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AIX Version 4 Keyboard Technical Reference

Thai Keyboard Translate Table

The AIX Version 4 NLS subsystem supports two Code Sets for the Thai language. These Code Sets are the PC Code Set IBM-850 and the Code Set ISO8859-1, which is the industry standard. The two columns in the translate tables identify both the IBM-850 and ISO8859-1 code points for the key positions. The code points are the same for the ASCII characters since ASCII is a subset of the IBM-850 and ISO8859-1 Code Sets.

The following sections of the Thai keyboard translate table contain the keyboard information for the Thai keyboard. The keyboard table:

To find out the position number of one or more of the keyboard keys, see "Key Position Codes and Scan Codes for Keyboards" .

For more detailed information about the abbreviations, characters, and headings used in this table, see:

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 1 - 7)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
1 Base Underscore (c) 0x5f 0x5f
1 Shift Percent Sign (c) 0x25 0x25
2 Base Thai Character LAKKHANGYAO (c) 0xe5 0xe5
2 Shift Plus Sign (c) 0x2b 0x2b
3 Base Backslash (c) 0x2f 0x2f
3 Shift Thai Digit One (c) 0xf1 0xf1
4 Base Dash (c) 0x2d 0x2d
4 Shift Thai Digit Two (c) 0xf2 0xf2
5 Base Thai Character PHO SAMPHAO (c) 0xc0 0xc0
5 Shift Thai Digit Three (c) 0xf3 0xf3
6 Base Thai Digit Four (c) 0xf4 0xf4
6 Shift Thai Character THO THUNG (c) 0xb6 0xb6
7 Base Thai Character SARA U (c) 0xd8 0xd8
7 Shift Thai Character SARA UU (c) 0xd9 0xd9
c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 8 - 14)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
8 Base Thai Character SARA UE (c) 0xd6 0xd6
8 Shift Thai Currency Symbol Baht (c) 0xdf 0xdf
9 Base Thai Character KHO KHWAI (c) 0xa4 0xa4
9 Shift Thai Digit Five (c) 0xf5 0xf5
10 Base Thai Character TO TAO (c) 0xb5 0xb5
10 Shift Thai Digit Six (c) 0xf6 0xf6
11 Base Thai Character CHO CHAN (c) 0xa8 0xa8
11 Shift Thai Digit Seven (c) 0xf7 0xf7
12 Base Thai Character KHO KHAI (c) 0xa2 0xa2
12 Shift Thai Digit Eight (c) 0xf8 0xf8
13 Base Thai Character CHO CHANG (c) 0xaa 0xaa
13 Shift Thai Digit Nine (c) 0xf9 0xf9
Not Available

c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 15 - 21)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
Not Available

Not Available

17 Base Thai Character MAIYAMOK *repetition (c) 0xed 0xed
17 Shift Thai Digit Zero (c) 0xf1 0xf1
18 Base Thai Character SARA AI MAIMALAI (c) 0xe4 0xe4
18 Shift Quotation (c) 0x22 0x22
19 Base Thai Character SARA AM (c)
= Thai Character NIKHAHIT *final nasal (c)
+ Thai Character SARA AA (c)
0xd3 0xd3
19 Shift Thai Character DO CHADA (c) 0xae 0xae
20 Base Thai Character PHO PHAN(c) 0xbe 0xbe
20 Shift Thai Character THO NANGMONTHO (c) 0xbl 0xbl
21 Base Thai Character SARA A (c) 0xd0 0xd0
21 Shift Thai Character THO THONG (c) 0xb8 0xb8
c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 22 - 28)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
22 Base Thai Character MAI HAN-AKAT (c) 0xdl 0xdl
22 Shift Thai Character NIKHAHIT *final nasal (c) 0xed 0xed
23 Base Thai Character SARA II (c) 0xd5 0xd5
23 Shift Thai Character MAI TRI (c) 0xea 0xea
24 Base Thai Character RO RUA (c) 0xc3 0xc3
24 Shift Thai Character NO NEN (c) 0xb3 0xb3
25 Base Thai Character NO NU (c) 0xb9 0xb9
25 Shift Thai Character PAIYANNOI *ellipsis, abbreviation (c) 0xcf 0xcf
26 Base Thai Character YO YAK(c) 0xc2 0xc2
26 Shift Thai Character YO YING (c) 0xad 0xad
27 Base Thai Character BO BAIMAI (c) 0xba 0xba
27 Shift Thai Character THO THAN (c) 0xb0 0xb0
28 Base Thai Character LO LING (c) 0xc5 0xc5
28 Shift Comma (c) 0x2c 0x2c
c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 29 - 35)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
29 Base Thai Character KHO KHUAT (c) 0xa3 0xa3
29 Shift Thai Character KHO KHON (c) 0xa5 0xa5
Not Available

