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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: H-J

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halfdelay Subroutine Controls input character delay mode.
has_colors Subroutine Color manipulation functions and external variables for color support.
has_ic Subroutine Query functions for terminal insert and delete capability.
has_il Subroutine Query functions for terminal insert and delete capability.
hosttoID Subroutine Accesses the host information in the audit host database.
hcreate Subroutine Manages hash tables.
hdestroy Subroutine Manages hash tables.
hsearch Subroutine Manages hash tables.
hypot Subroutine Computes the Euclidean distance function and complex absolute value.
IDtogroup Subroutine Accesses the group information in the user database.
IDtouser Subroutine Accesses the user information in the user database.
IDtohost Subroutine Accesses the host information in the audit host database.
IMAIXMapping Subroutine Translates a pair of Key and State parameters to a string and returns a pointer to this string.
IMAuxCreate Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to create an auxiliary area.
IMAuxDestroy Callback Subroutine Tells the application to destroy the auxiliary area.
IMAuxDraw Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to draw the auxiliary area.
IMAuxHide Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to hide an auxiliary area.
IMBeep Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to emit a beep sound.
IMClose Subroutine Closes the input method.
IMCreate Subroutine Creates one instance of an IMObject object for a particular input method.
IMDestroy Subroutine Destroys an input method instance.
IMFilter Subroutine Determines if a keyboard event is used by the input method for internal processing.
IMFreeKeymap Subroutine Frees resources allocated by the IMInitializeKeymap subroutine.
IMIndicatorDraw Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to draw the indicator.
IMIndicatorHide Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to hide the indicator.
IMInitialize Subroutine Initializes the input method for a particular language.
IMInitializeKeymap Subroutine Initializes the keymap associated with a specified language.
IMIoctl Subroutine Performs a variety of control or query operations on the input method.
IMLookupString Subroutine Maps a Key/State (key symbol/state) pair to a string.
IMProcess Subroutine Processes keyboard events and language-specific input.
IMProcessAuxiliary Subroutine Notifies the input method of input for an auxiliary area.
IMQueryLanguage Subroutine Checks to see if the specified input method is supported.
IMSimpleMapping Subroutine Translates a pair of KeySymbol and State parameters to a string and returns a pointer to this string.
IMTextCursor Callback Subroutine Asks the application to move the text cursor.
IMTextDraw Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to draw the text string.
IMTextHide Callback Subroutine Tells the application program to hide the text area.
IMTextStart Callback Subroutine Notifies the application program of the length of the pre-editing space.
iconv Subroutine Converts a string of characters in one character code set to another character code set.
iconv_close Subroutine Closes a specified code set converter.
iconv_open Subroutine Opens a character code set converter.
idlok Subroutine Terminal output control subroutines.
if_freenameindex Subroutine Frees memory allocated by if_nameindex.
if_indextoname Subroutine Determines the interface name associated with a particular index.
if_nameindex Subroutine Retrieves index and name information for all interfaces.
if_nametoindex Subroutine Retrieves the interface index associated with a particular interface name.
ilogb Subroutine Computes certain binary floating-point arithmetic functions.
imul_dbl Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
inch Subroutine Inputs a single-byte character and rendition from a window.
incinterval Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
inet_net_ntop Subroutine Converts between binary and text address formats.
inet_net_pton Subroutine Converts between text and binary address formats.
inet_ntop Subroutine Converts between binary and text address formats.
inet_pton Subroutine Converts between text and binary address formats.
init_color Subroutine Color manipulation functions and external variables for color support.
initgroups Subroutine Initializes supplementary group ID.
initialize Subroutine Performs printer initialization.
init_pair Subroutine Color manipulation functions and external variables for color support.
initscr Subroutine Initializes curses and its data structures.
initstate Subroutine Generates pseudo-random numbers more efficiently.
insch Subroutine Inserts a single-byte character and rendition in a window.
insertln Subroutine Inserts a blank line above the current line in a window.
insque Subroutine Inserts or removes an element in a queue.
intrflush Subroutine Enables or disables flush on interrupt.
invert Subroutine Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
ioctl Subroutine Performs control functions associated with open file descriptors.
ioctl32 Subroutine Performs control functions associated with open file descriptors.
ioctl32x Subroutine Performs control functions associated with open file descriptors.
ioctlx Subroutine Performs control functions associated with open file descriptors.
is* Subroutine Classifies characters.
isatty Subroutine Gets the name of a terminal or determines if the device is a terminal.
isendwin Subroutine Determines whether the endwin subroutine was called without any subsequent refresh calls.
is_linetouched Subroutine Window refresh control functions.
isnan Subroutine Determines classifications of floating-point numbers.
iswalnum Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswalpha Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswcntrl Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
is_wctype Subroutine Determines properties of a wide character.
iswctype Subroutine Determines properties of a wide character.
iswdigit Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswgraph Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
is_wintouched Subroutine Window refresh control functions.
iswlower Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswprint Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswpunct Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswspace Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswupper Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
iswxdigit Subroutine Tests a wide character for membership in a specific character class.
itom Subroutine Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
itrunc Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to signed integers.
j0 Subroutine (bessel) Computes Bessel functions.
j1 Subroutine (bessel) Computes Bessel functions.
jn Subroutine (bessel) Computes Bessel functions.
jcode Subroutine Perform string conversion on 8-bit processing codes.
jrand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.

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