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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

Customizing the adb Debug Program

The following sections describe how you can customize the adb debug program.

Combining Commands on a Single Line

You can give more than one command on a line by separating the commands with a ; (semicolon). The commands are performed one at a time, starting at the left. Changes to the current address and format carry over to the next command. If an error occurs, the remaining commands are ignored. For example, the following sequence displays both the adb variables and then the active subroutines at one point in the adbsamp2 program:

b = 10000000
d = ec
e = 10000038
m = 108
t = 2f8.
f(0,0) .main+26.
main(0,0,0) start+fa

Creating adb Scripts

You can direct the adb debug program to read commands from a text file instead of from the keyboard by redirecting the standard input file when you start the adb program. To redirect standard input, use the input redirection symbol, < (less than), and supply a file name. For example, use the following command to read commands from the file script:

adb sample <script

The file must contain valid adb subcommands. Use the adb program script files when the same set of commands can be used for several different object files. Scripts can display the contents of core files after a program error. The following example shows a file containing commands that display information about a program error. When that file is used as input to the adb program using the following command to debug the adbsamp2 file, the specified output is produced.

=1n"======= adb Variables ======="
=1n"======= Address Map ======="
=1n"======= C Stack Backtrace ======="
=1n"======= C External Variables ======="
=1n"======= Registers ======="
=1n"======= Data Segment ======="<
$ adb adbsamp2 <script
adbsamp2: running
breakpoint .f:   b  .f+24
    ======= adb Variables =======
0 = TBD
1 = TBD
2 = TBD
9 = TBD
b = 10000000
d = ec
e = 10000038
m = 108
t = 2f8
    ======= Address Map =======
[0]? map  .adbsamp2.
b1 = 10000000  e1 = 100002f8  f1 = 0
b2 = 200002f8  e2 = 200003e4  f2 = 2f8
[0]/ map  .-.
b1 = 0    e1 = 0    f1 = 0
b2 = 0    e2 = 0    f2 = 0
    ======= C Stack Backtrace =======.
f(0,0) .main+26.
main(0,0,0) start+fa
    ======= C External Variables =======Full word.
errno: 0.
environ:  3fffe6bc.
NLinit:  10000238.
main: 100001ea.
exit: 1000028c.
fcnt: 0
.loop .count:  1.
f:   100001b4.
NLgetfile: 10000280.
write: 100002e0.
NLinit. .X:  10000238 .
NLgetfile. .X:   10000280 .
cleanup: 100002bc.
exit: 100002c8 .
exit . .X:  1000028c . .
cleanup . .X:  100002bc
    ======= Registers =======
mq  20003a24  .errno+3634
cs  100000 gt
ics  1000004
pc  100001b4 .f
r15  10000210 .main+26
r14  20000388  .main
r13  200003ec  .loop .count
r12  3fffe3d0
r11  3fffe44c
r10  0
r9  20004bcc
r8  200041d8  .errno+3de8
r7  0
r6  200030bc  .errno+2ccc
r5  1
r4  200003ec  .loop .count
r3  f4240
r2  1
r1  3fffe678
r0  20000380  .f.
f:   b  .f+24
    ======= Data Segment =======
10000000:  103 5313  3800  0  0  2f8 0  ec
10000010:  0  10 1000  38 0  0  0  1f0
10000020:  0  0  0  0  1000  0  2000  2f8
10000030:  0  0  0  0  4  6000  0  6000
10000040:  6e10  61d0  9430  a67 6730  6820  c82e  8
10000050:  8df0  94 cd0e  60 6520  a424  a432  c84e
10000060:  8  8df0  77 cd0e  64 6270  8df0  86
10000070:  cd0e  60 6520  a424  a432  6470  8df0  6a
10000080:  cd0e  64 c82e  19 8df0  78 cd0e  60
10000090:  6520  a424  a432  c84e  19 8df0  5b cd0e
100000a0:  64 cd2e  5c 7022  d408  64 911 c82e
100000b0:  2e 8df0  63 cd0e  60 6520  a424  a432
100000c0:  c84e  2e 8df0  46 cd0e  64 15 6280
100000d0:  8df0  60 cd0e  68 c82e  3f 8df0  4e
100000e0:  cd0e  60 6520  a424  a432  c84e  3f 8df0
100000f0:  31 cd0e  64 c820  14 8df0  2b cd0e

