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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

SMIT Example Program

The following example program is designed to help you write your own stanzas. If you add these stanzas to the SMIT directory that comes with the operating system, they will be accessible through SMIT by selecting the Applications item in the SMIT main menu. All of the demos are functional except for Demo 3, which does not install any languages.

# Intro:
# Unless you are creating a new SMIT database, first you need
# to decide where to insert the menu for your application.
# Your new menu will point to other menus, name headers, and 
# dialogs. For this example, we are inserting a pointer to the
# demo menu under the "Applications" menu option. The next_id for
# the Applications menu item is "apps", so we begin by creating a
# menu_opt with "apps" as its id.
   id           = "apps"
   id_seq_num   = "010"
   next_id      = "demo" 
   text         = "SMIT Demos" 
   next_type    = "m"    
   id           = "demo"
   id_seq_num   = "010"
   next_id      = "demo_queue" 
   text         = "Demo 1: Add a Print Queue" 
   next_type    = "n"    
   id              = "demo"
   id_seq_num      = "020"
   next_id         = "demo_mle_inst_lang_hdr"
   text            = "Demo 2: Add Language for Application Already Installed"
   next_type       = "n"
# Since demo_mle_inst_lang_hdr is a descriptive, but not very
# memorable name, an alias with a simpler name can be made to 
# point to the same place.
   id              = "demo_lang"
   next_id         = "demo_mle_inst_lang_hdr"
   next_type       = "n"
   alias           = "y"
   id_seq_num      = "030"
   id              = "demo"
   next_id         = "demo_lspv"
   text            = "Demo 3: List Contents of a Physical Volume"
   text_msg_file   = "smit.cat"
   next_type       = "n"
   id_seq_num      = "040"
   id              = "demo"
   next_id         = "demo_date"
   text            = "Demo 4: Change / Show Date, Time"
   text_msg_file   = "smit.cat"
   next_type       = "n"
# Demo 1
# ------
# Goal: Add a Print Queue. If the printers.rte package is not
#       installed, install it automatically. If the user is
#       running MSMIT (SMIT in a windows interface), launch a
#       graphical program for this task. Otherwise, branch to
#       the SMIT print queue task.
# Topics:      1. cooked output & cmd_to_classify
#              2. SMIT environment variable (msmit vs. ascii)
#              3. ghost name_hdr
#              4. super-ghost name_hdr   
#              5. creating an "OK / cancel" option
#              6. dspmsg for translations
#              7. exit/exec mode
#              8. id_seq_num for a name_hdr option
# Topics: 1,4
# Note that the next_id is the same as the id. Remember that the
# output of the cmd_to_classify is appended to the next_id,
# since the type is "c", for cooked. So, the next_id will be
# either demo_queue1 or demo_queue2. None of the output of the
# name_hdr is displayed, and there is no cmd_to_list in the
# demo_queue_dummy_opt, making this name_hdr a super-ghost.
   id                        = "demo_queue"
   next_id                   = "demo_queue"
   option_id                 = "demo_queue_dummy_opt"
   name                      = "Add a Print Queue"
   name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set              = 52
   name_msg_id               = 41
   type                      = "c"
   ghost                     = "y"
   cmd_to_classify         = "\
    # Check to see if the printer file is installed.
    lslpp -l printers.rte 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
    if [[ $? != 0 ]]
   echo 2
   echo 1
   next_type                  = "n"
# Topics: 2,4 
# Having determined the printer software is installed, we want
# to know if the gui program should be run or if we should
# branch to the ascii SMIT screen for this task. To do this, we
# check the value of the environment variable SMIT, which is "m"
# for windows (Motif) or "a" for ascii. Here again we tack the
# output of the cmd_to_classify onto the next_id.
   id                        = "demo_queue1"
   next_id                   = "mkpq"
   option_id                 = "demo_queue_dummy_opt"
   has_name_select           = ""
   ghost                     = "y"
   next_type                 = "n"
   type                      = "c"
   cmd_to_classify           = "\
   if [ $SMIT = \"m\" ]; then
     echo gui
   id               = "mkpqgui"
   next_id          = "invoke_gui"
   next_type        = "d"
   option_id        = "demo_queue_dummy_opt"
   ghost            = "y"
# Topics: 7
# Note: the exec_mode of this command is "e", which
# exits SMIT before running the cmd_to_exec.
   id               = "invoke_gui"
   cmd_to_exec      = "/usr/bin/X11/xprintm"
   exec_mode        = "e"
   ghost            = "y"
   id                             = "demo_queue_dummy_opt"
   id_seq_num                     = 0
# Topics: 3,5
# The printer software is not installed. Install the software
# and loop back to demo_queue1 to check the SMIT environment
# variable. This is a ghost name_hdr. The cmd_to_list of the
# sm_cmd_opt is displayed immediately as a pop-up option
# instead of waiting for the user to input a response. In this
# ghost, the cmd_opt is a simple OK/cancel box that prompts the
# user to press return.
   id                        = "demo_queue2"
   next_id                   = "demo_queue1"
   option_id                 = "demo_queue_opt"
   name                      = "Add a Print Queue"
   name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set              = 52
   name_msg_id               = 41
   ghost                     = "y"
   cmd_to_classify           = "\
install_printers ()
