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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: P

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PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER Macro Initializes a static condition variable with default attributes.
PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER Macro Initializes a static mutex with default attributes.
PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT Macro Initializes a once synchronization control structure.
pair_content Subroutine Color manipulation functions and external variables for color support.
passwdexpired Subroutine Checks the user's password to determine if it has expired.
pathconf Subroutine Retrieves file-implementation characteristics.
pause Subroutine Suspends a process until a signal is received.
pclose Subroutine Closes a pipe to a process.
perror Subroutine Writes a message explaining a subroutine error.
pipe Subroutine Creates an interprocess channel.
plock Subroutine Locks the process, text, or data in memory.
pm_battery_control Subroutine Controls and queries the battery status.
pm_control_parameter Subroutine Controls and queries Power Management parameters.
pm_control_state Subroutine Controls and queries the Power Management states.
pm_event_query Subroutine Queries a Power Management Event.
pmlib_get_event_notice Subroutine Gets a new PM event.
pmlib_register_application Subroutine Registers or unregister a PM aware application.
pmlib_request_battery Subroutine Queries and controls the battery status.
pmlib_request_parameter Subroutine Queries and controls the PM system parameters.
pmlib_request_state Subroutine Requests system state change.
pnoutrefresh Subroutine Pad management functions.
poll Subroutine Checks the I/O status of multiple file descriptors and message queues.
popen Subroutine Initiates a pipe to a process.
pow Subroutine (Math) Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
pow Subroutine (BSD) Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
powl Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
prefresh Subroutine Pad management functions.
printf Subroutine Prints formatted output.
printw Subroutine Performs a printf command on a window using the specified format control string.
profil Subroutine Starts and stops program address sampling for execution profiling.
psdanger Subroutine Defines the amount of free paging space available.
psignal Subroutine Prints system signal messages.
pthdb_attr Subroutine Reports list of pthread attributes.
pthdb_attr_detachstate Subroutine Reports pthread attribute detach state.
pthdb_attr_inheritsched Subroutine Reports pthread attribute scheduling inheritance.
pthdb_attr_schedparam Subroutine Reports pthread attribute scheduling parameters.
pthdb_attr_schedpolicy Subroutine Reports pthread attribute scheduling policy.
pthdb_attr_schedpriority Subroutine Reports pthread attribute scheduling priority.
pthdb_attr_scope Subroutine Reports pthread attribute contention scope.
pthdb_attr_suspendstate Subroutine Reports pthread attribute suspend state.
pthdb_cond Subroutine Reports list of condition variables.
pthdb_cond_pshared Subroutine Reports condition variable process shared characteristic.
pthdb_cond_waiter Subroutine Reports condition variable waiter.
pthdb_condattr Subroutine Reports list of condition variable attributes.
pthdb_condattr_pshared Subroutine Reports condition variable attribute process shared characteristic.
pthdb_key Subroutine Reports list of active pthread-specific data keys.
pthdb_mutex Subroutine Reports list of mutexes.
pthdb_mutex_owner Subroutine Reports mutex owner.
pthdb_mutex_prioceiling Subroutine Reports mutex priority ceiling.
pthdb_mutex_protocol Subroutine Reports mutex protocol.
pthdb_mutex_pshared Subroutine Reports mutex process shared characteristic.
pthdb_mutex_state Subroutine Reports mutex state.
pthdb_mutex_type Subroutine Reports mutex type.
pthdb_mutex_waiter Subroutine Reports mutex waiter.
pthdb_mutexattr Subroutine Reports list of mutex attributes.
pthdb_mutexattr_prioceiling Subroutine Reports mutex attribute priority ceiling.
pthdb_mutexattr_protocol Subroutine Reports mutex attribute protocol.
pthdb_mutexattr_pshared Subroutine Reports mutex attribute process shared characteristic.
pthdb_mutexattr_type Subroutine Reports mutex attribute type.
pthdb_pthread Subroutine Reports list of pthreads.
pthdb_pthread_arg Subroutine Reports pthread initial argument.
pthdb_pthread_cancelpend Subroutine Reports pthread cancellation pending.
pthdb_pthread_cancelstate Subroutine Reports pthread cancellation state.
pthdb_pthread_cnceltype Subroutine Reports pthread cancellation type.
pthdb_pthread_context Subroutine Reports pthread context.
pthdb_pthread_detachstate Subroutine Reports pthread detach state.
pthdb_pthread_error Subroutine Reports pthread errno value.
pthdb_pthread_exit Subroutine Reports pthread exit status.
pthdb_pthread_func Subroutine Reports pthread initial function.
pthdb_pthread_hold Subroutine Holds a pthread.
pthdb_pthread_holdstate Subroutine Reports pthread hold state.
pthdb_pthread_key Subroutine Reports list of pthread-specific data keys.
pthdb_pthread_ptid Subroutine Reports pthread id (pthread_t).
pthdb_pthread_schedparam Subroutine Reports pthread scheduling parameters.
