke Revokes access to a file by other processes
revoke Revokes access to a file
statacl or fstatacl Retrieve the access control information for a file

Auditing Subroutines

audit Enables and disables system auditing
auditbin Defines files to contain audit records
auditevents Gets or sets the status of system event auditing
auditlog Appends an audit record to an audit bin file
auditobj Gets or sets the auditing mode of a system data object
auditpack Compresses and uncompresses audit bins
auditproc Gets or sets the audit state of a process
auditread or auditread_r Read an audit record
auditwrite Writes an audit record

Identification and Authentication Subroutines

User authentication routines have a potential to store passwords and encrypted passwords in memory. This may expose passwords and encrypted passwords in coredumps.

authenticate Authenticates the user's name and password
ckuseracct Checks the validity of a user account
ckuserID Authenticates the user
crypt, encrypt, or setkey Encrypt or decrypt data
getgrent, getgrgid, getgrnam, setgrent, or endgrent Access the basic group information in the user database
getgrgid_r Gets a group database entry for a group ID in a multithreaded environment
getgrnam_r Searches a group database for a name in a multithreaded environment
getgroupattr, IDtogroup, nextgroup, or putgroupattr Access the group information in the user database
getlogin Gets the user's login name
getlogin_r Gets the user's login name in a multithreaded environment
getpass Reads a password
getportattr or putportattr Access the port information in the port database
getpwent, getpwuid, getpwnam, putpwent, setpwent, or endpwent Access the basic user information in the user database
getuinfo Finds the value associated with a user
getuserattr, IDtouser, nextuser, or putuserattr Access the user information in the user database
getuserpw, putuserpw, or putuserpwhist Access the user authentication data
loginfailed Records an unsuccessful login attempt
loginrestrictions Determines if a user is allowed to access the system
loginsuccess Records a successful login
newpass Generates a new password for a user
passwdexpired Checks the user's password to determine if it has expired
setpwdb or endpwdb Open or close the authentication database
setuserdb or enduserdb Open or close the user database
system Runs a shell command
tcb Alters the Trusted Computing Base status of a file

Process Subroutines

getgid or getegid Get the real or group ID of the calling process
getgroups Gets the concurrent group set of the current process
getpcred Gets the current process security credentials
getpenv Gets the current process environment
getuid or geteuid Get the real or effective user ID of the current process
initgroups Initializes the supplementary group ID of the current process
kleenup Cleans up the run-time environment of a process
setgid, setrgid, setegid, or setregid Set the group IDs of the calling process
setgroups Sets the supplementary group ID of the current process
setpcred Sets the current process credentials
setpenv Sets the current process environment
setuid, setruid, setuid, or setreuid Set the process user IDs
usrinfo Gets and sets user information about the owner of the current process

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