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Network Installation Management Guide and Reference


allocate. To make resources available to the target machine.

attribute. A characteristic or property of one or more objects.

Base Operating System (BOS) installation. The process of installing and configuring the minimum amount of software needed to bring a machine to the running state.

boot image. An image containing the kernel, file systems, libraries, and programs. The boot image is loaded after the machine is turned on or reset and brings it to a running state.

client. A machine that uses remote resources.

configuration. (1.) The group of machines, devices, and programs that make up a data processing system or network. (2.) The process of describing to a system the devices, optional features, and program products that have been installed so that these features can be used. Contrast with customization.

connectivity. An algorithm that determines if two machines on different networks can communicate. If the machines can communicate, connectivity also determines which host names should be used and which TCP/IP routing information must be added.

control state. A state that represents the current Network Installation Management (NIM) operation being performed on a machine. This state is one of two machine states.

customization. (1.) In the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment, this is optional software installation. (2.) The process of describing optional changes to defaults of a software program that is already installed on the system and configured so that it can be used. Contrast with configuration.

fileset. One or more separately installable, logically grouped units in an installation package.

generic network. A Network Installation Management (NIM) network type used to define networks which are not currently known by NIM to support network boot operations.

groups. Network Installation Management (NIM) permits machines to be grouped together so that NIM operations may be easily directed at multiple targets. Similarly, NIM permits resources to be grouped together and allocated as a logical unit to NIM targets.

machine execution state. A state that indicates the machine is shut down, booting, or running. This state is one of two machine states.

machine object. An entry in the Network Installation Management (NIM) database that represents a machine configuration.

machine state. A state that identifies the machine execution state and control state for each machine.

master. The only machine in the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment that has permission to remotely execute commands on other NIM clients.

multihomed machine. A machine that has more than one configured network adapter and more than one host name.

network boot image. A boot image that supports standalone, diskless, and dataless machines.

Network Installation Management (NIM). An environment that provides installation and configuration of software within a network interface.

network object. An entry in the Network Installation Management (NIM) database that represents a local area network.

network state. A state that indicates either that the network object can participate in Network Installation Management (NIM) operations or an error in the definition of the network object.

NIM routing. The information that defines which networks in the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment can communicate with each other and which gateways they use to facilitate that communication. NIM routing is used to represent the TCP/IP routing that exists for the LANs in the overall network environment.

objects. In the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment, an entry in the NIM database that represents a machine, network, or resource.

pull installation. In the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment, an installation that is initiated from a target.

push installation. In the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment, an installation that is initiated from the master.

push permissions. Permissions that enable remote execution of commands.

resource. Any file, directory, file system, or device that is required to perform a Network Installation Management (NIM) operation.

resource state. A state that indicates that the resource is either available or unavailable for use.

server. A machine that makes resources available to other machines over a network.

Shared Product Object Tree (SPOT). For Network Installation Management (NIM), a /usr file system or an equivalent file system that is exported by servers in the Network Installation Management environment for remote client use.

software configuration. The processing required to make installed software ready to use.

software installation. The process of restoring software from external media to a local file system. The software can require further processing, or configuration, before it is ready to use.

target. For Network Installation Management, the client you are installing.

Web-based System Manager. A Web-based graphical interface that allows you to perform installation and system management tasks.

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