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Commands Reference, Volume 3

installp Command


Installs available software products in a compatible installation package.


To Install with Apply Only or with Apply and Commit

installp [ -a | -ac [ -N ] ] [ -eLogFile ] [ -V Number ] [ -dDevice ] [ -b ] [ -S ] [ -B ] [ -D ] [ -I ] [ -p ] [ -Q ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -X ] [ -F | -g ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -tSaveDirectory ] [ -w ] [ -zBlockSize ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f ListFile | all }

To Commit Applied Updates

installp-c [ -eLogFile ] [ -VNumber ] [ -b ] [ -g ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [ -X ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f ListFile | all }

To Reject Applied Updates

installp -r [ -eLogFile ] [ -VNumber ] [ -b ] [ -g ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [ -X ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f ListFile }

To Deinstall (Remove) Installed Software

installp -u [ -eLogFile ] [ -VNumber ] [ -b ] [ -g ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [ -X ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f ListFile }

To Clean Up a Failed Installation:

installp -C [ -b ] [ -eLogFile ]

To List All Installable Software on Media

installp { -l | -L } [ -eLogFile ] [ -d Device ] [ -B ] [ -I ] [ -q ] [ -zBlockSize ] [ -O { [ s ] [ u ] } ]

To List All Customer-Reported Problems Fixed with Software or Display All Supplemental Information

installp { -A|-i } [ -eLogFile ] [ -dDevice ] [ -B ] [ -I ] [ -q ] [ -z BlockSize ] [ -O { [ s ] [ u ] } ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f ListFile | all }

To List Installed Updates That Are Applied But Not Committed

installp -s [ -eLogFile ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -fListFile | all }


Note: The noclobber option of the Korn or C shell should be unset in the environment from which an installation is performed.

The installp command installs and updates software.

A fileset is the lowest installable base unit. For example, bos.net.tcp.client is a fileset. A fileset update is an update with a different fix ID or maintenance level. For example, bos.net.tcp.client and bos.net.tcp.client are both fileset updates for bos.net.tcp.client

When a base level (fileset) is installed on the system, it is automatically committed. You can remove a fileset regardless of the state (committed, broken, committed with applied updates, committed with committed updates, etc.).

When a fileset update is applied to the system, the update is installed. The current version of that software, at the time of the installation, is saved in a special save directory on the disk so that later you can return to that version if desired. Once a new version of a software product has been applied to the system, that version becomes the currently active version of the software.

Updates that have been applied to the system can be either committed or rejected at a later time. The installp -s command can be used to get a list of applied updates that can be committed or rejected.

When updates are committed with the -c flag, the user is making a commitment to that version of the software product, and the saved files from all previous versions of the software product are removed from the system, thereby making it impossible to return to a previous version of the software product. Software can be committed at the time of installation by using the -ac flags. Note that committing already applied updates does not change the currently active version of a software product. It merely removes saved files for previous versions of the software product.

When a base level is removed with the -u flag, the files that are part of the software product and all its updates are removed from the system. Most cleanup of system configuration information pertaining to the product is also done, but this is dependent on the product and may not always be complete.

When a software product update is rejected with the -r flag, the active version of the software product is changed to the version immediately previous to the rejected update. Files saved for the rejected update and any updates that were applied after it are removed from the system.

A software product that is to be removed from the system can be in any state. Any product updates can be in either the applied or committed state, and they will also be removed.

If a previously interrupted installation leaves any software in a state of either applying or committing, it is necessary to perform cleanup with the -C flag before any further installations will be allowed. Although the installp -C command accepts software product names on the command line without returning an error, an attempt is always made to clean up all products when the -C flag is used. An attempt is made to clean up any incomplete installations by removing those parts that were previously completed. An attempt is also made to return to the previous version of the software product, if one exists, as the currently active version. If this cannot be done, the software product is marked as broken, and unpredictable results can occur if the user attempts to use it. Therefore, it is advisable for the user to reinstall any broken software products or updates.

The -t flag specifies an alternate location for a save directory that holds files being replaced by an update. This option is primarily useful in the following two circumstances.

The installp -A command can be used to obtain a list of the Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) numbers and summaries for all customer-reported problems that are fixed in the specified software package. The installp -i command can be used to display supplemental information contained in files that can be a part of the specified software package.

