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Installation Guide

Explanation of Requisites and Dependents

A prerequisite software product or update is one that must be installed before another specified product or update can be installed. A corequisite product or update is one that must be installed at the same time as another specified product or update. If you want to know more details about requisites, see the ckprereq command.

Installing Requisites

You can install prerequisites using either Web-based System Manager, SMIT, or the command line. (By default, requisite software is installed.)

Using Web-based System Manager

  1. To start the Web-based System Manager Software application, enter: wsm software. The Software container displays.
  2. Select Software from the menu.
  3. From the pulldown, select New Software (Install/Update).
  4. Select either Install Additional Software (Custom) or Update Software (Update All/Install Fixes).
  5. On the next dialog, click Advanced.
  6. Select the Automatically install requisite software option.

Using SMIT or the Command Line

From any of the SMIT installation menus, answer yes to the question, "Automatically install PREREQUISITE software?" to have requisites automatically installed.

From the command line, using the -g flag with the installp automatically installs any requisites for the software you are installing.

When you attempt to install products or updates for which requisite software has not been installed, you receive an error message indicating that certain requisite software must first be installed. If you want to see what requisites will be installed, use the preview option. You may want to specify detailed output with the preview option to see the complete information.

Before a software update can be committed, all updates that have requisites to the specified product or update must also be committed. Committing these requisites can be done from the command line by using the -g flag with the installp command, or by setting the Commit requisites? field in the 'Commit Applied Software Updates (Remove Saved Files)' SMIT menu (use the smit commit fast path).

Removing Dependents

A dependent software product or update is one that requires the specified product or update to be installed before it can be installed. Before a version of a software product can be removed, all products or updates that are dependent upon the specified product or update must also be rejected or removed.

You can remove dependents using either Web-based System Manager, SMIT, or the command line.

Using Web-based System Manager

  1. To start the Web-based System Manager Software application, enter: wsm software. The Software container displays.
  2. From the Software container, select the software you are removing and from the Selected menu, select Remove Software....
  3. In the dialog, click Advanced.
  4. Select Remove dependent software.

Using SMIT or the Command Line

From the SMIT menu Reject Applied Updates (Use Previous Version), answer yes to the question "REJECT dependent software?" to have requisites automatically rejected. From the menu Remove Applied Software Products, answer yes to the question "Remove dependent software?"

From the command line, use the -g flag with the installp.

Note: Any software updates dependent on another update that is eligible to be rejected should always be in the applied, not the committed, state. The action of rejecting software updates changes the currently active version of that software product on the system. You should use extreme caution when automatically rejecting dependent updates because that action could change the currently active version of some product that you might prefer not to be altered. It is recommended that you preview the reject process beforehand to see the list of requisites that will also be rejected. When you attempt to reject software that has dependents that are not also being rejected (with the command line list or automatic inclusion), you receive an error message indicating what dependent software must first be rejected. Using the -g flag with the installp command attempts to reject this software for you.

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