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Installation Guide


/usr file system. Contains files and programs necessary for operating the machine.

/tmp file system. A shared storage location for files.

/var file system. Contains files that are variable on a per-client basis, such as spool and mail files.

/ file system. The root file system; contains files that contain machine-specific configuration data.

APAR. Authorized program analysis report. A report of a problem caused by a suspected defect in a current, unaltered release of a program.

applet. A program, intended for delivery over the Internet, which can be included in an HTML page, just as an image can be included.

apply. When a service update is installed or applied, it enters the applied state and becomes the currently active version of the software. When an update is in the applied state, the previous version of the update is stored in a special save directory. This allows you to restore the previous version, if necessary, without having to reinstall it. Software that has been applied to the system can be either committed or rejected. The installp -s command can be used to get a list of applied products and updates that are available to be either committed or rejected. See also commit and reject.

Base Operating System (BOS). The collection of programs that controls the resources and the operations of the computer system.

boot device. The device that assigns the fixed disk within the root volume group (rootvg) that will contain the startup (boot) image.

bosinst.data. The file that controls the actions of the BOS installation program.

bundle. A collection of software products available for installation.

CD-ROM. High-capacity, read-only memory in the form of an optically read compact disc.

clean up. The clean-up procedure instructs the system to attempt to remove software products that were partially installed. The system also attempts to revert to the previous version of the removed product. If the system successfully reverts to the previous version, it becomes the currently active version. If this cannot be done, then the software product is marked as broken. After the clean up procedure is complete, you can attempt to install the software again.

client. In a distributed file system environment, a system that is dependent on a server to provide it with programs or access to programs.

commit. When you commit software, you are making a commitment to that version of the software product. When you commit a product, the saved files from all previous versions of the software product are removed from the system, thereby making it impossible to return to a previous version of the software product. Software can be committed at the time of installation by using either the Web-based System Manager or SMIT interface (or by using the -ac flags with the installp command). Note that committing already applied software does not change the currently active version of the software product. It merely removes saved files for the previous version of the software product. The rejection of the installation level of the product does not have the same meaning as the rejection of updates to the product. Once you commit a new version of a product, you must reinstall the previous version if you want to use that version again. Compare to apply and contrast with reject and remove.

complete overwrite installation. An installation method that completely overwrites an existing version of the Base Operating System that is installed on your system. This procedure may impair recovery of data or destroy all existing data on your hard drives. Be sure to back up your system before doing a complete overwrite installation.

Configuration Assistant. A graphical interface application used to perform post-installation system configuration tasks.

configure. To describe to a system the devices, optional features, and program products installed on a system.

console device. During the installation of the Base Operating System (BOS), the system console is the display device at the system on which you are installing the software.

corequisite. A product or update that must be installed concurrently with another specified product or update.

daemon. A program that runs unattended in the background to perform a standard service. Some daemons trigger automatically to perform their task and others operate on a timed or periodic basis.

dataless. A workstation without local file systems or local boot images that accesses some of its resources remotely. Dataless clients use a local disk used for paging and dump devices.

dependent. A software product that requires another product or update to be installed before or at the same time it is installed. Contrast with prerequisite.

destination disk. The disk to which you are installing.

directory. A type of file containing the names and controlling information for other files or other directories.

diskless. A workstation without local file systems or local boot images that accesses some of its resources remotely. Diskless clients boot remotely from a diskless server and use the server for remote paging.

display. A computer output screen on which visual information is displayed.

display device. See display.

Easy Install. An application used to install optional software or service updates in the form of software bundles.

environment. (1.) The settings for shell variables and paths that are set when the user logs in. These variables can be modified later by the user. (2.) A named collection of logical and physical resources used to support the performance of a function.

environment variable. (1.) A variable that describes the operating environment of the process. Common environment variables describe the home directory, command search path, the terminal in use, and the current time zone (the HOME, PATH, TERM, and TZ variables, respectively). (2.) A variable that is included in the current software environment and is therefore available to any called program that requests it.

file. The collection of related data that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name. Contrast with special file.

file system. The collection of files and file management structures on a physical or logical mass storage device, such as a diskette or minidisk.

file tree. The complete directory and file structure of a particular node, starting at the root directory. A file tree contains all local and remote mounts performed on directories and files.

fileset. An individually installable option or update. Options provide specific function and updates correct an error in, or enhance, a previously installed option.