To list all the software products and updates on the specified installation media, use the installp -l command. The output of the installp command with the -l flag resembles the following:

# Fileset Name             Level                    I/U Q Content
  X11.adt.include                  I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Application Development Toolkit Include F
  X11.adt.lib                      I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Application Development Toolkit Libraries
  X11.adt.motif                    I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Application Development Toolkit Motif
  X11.adt.bitmaps                  I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Application Development Toolkit Bitmap Fi
  X11.adt.ext                      I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Application Development Toolkit for X Ext
  X11.adt.imake                    I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Application Development Toolkit imake
  X11.apps.rte                     I  N usr
#   AIXwindows Runtime Configuration Applications
  X11.apps.msmit                   I  N usr
#   AIXwindows msmit Application

The fields have the following meanings:

Fileset Name Name of the fileset to be installed.
Level Level of the fileset to be installed.
I/U Indicates the type of package of which the fileset is a part. The fileset may belong to an installation package or to one of several types of update packages. The package types are as follows:
I Indicates an installation package.
S Indicates a single update.
SR Indicates a required update. Whenever the installp command encounters a required update, the update is automatically included in the input list.
SF Indicates a required update. Whenever the installp command encounters a required update, the update is automatically included in the input list. Reserved for updates to the installp fileset.
M Indicates a maintenance package. This is a packaging update that contains only a list of other updates to be applied. This package delivers no files.
ML Indicates an update package that identifies a new maintenance level for the product. This is a cumulative set of all updates since the previous product level.
Q Quiescent (quiet) column. A Y indicates that running processes can be affected by the installation of this fileset. Refer to the documentation supplied with the software product. An N indicates that running processes are not affected by the installation of this fileset. A B indicates bosboot and quiescent. A b indicates bosboot and not quiescent.
Content Content column:
usr,root /usr and root file systems (Version 3.2 and later)
usr /usr file system only (Version 3.2 and later)
share /usr/share file system only (Version 3.2 and later)

Output from the installp -s command, which is used to get a list of applied software fileset updates and updates that are available to be either committed or rejected, resembles the following:

Installp Status
Name                       Part    Level                     State
bos.net.tcp.client         USR                   APPLIED
bos.net.tcp.client         ROOT                   APPLIED
bos.rte.commands           USR                   APPLIED
bos.rte.misc_cmds          USR                   APPLIED
bos.rte.tty                USR                   APPLIED

The fields have the following meanings:

Name Name of the installed software product fileset.
Part The part of the fileset where:
ROOT root file system
SHARE /usr/share file system
USR /usr file system.
Level The level of the installed software product option.
State The state of the installed software product option.

The software products and updates to be installed can be identified in one of three ways:

The FilesetName parameter can be used to specify an entire software product or any separately installable filesets within the software package. For example, bos.net is the name of a software package, and the separately installable filesets within that software package are bos.net.ncs.client, bos.net.nfs.client, and bos.net.tcp.client. If the user specifies bos.net for the FilesetName parameter, then all of the separately installable filesets listed are installed. If the user specifies bos.net.tcp.client for the FilesetName parameter, then only that fileset is installed.

The Level parameter indicates the level of the software product or update that is to be installed. The Level parameter is of the form vv.rr.mmmm.ffff.ppppppppp where:

vv is a numeric field of 1 to 2 digits that represents the version number.
rr is a numeric field of 1 to 2 digits that represents the release number.
mmmm is a numeric field of 1 to 4 digits that represents the modification level.
ffff is a numeric field of 1 to 4 digits that represents the fix level.
ppppppppp is a character field of 1 to 9 characters that represents the fix ID.

If a user is installing an installation package from installation media that contains only installation packages it is not usually necessary to specify the level. More than one software product installation package with different levels does not often exist on the same installation medium, but when this does occur installp installs the specified software product at the latest software product level when Level is not specified with FilesetName. For installation media that contain either update packages only or contain both installation and update packages, all applicable update packages that are present on the installation media for the specified FilesetName are also installed when Level is not specified. For installation media that contain both installation and update packages the user can request the installation of only installation packages or only update packages by specifying the -I or -B flags, respectively. If the user wants to install only some of the updates on the installation medium for a specific software product both FilesetName and Level for each of the updates to be installed for that software product must be specified.

An example of what might be entered to install TCP/IP and one of its updates that are both contained in the /usr/sys/inst.images directory would be the following:

installp -a -d/usr/sys/inst.images bos.net.tcp.client
Note: In the event that there are duplicate filesets at the same level, installp will use the first one that it finds in the install table of contents ( .toc ). This situation can occur when bffcreate is used to extract images from different media to the same installation directory. For this reason, care should be taken to ensure that update images are not extracted to the same directory as base level images for the same fileset at the same level.

