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Commands Reference, Volume 3

lppchk Command


Verifies files of an installable software product.


lppchk { -c[ u ] | -f | -l [ u ] | -v } [ -m [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ ProductName [ FileList ... ] ]


The lppchk command verifies that files for an installable software product (fileset) match the Software Vital Product Data (SWVPD) database information for file sizes, checksum values, or symbolic links. A fileset is a separately installable option of a software package.


-c Performs a checksum operation on the FileList items and verifies that the checksum and the file size are consistent with the SWVPD database.
-f Checks that the FileList items are present and the file size matches the SWVPD database.
-l Verifies symbolic links for files as specified in the SWVPD database.
-m [1|2|3] Displays three levels of information. The levels are as follows:
1 Error messages only (default).
2 Error messages and warnings.
3 Error messages, warnings and informational messages.
-O {[r][s][u]} Verifies the specified parts of the program. This flag is not needed with standalone systems because without this option all parts are verified by default. The flags specify the following parts:
r Indicates the / (root) part is to be verified.
s Indicates the /usr/share part is to be verified.
u Indicates the /usr part is to be verified.
-u Updates the SWVPD with new checksum or size information from the system when the system information does not match the SWVPD database. This flag sets symbolic links that are found to be missing. This flag is valid with only the -c or -l flag.
-v Verifies that the / (root), /usr and /usr/share parts of the system are valid with each other. In other words, this flag verifies that all software products installed on the / (root) file system are also installed on the /usr file system and, conversely, all the software products installed in the /usr file system are also installed on the / (root) file system. You cannot specify FileList items with this flag. This flag also verifies requisites.
Note: Only one of the -c, -f, -l, and -v flags can be specified with each use of the lppchk command.


FileList Specifies the file or files to check. This parameter is a list of file names separated by spaces. The file names can be a single name or a pair of names separated by a colon. The first form specifies a simple file and the second form specifies a member of an archive file, where the first name specifies the member and the second name specifies the archive file that contains the member. The full path name of the file or files must be specified. To specify multiple files you can use the pattern-matching characters * (asterisk) and ? (question mark), but they should be enclosed in a pair of 's (single quotes). Single quotes are recommended to prevent the korn shell wildcard expansion.

If this parameter is omitted, all files of a software product are checked. If this parameter is specified, it must be preceded by a software product name.

ProductName Specifies the name of the software product whose files are to be checked. If this parameter is omitted, all software products in the SWVPD are checked. To specify multiple software products you can use the pattern-matching characters * (asterisk) and ? (question mark), but they must be enclosed in a pair of 's (single quotes) to prevent the shell from expanding them.

Return Values

The lppchk command returns zero if no errors were found. Any other return value indicates an error was found.


  1. To verify all files that comprise the X11.fnt package, enter:
    lppchk -c X11.fnt
  2. To verify the symbolic links of all software products whose names begin with X11, enter:
    lppchk -l 'X11*'
  3. To verify that all filesets have all required requisites and are completely installed, enter:
    lppchk -v


/etc/objrepos/lpp Specifies installation information of all software products on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/lpp Specifies installation information of all software products on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/lpp Specifies installation information of all software products on the /usr/share file system.
/etc/objrepos/product Specifies installation and update information of all software products on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/product Specifies installation and update information of all software products on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/product Specifies installation and update information of all the software products on the /usr/share file system.
/etc/objrepos/inventory Specifies names and locations of files in a software product on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/inventory Specifies names and locations of files in a software product on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/inventory Specifies names and locations of files in a software product on the /usr/share file system.

Related Information

The installp command, sum command, tcbck command.

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