pthdb_pthread_schedpolicy Subroutine Reports pthread scheduling policy.
pthdb_pthread_schedpriority Subroutine Reports pthread scheduling priority.
pthdb_pthread_scope Subroutine Reports pthread contention scope.
pthdb_pthread_setcontext Subroutine Sets pthread context.
pthdb_pthread_sigmask Subroutine Reports pthread signal mask.
pthdb_pthread_sigpend Subroutine Reports pthread signals pending.
pthdb_pthread_sigwait Subroutine Reports pthread signals awaited.
pthdb_pthread_specific Subroutine Reports pthread-specific data value.
pthdb_pthread_state Subroutine Reports pthread state.
pthdb_pthread_suspendstate Subroutine Reports pthread suspend state.
pthdb_pthread_tid Subroutine Reports pthread kernel thread.
pthdb_pthread_unhold Subroutine Unholds a pthread.
pthdb_rwlock Subroutine Reports list of read/write locks.
pthdb_rwlock_owner Subroutine Reports read/write lock owner.
pthdb_rwlock_pshared Subroutine Reports read/write lock process shared characteristic.
pthdb_rwlock_read_waiter Subroutine Reports read/write lock read waiter.
pthdb_rwlock_state Subroutine Reports read/write lock state.
pthdb_rwlock_write_waiter Subroutine Reports read/write lock write waiter.
pthdb_rwlockattr Subroutine Reports read/write lock attributes.
pthdb_rwlockattr_pshared Subroutine Reports read/write lock attribute process shared characteristic.
pthdb_session_commit_tid Subroutine Reports list of kernel threads for hold/unhold commit.
pthdb_session_committed Subroutine Reports symbol called after hold/unhold commit.
pthdb_session_concurrency Subroutine Reports pthread library concurrency.
pthdb_session_continue_tid Subroutine Reports list of kernel threads for continue.
pthdb_session_destroy Subroutine Destroys pthread debug library session.
pthdb_session_flags Subroutine Reports pthread debug library session flags.
pthdb_session_init Subroutine Initializes pthread debug library session.
pthdb_session_pthreaded Subroutine Reports symbol called after pthread library initialization.
pthdb_session_setflags Subroutine Sets pthread debug library session flags.
pthdb_session_stop_tid Subroutine Notifies pthread debug library of stop thread.
pthdb_session_update Subroutine Updates pthread debug library session.
pthdb_tid_pthread Subroutine Reports a kernel thread pthread.
pthread_atfork Subroutine Registers fork handlers.
pthread_attr_destroy Subroutine Deletes a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_getdetachstate Subroutine Sets and returns the value of the detachstate attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_getguardsize Subroutine Gets or sets the thread guardsize attribute.
pthread_attr_getschedparam Subroutine Returns the value of the schedparam attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_getstackaddr Subroutine Returns the value of the stackaddr attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_getstacksize Subroutine Returns the value of the stacksize attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_getsuspendstate_np Subroutine Controls whether a thread is created in a suspended state.
pthread_attr_init Subroutine Creates a thread attributes object and initializes it with default values.
pthread_attr_setdetachstate Subroutine Sets and returns the value of the detachstate attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_setguardsize Subroutine Gets or sets the thread guardsize attribute.
pthread_attr_setschedparam Subroutine Sets the value of the schedparam attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_setstackaddr Subroutine Sets the value of the stackaddr attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_setstacksize Subroutine Sets the value of the stacksize attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_setsuspendstate_np Subroutine Controls whether a thread is created in a suspended state.
pthread_cancel Subroutine Requests the cancellation of a thread.
pthread_cleanup_pop Subroutine Establishes cancellation handlers.
pthread_cleanup_push Subroutine Establishes cancellation handlers.
pthread_condattr_destroy Subroutine Initialises and destroys condition variable.
pthread_condattr_getpshared Subroutine Returns the value of the pshared attribute of a condition attributes object.
pthread_condattr_init Subroutine Initialises and destroys condition variable.
pthread_condattr_setpshared Subroutine Sets the value of the pshared attribute of a condition attributes object.
pthread_cond_broadcast Subroutine Unblocks one or more threads blocked on a condition.
pthread_cond_destroy Subroutine Initialise and destroys condition variables.
pthread_cond_init Subroutine Initialise and destroys condition variables.
pthread_cond_signal Subroutine Unblocks one or more threads blocked on a condition.
pthread_cond_timedwait Subroutine Blocks the calling thread on a condition.
pthread_cond_wait Subroutine Blocks the calling thread on a condition.
pthread_continue_np Subroutine Suspends execution of the pthread specified by thread.
pthread_create Subroutine Creates a new thread, initializes its attributes, and makes it runnable.
pthread_delay_np Subroutine Causes a thread to wait for a specified period.
pthread_detach Subroutine Blocks the calling thread until the specified thread terminates.
pthread_equal Subroutine Compares two thread IDs.
pthread_exit Subroutine Terminates the calling thread.
pthread_getconcurrency Subroutine Gets or sets level of concurrency.