  # Install the printer package.
  /usr/lib/assist/install_pkg \"printers.rte\" 2>&1 >/dev/null
  if [[ $? != 0 ]]
    echo "Error installing printers.rte"
    exit 1
    exit 0
install_printers "
   next_type                        = "n"
# Topics: 5,6,8
# Here a cmd_opt is used as an OK/cancel box. Note also that the
# command dspmsg is used to display the text for the option. This
# allows for translation of the messages.
# Note: the id_seq_num for the option is 0. Only one option is
#       allowed per name_hdr, and its id_seq_num must be 0.
   id                        = "demo_queue_opt"
   id_seq_num                = "0"
   disc_field_name           = ""
   name                      = "Add a Print Queue"
   name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set              = 52
   name_msg_id               = 41
   op_type                   = "l"
   cmd_to_list               = "x()\
if [ $SMIT = \"a\" ] \n\
then \n\
dspmsg -s 52 smit.cat 56 \
'Press Enter to automatically install the printer software.\n\
Press F3 to cancel.\n\
else \n\
dspmsg -s 52 smit.cat 57 'Click on this item to automatically install
the printer software.\n' \n\
} \n\
   entry_type                = "t"
   multi_select              = "n"
# Demo 2
# ------
# Goal: Add a Language for an Application Already Installed. It
#       is often clearer to the user to get some information 
#       before displaying the dialog screen. Name Headers
#       (sm_name_hdr) can be used for this purpose. In this
#       example, two name headers are used to determine the
#       language to install and the installation device. The 
#       dialog has entries for the rest of the information needed
#       to perform the task.
# Topics:
#       1. Saving output from successive name_hdrs with
#          cooked_field_name
#       2. Using getopts inside cmd_to_exec to process cmd_opt
#          info
#       3. Ring list vs. cmd_to_list for displaying values
#          cmd_opts
# Topic: 1
# This is the first name_hdr. It is called by the menu_opt for
# this function. We want to save the user's input for later use
# in the dialog. The parameter passed into the cmd_to_classify
# comes from the user's selection/entry. Cmd_to_classify cleans
# up the output and stores it in the variable specified by 
# cooked_field_name. This overrides the default value for the
# cmd_to_classify output, which is _cookedname. The default must
# be overridden because we also need to save the output of the
# next name_hdr.
    id                        = "demo_mle_inst_lang_hdr"
    next_id                   = "demo_mle_inst_lang"
    option_id                 = "demo_mle_inst_lang_select"
    name                      = "Add Language for Application Already Installed"
    name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set              = 53
    name_msg_id               = 35
    type                      = "j"
    ghost                     = "n"
    cmd_to_classify           = "\
        foo() {
            echo $1 | sed -n \"s/[^[]*\\[\\([^]]*\\).*/\\1/p\"
    cooked_field_name         = "add_lang_language"
    next_type                 = "n"
    help_msg_id               = "2850325"
    id                        = "demo_mle_inst_lang_select"
    id_seq_num                = "0"
    disc_field_name           = "add_lang_language"
    name                      = "LANGUAGE translation to install"
    name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set              = 53
    name_msg_id               = 20 
    op_type                   = "l"
    entry_type                = "n"
    entry_size                = 0
    required                  = ""
    prefix                    = "-l "
    cmd_to_list_mode          = "a"
    cmd_to_list               = "/usr/lib/nls/lsmle -l"
    help_msg_id               = "2850328"