31 Base Thai Character FO FAN (c) 0xbf 0xbf
31 Shift Thai Character RU *independent vowelletter used to write Pali (c) 0xc4 0xc4
32 Base Thai Character HO HIP (c) 0xcb 0xcb
32 Shift Thai Character KHO RAKHANG (c) 0xa6 0xa6
33 Base Thai Character KO KAI (c) 0xa1 0xa1
33 Shift Thai Character TO PATAK (c) 0xaf 0xaf
34 Base Thai Character DO DEK (c) 0xb4 0xb4
34 Shift Thai Character SARA O (c) 0xe2 0xe2
35 Base Thai Character SARA E (c) 0xe0 0xe0
35 Shift Thai Character CHO CHOE (c) 0xac 0xac
c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 36 - 43)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table  
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
36 Base Thai Character MAI THO (c) 0xe9 0xe9
36 Shift Thai Character MAITAIKHU (c) 0xe7 0xe7
37 Base Thai Character MAI EK (c) 0xe8 0xe8
37 Shift Thai Character MAI CHATTAWA (c) 0xeb 0xeb
38 Base Thai Character SARA AA(c) 0xd2 0xd2
38 Shift Thai Character SO RUSI (c) 0xc9 0xc9
39 Base Thai Character SO SUA (c) 0xca 0xca
39 Shift Thai Character SO SALA (c) 0xc8 0xc8
40 Base Thai Character WO WAEN (c) 0xc7 0xc7
40 Shift Thai Character SO SO (c) 0xab 0xab
41 Base Thai Character NGO NGU (c) 0xa7 0xa7
41 Shift Thai Character PHINTHU *Pali virama (c) 0xda 0xda
Not Available

Not Available

c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 44 - 51)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table    
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
Not Available

Not Available

46 Base Thai Character PHO PHUNG (c) 0x3b 0x3b
46 Shift Left Parenthensis (c) 0x3a 0x3a
47 Base Thai Character PO PLA (c) 0xbb 0xbb
47 Shift Right Parenthensis (c) 0x29 0x29
48 Base Thai Character SARA AE (c) 0xe1 0xe1
48 Shift Thai Character CHO CHING (c) 0xa9 0xa9
49 Base Thai Character O ANG (c) 0xcd 0xcd
49 Shift Thai Character NO NOKHUK (c) 0xce 0xce
50 Base Thai Character SARA I (c) 0xd4 0xd4
50 Shift Thai Character PHINTHU (c) 0xda 0xda
51 Base Thai Character SARA UEE (c) 0xd7 0xd7
51 Shift Thai Character THANTHAKHAT *cancellation mark (c) 0xec 0xec
c = character
f = function

Thai Keyboard Translate Table (Key Positions 52 - 60)

Thai Keyboard Translate Table      
Key Shift Assignment Returned Returned String
Posn State
850 Code Set 8859-1 Code Set
52 Base Thai Character THO THAHAN (c) 0xb7 0xb7
52 Shift Question mark (c) 0x3f 0x3f
53 Base Thai Character MO MA (c) 0xc1 0xc1
53 Shift Thai Character PHUTHAO (c) 0xb2 0xb2
54 Base Thai Character SARA AI MAIMUAN (c) 0xe3 0xe3
54 Shift Thai Character LO CHULA (c) 0xcc 0xcc
55 Base Thai Character FO FA (c) 0xbd 0xbd
55 Shift Thai Character LU (c) 0xc6 0xc6
56 Base Comma (c) 0x2c 0x2c
56 Shift Less Than Sign (c) 0x3c 0x3c
57 Base Period (c) 0x2e 0x2e
57 Shift Greater Than Sign (c) 0x3e 0x3e
58 Base Slash (c) 0x2f 0x2f
58 Shift Question Mark (c) 0x3f 0x3f
Not Available

60 Base Shift (Right) Not Returned (none) Not Returned (none)
c = character
f = function

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