A summary report is given at the end of the installp output that lists the status of each of the software products that were to be installed. An example summary report for the previous installp command follows:

Installp Summary
Name                    Level        Part        Event        Result
bos.net.tcp.client      USR        APPLY        SUCCESS
bos.net.tcp.client      ROOT       APPLY        SUCCESS
bos.net.tcp.client      USR        APPLY        SUCCESS
Note: If a previously installed level of a fileset update is in the broken state, the -acgN flags must be used when that fileset update is installed again.

Summary Report Values

The summary report identifies the name of the product option and the part of the product. Other information given includes the requested action (event) and the result of that action.

Event Values

The Event column of the summary report identifies the action that has been requested of the installp command. The following values may be found in this column:

Event Definition
APPLY An attempt was made to apply the specified fileset.
COMMIT An attempt was made to commit the specified fileset update.
REJECT An attempt was made to reject the specified fileset update.
CLEANUP An attempt was made to perform cleanup for the specified fileset.
DEINSTALL An attempt was made to remove the specified fileset.

Result Values

The Result column of the summary report gives the result of installp performing the requested action. It can have the following values:

Result Definition
SUCCESS The specified action succeeded.
FAILED The specified action failed.
CANCELLED Although preinstallation checking passed for the specified option, it was necessary to cancel the specified action before it was begun. Interrupting the installation process with Ctrl-c can sometimes cause a canceled action, although, in general, a Ctrl-c interrupt causes unpredictable results.


-A Displays the APAR number and summary of all customer-reported problems that are fixed in the specified software package. No installation is attempted.
-a Applies one or more software products or updates. This is the default action. This flag can be used with the -c flag to apply and commit a software product update when installed.
-b Prevents the system from performing a bosboot in the event that one is needed.
-B Indicates that the requested action should be limited to software updates.
-C Cleans up after an interrupted installation and attempts to remove all incomplete pieces of the previous installation. Cleanup should be performed whenever any software product or update is in a state of either applying or committing and can be run manually as needed. For backwards compatibility other flags and parameters can be accepted with installp -C, but are ignored because all necessary cleanup is attempted.
-c Commits all specified updates that are currently applied but not committed. When an update is committed all other software products it is dependent on must also be committed (unless they are already in the committed state). The specified software product is dependent on any software product that is a prerequisite or corequisite of the specified product. The commit will fail and error messages will be given if any requisite software products are not in the committed state. The -g flag can be used to automatically commit requisite software product updates.
-D Deletes the installation image file after the software product or update has been successfully installed. When the -g flag is specified, the installation image files for any products that are automatically included will also be deleted. This flag is valid only with the -a or -ac flags and is not valid with the -Or flag. This flag is also only valid when the device is a directory and an installation image file on the system where the installation is taking place.
-d Device Specifies where the installation media can be found. This can be a hardware device such as tape or diskette, it can be a directory that contains installation images, or it can be the installation image file itself. When the installation media is a product tape or Corrective Service tape, the tape device should be specified as no-rewind-on-close and no-retension-on-open. Examples of this would be /dev/rmt0.1 for a high density tape, or /dev/rmt0.5 for a low density tape. Use the options specified by the tape supplier. The default device is /dev/rfd0.
-e LogFile Enables event logging. The -e flag enables the user to append certain parts of the installp command output to the file specified by the LogFile variable. By default the output of the installp command goes to stdout and stderr, unless SMIT or VSM is used, in which case the output goes to the smit.log. The LogFile variable must specify an existing, writable file, and the file system in which the file resides must have enough space to store the log. The log file does not wrap.

Not all output is appended. Copyright information is still displayed to the user. Any error messages are displayed on the screen and sent to the file specified by the LogFile variable. A results summary of the installp command invocation is also displayed on the screen and sent to the LogFile. This flag is primarily used by NIM and BOS install to limit the output shown to the user, but keep useful information for later retrieval.

