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Base Operating System and Extensions Technical Reference, Volume 1

IMIoctl Subroutine


Performs a variety of control or query operations on the input method.


Input Method Library (libIM.a)


int IMIoctl(IMOperationArgument)
IMObject IM;
int Operation;
char *Argument;


The IMIoctl subroutine performs a variety of control or query operations on the input method specified by the IM parameter. In addition, this subroutine can be used to control the unique function of each language input method because it provides input method-specific extensions. Each input method defines its own function.


IM Specifies the input method instance.
Operation Specifies the operation.
Argument The use of this parameter depends on which of the following operations is performed.
Refreshes the text area, auxiliary areas, and indicator by calling the needed callback functions if these areas are not empty. The Argument parameter is not used.
Gets the current pre-editing string. The Argument parameter specifies the address of the IMSTR structure supplied by the caller. The callback function is invoked to clear the pre-editing if it exists.
Clears the text and auxiliary areas if they exist. If the Argument parameter is not a null value, this operation invokes the callback functions to clear the screen. The keyboard state remains the same.
Clears the auxiliary area if it currently exists. If the Argument parameter is a null value, this operation clears only the internal buffer of the input method. Otherwise, the IMAuxHide subroutine is called, and the input method returns to its initial state.
Changes the maximum length of the pre-editing string.
Sets the Processing Mode of the input method to the mode specified by the Argument parameter. The valid value for Argument is:
Specifies the normal mode of pre-editing.
Suppresses pre-editing.
Returns the status of the text area, the auxiliary area, and the indicator. It also returns the beep status and the processing mode. The results are stored into the caller-supplied IMQueryState structure pointed to by the Argument parameter.
Returns detailed information about the text area. The results are stored in the caller-supplied IMQueryText structure pointed to by the Argument parameter.
Returns detailed information about the auxiliary area. The results are stored in the caller-supplied IMQueryAuxiliary structure pointed to by the Argument parameter.
Returns detailed information about the indicator. The results are stored in the caller-supplied IMQueryIndicator structure pointed to by the Argument parameter.
Returns an indicator string corresponding to the current indicator. Results are stored in the caller-supplied IMQueryIndicatorString structure pointed to by the Argument parameter. The caller can request either a short or long form with the format member of the IMQueryIndicatorString structure.
Informs the input method whether or not an application supports an auxiliary area selection list. The application must support selections inside the auxiliary area and determine how selections are displayed. If this operation is not performed, the input method assumes the application does not support an auxiliary area selection list.

Return Values

The IMIoctl subroutine returns a value to the IMError global variable that indicates the type of error encountered. Some error types are provided in the /usr/include/imerrno.h file.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The IMFilter subroutine, IMLookupString subroutine, IMProcess subroutine.

Input Method Overview and National Language Support Overview for Programming in AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

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