pthread_get_expiration_np Subroutine Obtains a value representing a desired expiration time.
pthread_getschedparam Subroutine Returns the current schedpolicy and schedparam attributes of a thread.
pthread_getspecific Subroutine Returns and sets the thread-specific data associated with the specified key.
pthread_getthrds_np Subroutine Retrieves register and stack information for threads.
pthread_getunique_np Subroutine Returns the sequence number of a thread.
pthread_join Subroutine Blocks the calling thread until the specified thread terminates.
pthread_key_create Subroutine Creates a thread-specific data key.
pthread_key_delete Subroutine Deletes a thread-specific data key.
pthread_kill Subroutine Sends a signal to the specified thread.
pthread_lock_global_np Subroutine Locks the global mutex.
pthread_mutexattr_destroy Subroutine Initialises and destroys mutex attributes.
pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np Subroutine Returns the value of the kind attribute of a mutex attributes object.
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared Subroutine Sets and gets process-shared attribute.
pthread_mutexattr_gettype Subroutine Gets or sets a mutex type.
pthread_mutexattr_init Subroutine Initialises and destroys mutex attributes.
pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np Subroutine Sets the value of the kind attribute of a mutex attributes object.
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared Subroutine Sets and gets process-shared attribute.
pthread_mutexattr_settype Subroutine Gets or sets a mutex type.
pthread_mutex_destroy Subroutine Initialises or destroys a mutex.
pthread_mutex_init Subroutine Initialises or destroys a mutex.
pthread_mutex_lock Subroutine Locks and unlocks a mutex.
pthread_mutex_trylock Subroutine Locks and unlocks a mutex.
pthread_mutex_unlock Subroutine Locks and unlocks a mutex.
pthread_once Subroutine Executes a routine exactly once in a process.
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy Subroutine Initialises and destroys read-write lock attributes object.
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared Subroutine Gets and sets process-shared attribute of read-write lock attributes object.
pthread_rwlockattr_init Subroutine Initialises and destroys read-write lock attributes object.
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared Subroutine Gets and sets process-shared attribute of read-write lock attributes object.
pthread_rwlock_destroy Subroutine Initialises or destroys a read-write lock object.
pthread_rwlock_init Subroutine Initialises or destroys a read-write lock object.
pthread_rwlock_rdlock Subroutine Locks a read-write lock object for reading.
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock Subroutine Locks a read-write lock object for reading.
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock Subroutine Locks a read-write lock object for writing.
pthread_rwlock_unlock Subroutine Unlocks a read-write lock object.
pthread_rwlock_wrlock Subroutine Locks a read-write lock object for writing.
pthread_self Subroutine Returns the calling thread's ID.
pthread_setcancelstate Subroutine Sets the calling thread's cancelability state.
pthread_setcanceltype Subroutine Sets the calling thread's cancelability state.
pthread_setconcurrency Subroutine Gets or sets level of concurrency.
pthread_setschedparam Subroutine Returns the current schedpolicy and schedparam attributes of a thread.
pthread_setspecific Subroutine Returns and sets the thread-specific data associated with the specified key.
pthread_sigmask Subroutine Examines and changes blocked signals.
pthread_signal_to_cancel_np Subroutine Cancels the specified thread.
pthread_suspend_np Subroutine Suspends execution of the pthread specified by thread.
pthread_testcancel Subroutine Sets the calling thread's cancelability state.
pthread_unlock_global_np Subroutine Unlocks the global mutex.
pthread_yield Subroutine Forces the calling thread to relinquish use of its processor.
ptrace Subroutine Traces the execution of another process.
ptracex Subroutine Traces the execution of another process.
ptsname Subroutine Returns the name of a pseudo-terminal device.
putaudithostattr Subroutine Accesses the host information in the audit host database.
putc Subroutine Writes a character or a word to a stream.
putchar Subroutine Writes a character or a word to a stream.
putchar_unlocked Subroutine stdio with explicit client locking.
putc_unlocked Subroutine stdio with explicit client locking.
putenv Subroutine Sets an environment variable.
putgroupattr Subroutine Accesses the group information in the user database.
putgrpaclattr Subroutine Accesses the group screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
putp Subroutine Outputs commands to the terminal.
putportattr Subroutine Accesses the port information in the port database.
putpwent Subroutine Accesses the basic user information in the user database.
putroleattr Subroutine Accesses the role information in the roles database.
puts Subroutine Writes a string to a stream.
putuserattr Subroutine Accesses the user information in the user database.
putuserpw Subroutine Accesses the user authentication data.
putuserpwhist Subroutine Accesses the user authentication data.
putusraclattr Subroutine Accesses the user screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
pututline Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
putw Subroutine Writes a character or a word to a stream.
putwc Subroutine Writes a character or a word to a stream.
putwchar Subroutine Writes a character or a word to a stream.
putws Subroutine Writes a wide-character string to a stream.
pwdrestrict_method Subroutine Defines loadable password restriction methods.
pwrite Subroutine Writes to a file.

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