-F This option can be used to force the installation of a software product even if there exists a previously installed version of the software product that is the same as or newer than the version currently being installed. It is not advisable to force an AIX Version 3.2 software product on top of an AIX Version 4.1 software product. The -F flag is not valid with update packages or the -g flag. When you use the -F flag, the -I flag is implicit.
-f ListFile Reads the names of the software products from ListFile. If ListFile is a - (dash), it reads the list of names from the standard input. Software fileset names, optionally followed by a level, should be one per line of text, and any text following the second set of white spaces or tabs on a line is ignored. Output from the installp -l command is suitable for input to this flag.
-g When used to install or commit, this flag automatically installs or commits, respectively, any software products or updates that are requisites of the specified software product. When used to remove or reject software, this flag automatically removes or rejects dependents of the specified software. The -g flag is ignored for installation and update packages in AIX Version 3.1 format. The automatic inclusion of requisites or dependents will not be done for these packages. The -g flag is not valid when used with the -F flag.
Note: This flag also automatically pulls in a superseding update present on the media if the specified update is not present. This flag causes the newest update to be installed for a given fileset, when there are multiple superseding updates for the same fileset on the installation media.
-I (uppercase i) Indicates that the requested action should be limited to base level filsets.
-i Displays on standard output the lpp.instr, lpp.doc, lpp.README, and README files on the installation media for the software product, if they exist. This flag can take a significant amount of time for a large number of filsets.
-J This flag is used when the installp command is executed from the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) menus.
-l (lowercase L) Lists all the software products and their separately installable options contained on the installation media to standard output. No installation occurs. The -l flag is not valid with the -Or flag.
-L Displays the contents of the media by looking at the table of contents (TOC) and displaying the information in colon-separated output. This flag is used by smit and vsm to list content of the media. The format provided:
-N Overrides saving of existing files that are replaced when installing or updating. This flag is valid only with the -ac flags. If there is a failure in the system during the installation, there is no recovery of replaced files when this flag is used.
-O{[r][s][u]} Installs the specified part of the software product. The r indicates the / (root) part is to be installed, the s indicates the /usr/share part is to be installed, and the u indicates the /usr part is to be installed. The -O flag is not needed with standard systems because without this flag all parts are installed by default. This flag is needed for use with the installation of diskless or dataless workstations and is designed for use by the nim command. The -Or option is not valid with the -d or -l flags.
-p Performs a preview of an action by running all preinstallation checks for the specified action. This flag is only valid with apply, commit, reject, and remove (-a, -c, -r, and -u) flags.
-Q Suppresses errors amd warnings concerning products failing to install due to instrequisites. This flag applies only to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
-q Specifies quiet mode, which suppresses the prompt for the device, except for media volume change.
-r Rejects all specified software updates that are currently applied but not committed. When a software update is rejected any other software product that is dependent on it (that is, those software products that have the specified software product as a requisite) must also be rejected. The -g flag can be used to reject automatically dependent software updates. The keyword all is not valid with the reject flag (-r). For backwards compatibility, the -R flag is also accepted as a reject flag. The -R cannot be used to remove base level filesets; use the -u flag.
-s Lists information about all software products and updates that have been applied but not committed. This list comprises the software that is available to be either committed or rejected.
-S Suppresses multiple volume processing when the installation device is a CD-ROM. Installation from a CD_ROM is always treated as a single volume, even if the CD-ROM contains information for a multiple volume CD set. This same suppression of multiple volume processing is performed if the INU_SINGLE_CD environment is set.
-t SaveDirectory Specifies an alternate save directory location for files being replaced by an update.

The -t flag is only valid with an apply or an apply/commit operation for updates. This flag is not valid with the -N flag.

The -t flag is useful when there is insufficient space in the default file systems (/ and /usr) or when it is undesirable to permanently expand these file systems. It may be desirable for the specified directory to be a remote file system. A remote file system must have ample space, because the installp command cannot expand remote file systems.

-u Removes the specified software product and any of its installed updates from the system. The product can be in either the committed or broken state. Any software products that are dependent on the specified product must also be explicitly included in the input list unless the -g flag is also specified. Removal of any bos.rte fileset is never permitted.
-v Verifies that all installed files in the fileset have the correct checksum value after the installation. Installed files are always verified for correct file size after installation. This flag should be used after network or remote device installations. If any errors are reported, it might be necessary to install the software product again. Post-installation requisite consistency checks are also started by this flag.
-V Number Specifies the verbose option which provides four levels of detail for preinstallation output. The valid values for the Number parameter are 2, 3, or 4. The default level of verbosity, without the use of the -V flag, prints an alphabetically ordered list of FAILURES, WARNINGS, and SUCCESSES from preinstallation processing. Requisite failures are reported with emphasis on the real cause of the failure. Extraneous requisites for failed filesets are not displayed. The preinstallation output is modified by levels 2 through 4 as described below:
2 Prints alphabetically ordered list of FAILURES and WARNINGS. Requisite failures are displayed with additional information describing requisite relationships between selected filesets and the requisites causing them to fail. Failing requisites suppressed under Level 1are displayed. Preinstallation SUCCESSES are displayed in the order in which they are processed.
3 Level 3 is the same as Level 2, with the exception that additional requisite information is displayed for SUCCESSES.
4 Level 4 is the same as Level 3 for SUCCESSES and WARNINGS. Requisite failures are displayed in a format depicting detailed requisite relationships.
Note: If verbosity level 2 or higher is used, the files that are restored on to the system is shown in the output. Since this will make installp's output much more verbose, you should make sure that your / (root) filesystem does not become full when the /smit.log becomes large (if using smit to run installp).
-w Does not wildcard FilesetName. Use this flag from smit so it only installs the fileset choosen and will not install filesets that match. For example, if you choose foo.rte, foo.rte.bar is not automatically pulled in, as it would be by default, without the -w flag. This flag applies only to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
-X Attempts to expand any file systems where there is insufficient space to do the installation. This option expands file systems based on current available space and size estimates that are provided by the software product package. Note that it is possible to exhaust available disk space during an installation even if the -X flag is specified, especially if other files are being created or expanded in the same file systems during an installation. Also note that any remote file systems cannot be expanded.
-z BlockSize Indicates in bytes the block size of the installation media. The default value of Size is 512.
FilesetName This is the name of the software product to be installed and can specify either an entire software product or any separately installable filesets within the software product. This can be used to specify the name of a fileset or fileset update.
Level This indicates the level of the software product or update that is to be installed and is of the form vv.rr.mmmm.ffff. If a fileset update has an additional fix id (also know as ptf id), that id should also be specified in the Level as in vv.rr.mmmm.ffff.ppppppp.