Setting Output Width

Use the $w subcommand to set the maximum width (in characters) of each line of output created by the adb program. The command has the form:


In this format, the Width parameter is an integer that specifies the width in characters of the display. You can give any width convenient for your display device. When the adb program is first invoked, the default width is 80 characters.

This command can be used when redirecting output to a line printer or special output device. For example, the following command sets the display width to 120 characters, a common maximum width for line printers:


Setting the Maximum Offset

The adb debug program normally displays memory and file addresses as the sum of a symbol and an offset. This format helps to associate the instructions and data on the display with a particular function or variable. When the adb program starts up, it sets the maximum offset to 255, so that symbolic addresses are assigned only to instructions or data that occur less than 256 bytes from the start of the function or variable. Instructions or data beyond that point are given numeric addresses.

In many programs, the size of a function or variable is actually larger than 255 bytes. For this reason the adb program lets you change the maximum offset to accommodate larger programs. You can change the maximum offset by using the $s subcommand.

The subcommand has the form:


In this format, the Offset parameter is an integer that specifies the new offset. For example, the following command increases the maximum possible offset to 4095:


All instructions and data that are less than 4096 bytes away are given symbolic addresses. You can disable all symbolic addressing by setting the maximum offset to zero. All addresses are given numeric values instead.

Setting Default Input Format

To alter the default format for numbers used in commands, use the $d or $o (octal) subcommands. The default format tells the adb debug program how to interpret numbers that do not begin with 0 (octal) or 0x (hexadecimal), and how to display numbers when no specific format is given. Use these commands to work with a combination of decimal, octal, and hexadecimal numbers.

The $o subcommand sets the radix to 8 and thus sets the default format for numbers used in commands to octal. After you enter that subcommand, the adb program displays all numbers in octal format except those specified in some other format.

The format for the $d subcommand is the Radix$d command, where the Radix parameter is the new value of the radix. If the Radix parameter is not specified, the $d subcommand sets the radix to a default value of 16. When you first start the adb program, the default format is hexadecimal. If you change the default format, you can restore it as necessary by entering the $d subcommand by itself:


To set the default format to decimal, use the following command:


Changing the Disassembly Mode

Use the $i and $n subcommands to force the adb debug program to disassemble instructions using the specified instruction set and mnemonics. The $i subcommand specifies the instruction set to be used for disassembly. The $n subcommand specifies the mnemonics to be used in disassembly.

If no value is entered, these commands display the current settings.

The $i subcommand accepts the following values:

com Specifies the instruction set for the common intersection mode of the PowerPC and POWER architectures.
pwr Specifies the instruction set and mnemonics for the POWER implementation of the POWER architecture.
pwrx Specifies the instruction set and mnemonics for the POWER2 implementation of the POWER architecture.
ppc Specifies the instruction set and mnemonics for the PowerPC architecture.
601 Specifies the instruction set and mnemonics for the PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor.
603 Specifies the instruction set and mnemonics for the PowerPC 603 RISC Microprocessor.
604 Specifies the instruction set and mnemonics for the PowerPC 604 RISC Microprocessor.
ANY Specifies any valid instruction. For instruction sets that overlap, the mnemonics will default to PowerPC mnemonics.

The $n subcommand accepts the following values:

pwr Specifies the mnemonics for the POWER implementation of the POWER architecture.
ppc Specifies the mnemonics for the PowerPC architecture.

Related Information

adb Debug Program Overview

Using adb Expressions

Computing Numbers and Displaying Text

Displaying and Manipulating the Source File with the adb Program

adb Debug Program Expressions

adb Debug Program Subcommands

adb command

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