fixed disk. (1.) A flat, circular, nonremovable plate with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording. A rigid magnetic disk used in a fixed-disk drive. (2.) The term fixed disk is also used loosely in the industry for boards and cartridges containing microchips or bubble memory that simulate the operations of a fixed-disk drive.

full path name. The name of any directory or file expressed as a string of directories and files beginning with the root directory. See also path name.

graphical user interface. A type of computer interface consisting of a visual metaphor of a real-world scene, often a desktop. Within that scene are icons, representing actual objects, that the user can access and manipulate with a pointing device.

hard disk. See fixed disk.

hardware. The physical equipment of computing and computer-directed activities. The physical components of a computer system. Contrast with software.

host. (1.) The primary or controlling computer in a communications network. (2.) A computer attached to a network.

host name. The Internet address of a machine in the network. Also known as the host ID.

HTML. HyperText Markup Language is the tagging language that a web browser uses to interpret and display documents.

hypertext. A way of presenting information online with connections between one piece of information and another. These connections are called hypertext links. Thousands of these hypertext links enable you to explore additional or related information throughout the online documentation. See also hypertext link.

hypertext link. A connection between one piece of information and another. See also hypertext.

icon. A picture or graphical representation of an object on a display screen to which a user can point to with a device, such as a mouse, to select a particular operation or perform a certain action.

initial program load (IPL). (1.) The initialization procedure that causes an operating system to commence operation. (2.) The process by which a configuration image is loaded into storage at the beginning of a work day or after a system malfunction. (3.) The process of loading system programs and preparing a system to run jobs.

input device. The device that is the source of the software you are installing. The input device can be a tape drive, CD-ROM drive, diskette drive, or a directory.

Installation Assistant. An application used to perform system configuration tasks.

installation image. An installation image contains a copy of the software you are installing in backup format, as well as copies of other files the system needs to install the software product.

Internet address. The numbering system used in TCP/IP internetwork communications to specify a particular network or a particular host on that network with which to communicate. Internet addresses are commonly denoted in dotted decimal form.

IPL. See initial program load.

license password. The key that allows a software product to be used. A string encoded with license information for a software product.

locale. A subset of a user's environment that defines conventions for a specified culture, such as time formatting, numeric formatting, monetary formatting, and character classification, conversion, and collation.

logical partition (LP). (1.) One to three physical partitions (copies). The number of logical partitions within a logical volume is variable. (2.) A fixed-size portion of a logical volume. A logical partition is the same size as the physical partitions in its volume group. Unless the logical volume of which it is a part is mirrored, each logical partition corresponds to, and its contents are stored on, a single physical partition. See also logical volume.

logical volume (LV). A collection of physical partitions organized into logical partitions all contained in a single volume group. Logical volumes are expandable and can span several physical volumes in a volume group. See also logical partition, volume group, and migration installation.

maintenance level update. The service updates that are necessary to upgrade the Base Operating System (BOS) or an optional software product to the current release level. See also service update.

migration installation. An installation method for upgrading AIX Version 3.2 or later to the current release while preserving the existing root volume group. This method preserves the /usr, /tmp, /var, and / (root) file systems, as well as the root volume group, logical volumes, and system configuration files. Migration is the default installation method for, and can only be used on, an AIX Version 3.2 or later machine. See also root volume group and logical volume.

monitor. (1.) A device that observes and verifies operations of a data processing system. (2.) Synonym for display.

mount. To make a file system accessible.

name server. A host that provides name resolution for a network. Name servers translate symbolic names assigned to networks and hosts into the efficient Internet addresses used by machines.

Network File System (NFS). A distributed file system that enables users to access files and directories located on remote computers and treat those files and directories as if they were local. NFS is independent of machine types, operating systems, and network architectures through the use of remote procedure calls (RPC).

Network Installation Management (NIM). An environment that provides installation and configuration of software within a network interface.

new installation. An installation method used when the fixed disk or disks you are installing BOS onto are empty. A fixed disk is considered empty if it does not contain any data or if it contains data not in a volume group.

NIM. See Network Installation Management.