Return Values

A zero (0) return value indicates that all attempted installations were successful, or that no processing was required for the requested action on the requested filesets (for example, if a requested fileset was already installed).

A nonzero return value indicates that some part of the installation was not successful.

A summary report is given at the end of the installp output that lists the status of each of the software products that were to be installed. For those software products that could not be installed or whose installation failed, the user can search for the cause in the more detailed information that is continually displayed from the installp command during the installation process.


Privilege Control: Only the root user can run this command.

Auditing Events:

Event Information
INSTALLP_Inst Success or failure of the apply, commit, reject, and cleanup operations.


  1. To list all software products and installable options contained on an installation cartridge tape, enter:
    installp -L -d /dev/rmt0.1
  2. To list all customer-reported problems fixed by all software products on an installation tape, enter:
    installp -A -d /dev/rmt0.1 all
  3. To install (automatically committed) all filesets within the bos.net software package (located in the /usr/sys/inst.images directory) and expand file systems if necessary, enter:
    installp -aX -d/usr/sys/inst.images bos.net
  4. To reinstall and commit the NFS software product option that is already installed on the system at the same level (from tape), enter:
    installp -acF -d/dev/rmt0.1 bos.net.nfs.client
  5. To install (apply only) certain updates that are contained on diskette for the TCP/IP software product, enter:
    installp -a bos.net.tcp.client bos.net.tcp.server
  6. To remove a fileset named bos.net.tcp.server, enter:
    installp -u bos.net.tcp.server
  7. To specify an alternate storage directory on a remote file system for a BOSNET TCP/IP update with -t/temp_space, see the following example: the save directory becomes /temp_space/My_Hostname/usr/lpp/bos.net/bos.net.nfs.client/
    mount Server_Name:/Save_Area /temp_space
    installp -a -t /temp_space/My_Hostname  \ 
  8. In order to capture a log file of all output from the installp command, the script command can be used as in the following example. Output is written to the typescript file in the current directory.
    installp ...
    installp ... 2>&1 | tee /tmp/inst.out
    In the second example, output is written to the screen and a copy is saved.
  9. To preview (without performing) the installation of the Application Developer bundle of software using the installp command, enter:
    installp -pacgXd /dev/rmt0.1 -f /usr/sys/inst.data/sys_bundles \
  10. To install TCP/IP and one of its updates that are both contained in the /usr/sys/inst.images, enter:

    A summary report is given at the end of the installp output that lists the status of each of the software products that were to be installed. An example summary report for the previous installp command follows:

    Installp Summary
    Name                 Level        Part       Event        Result
    bos.net.tcp.client      USR        APPLY        SUCCESS
    bos.net.tcp.client      ROOT       APPLY        SUCCESS
    bos.net.tcp.client      USR        APPLY        SUCCESS
    Note: This summary is also saved in /var/adm/sw/installp.summary until the next installp invocation. The header file inuerr.h in the /usr/include directory describes the fields making up the records in the installp.summary file.


/dev/rfd0 Specifies the default restore device.
/dev/rmtn Specifies the raw streaming tape interface.
/usr/sys/inst.images directory Contains files in backup format for use in installing or updating a complete set or subset of software products.

Related Information

The bffcreate command, inudocm command, inutoc command, lppchk command, lslpp command, sysck command.

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