Object Data Manager (ODM). A data manager intended for the storage of system data. The ODM is used for many system management functions. Information used in many commands and SMIT functions is stored and maintained in the ODM as objects with associated characteristics.

option. An installable unit of a software package. Software product options are separately installable units that can operate independently from other options of that software package.

optional software. Also referred to as optional software products. Software that is not automatically installed on your system when you install the Base Operating System (BOS). Optional software can be products packaged and sold with BOS. Optional software can also be separately purchased software products that are specially ordered and not sold as part of BOS. In either case, BOS must be installed on your system before you can install optional software.

package. An installable unit of a software product. Software product packages are separately installable units that can operate independently from other packages of that software product.

paging. (1.) The action of transferring instructions, data, or both between real storage and external page storage. (2.) Moving data between memory and a mass storage device as the data is needed.

path name. A file name specifying all directories leading to the file. See also full path name.

physical volume. The portion of a single unit of storage accessible to a single read/write mechanism; for example, a drum, a disk pack, or part of a disk storage module.

preinstalled. Software that is installed by the manufacturer and ready to use.

prerequisite. A software product or a service update that must be installed before another software product or service update is installed. If you attempt to install software products or service updates without the required prerequisite software, a system message displays the names of required prerequisite software. Contrast with dependent.

preservation installation. An installation method used when a previous version of the Base Operating System (BOS) is installed on your system and you want to preserve the user data in the root volume group. However, this method overwrites the /usr, /tmp, /var, and / (root) file systems, so any user data in these directories is lost. System configuration must be done after doing a preservation installation.

Preventive Maintenance Package (PMP). A maintenance level update for your system. A PMP includes updates for the Base Operating System (BOS) and for each optional software product that is installed on your system.

primary language. The primary locale you want your system to use for screen information.

Problem Management Record (PMR). A number assigned by a support center to a reported problem.

product. A software product is made up of software packages that are separately installable.

reboot. To reinitialize the execution of a program by repeating the initial program load (IPL) operation.

reject. To cause portions of applied updates from becoming permanent parts of the product, based on the results of a test period. When you reject an applied service update, the update's files are deleted and the software vital product data (SWVPD) information is changed to indicate that the update is no longer on the system. The previous version of the software, if there is one, is restored and becomes the active version of the software. Contrast with apply and commit.

remove. For a software option, the deletion of the option and all of its applied or committed updates from the system. The software vital product data (SWVPD) information is changed to indicate that the option has been removed from the system. Depending on the option, system configuration information is also cleaned up, although this is not always complete. If a previous version, release, or level of the option is on the system, the system will not restore the previous version. Only an option with its updates can be removed. Updates cannot be removed by themselves. See also commit.

requisite. A software product or a service update that must be installed with another software product or service update. If you attempt to install software products or service updates without the required software, a system message displays the names of required software.

root user authority. The unrestricted ability to access and modify any part of the operating system, usually associated with the user who manages the system.

root volume group (rootvg). A volume group containing the Base Operating System (BOS). See also migration installation.

server. On a network, the computer that contains the data or provides the facilities to be accessed by other computers on the network.

service update. Software that corrects a defect in or adds new function to the Base Operating System (BOS) or to an optional software product. See also maintenance level update.

SMIT. See System Management Interface Tool.

software. Programs, procedures, rules, and any associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a system. Contrast with hardware.

source. A system, a program within a system, or a device that makes a request to a target. Contrast with target.

special file. Used in the operating system to provide an interface to input/output devices. There is at least one special file for each device connected to the computer. Contrast with directory and file.

stacked tape. A bootable tape with multiple software images.

System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). A set of menu-driven services that facilitates the performance of such system tasks as software installation and configuration, device configuration and management, problem determination, and storage management. SMIT is provided in both a character-based curses interface and an AIXwindows-based graphical user interface.

target. A system, a program within a system, or a device that interprets, rejects, or satisfies, and replies to requests received from a source. Contrast with source.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). A communications subsystem that allows you to set up local area and wide area networks.

Universal Coordinated Time (UCT). The new standard term for worldwide time-telling that has the same meaning as Greenwich Mean Time.

update. See service update.

upgrade. Software that fixes a defect in a previously released software product.

verify. The verify procedure instructs the system to verify the software you are installing. The system confirms that your software files are the correct length and contain the correct number of digits and characters. If any errors are reported, it might be necessary to install the software product again. The verification process can add a significant amount of time to the installation process.

volume group (VG). A set of one or more physical volumes from which space can be allocated to one or more logical volumes. A collection of 1 to 32 physical volumes (read-write fixed-disk drives) of varying size and type. See also logical volume.

Web-based System Manager. A graphical user interface (GUI) tool for managing AIX systems. Based on the OO (Object Oriented) model, Web-based System Manager enables users to perform administration tasks by manipulating icons representing objects in the system, as an alternative to learning and remembering complex AIX commands.

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