# Topic:1 
# This is the second name_hdr. Here the user's input is passed
# directly through the cmd_to_classify and stored in the
# variable add_lang_input.
    id                        = "demo_mle_inst_lang"
    next_id                   = "demo_dialog_add_lang"
    option_id                 = "demo_add_input_select"
    has_name_select           = "y"
    name                      = "Add Language for Application Already Installed"
    name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set              = 53
    name_msg_id               = 35
    type                      = "j"
    ghost                     = "n"
    cmd_to_classify           = "\
        foo() {
            echo $1
    cooked_field_name         = "add_lang_input"
    next_type                 = "d"
    help_msg_id               = "2850328"
    id                        = "demo_add_input_select"
    id_seq_num                = "0"
    disc_field_name           = "add_lang_input"
    name                      = "INPUT device/directory for software"
    name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set              = 53
    name_msg_id               = 11 
    op_type                   = "l"
    entry_type                = "t"
    entry_size                = 0
    required                  = "y"
    prefix                    = "-d "
    cmd_to_list_mode          = "1"
    cmd_to_list               = "/usr/lib/instl/sm_inst list_devices"
    help_msg_id               = "2850313"
# Topic: 2
# Each of the cmd_opts formats its information for processing
# by the getopts command (a dash and a single character, followed
# by an optional parameter). The colon following the letter in
# the getopts command means that a parameter is expected after
# the dash option. This is a nice way to process the cmd_opt
# information if there are several options, especially if one of
# the options could be left out, causing the sequence of $1, $2,
# etc. to get out of order.
    id              = "demo_dialog_add_lang"
    option_id       = "demo_mle_add_app_lang"
    has_name_select = ""
    name      = "Add Language for Application  Already Installed"
    name_msg_file   = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set    = 53
    name_msg_id     = 35 
    cmd_to_exec     = "\
       while getopts d:l:S:X Option \"$@\"
          case $Option in
             d) device=$OPTARG;;
             l) language=$OPTARG;;
             S) software=$OPTARG;;
             X) extend_fs="-X";;
       if [[ `/usr/lib/assist/check_cd -d $device` = '1' ]]
          /usr/lib/assist/mount_cd $device
       if [[ $software = \"ALL\" ]]
          echo "Installing all software for $language..."
          echo "Installing $software for $language..."
       exit $RC  
    ask                       = "y"
    ghost                     = "n"
    help_msg_id               = "2850325"
    id                        = "demo_mle_add_app_lang"
    id_seq_num                = "0"
    disc_field_name           = "add_lang_language"
    name                      = "LANGUAGE translation to install"
    name_msg_file             = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set              = 53
    name_msg_id               = 20 
    entry_type                = "n"
    entry_size                = 0
    required                  = "y"
    prefix                    = "-l "
    cmd_to_list_mode          = "a"
    help_msg_id               = "2850328"
# Topic: 2
# The prefix field precedes the value selected by the user, and
# both the prefix and the user-selected value are passed into
# the cmd_to_exec for getopts processing.
    id                    = "demo_mle_add_app_lang"
    id_seq_num            = "020"
    disc_field_name       = "add_lang_input"
    name                  = "INPUT device/directory for software"
    name_msg_file         = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set          = 53
    name_msg_id           = 11 
    entry_type            = "n"
    entry_size            = 0
    required              = "y"
    prefix                = "-d "
    cmd_to_list_mode      = "1"
    cmd_to_list           = "/usr/lib/instl/sm_inst list_devices"
    help_msg_id           = "2850313"
    id                    = "demo_mle_add_app_lang"
    id_seq_num            = "030"
    name                  = "Installed APPLICATION"
    name_msg_file         = "smit.cat"
    name_msg_set          = 53
    name_msg_id           = 43
    op_type               = "l"
    entry_type            = "n"
    entry_size            = 0
    required              = "y"
    prefix                = "-S "
    cmd_to_list_mode      = ""
    cmd_to_list           = "\
       list_messages ()
          lslpp -Lqc | cut -f2,3 -d':'
    cmd_to_list_postfix   = "add_lang_language add_lang_input"
    multi_select          = ","
    value_index           = 0
    disp_values           = "ALL"
    help_msg_id           = "2850329"
# Topic: 3
# Here, instead of a cmd_to_list, there is a comma-delimited set
# of Ring values in the disp_values field. This list is displayed
# one item at a time as the user presses tab in the cmd_opt entry
# field. However, instead of passing a yes or no to the cmd_hdr,
# it is more useful to use the aix_values field to pass either
# a -X or nothing. The list in the aix_values field must match
# one-to-one with the list in the disp_values field.
   id_seq_num = "40"
   id = "demo_mle_add_app_lang"
   disc_field_name = ""
   name = "EXTEND file systems if space needed?"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 53
   name_msg_id = 12
   op_type = "r"
   entry_type = "n"
   entry_size = 0
   required = "y"
   multi_select = "n"
   value_index = 0
   disp_values = "yes,no"
        values_msg_file = "sm_inst.cat"
   values_msg_set = 1
   values_msg_id = 51
   aix_values = "-X,"
   help_msg_id = "0503005"
# Demo 3
# ------
# Goal: Show Characteristics of a Logical Volume. The name of the
#   logical volume is entered by the user and passed to the
#   cmd_hdr as _rawname.
# Topics:       1. _rawname
#               2. Ringlist & aix_values
# Topic: 1
# No rawname is needed because we have only one name_hdr and
# we can use the default variable name _rawname.
   id = "demo_lspv"
   next_id = "demo_lspvd"
   option_id = "demo_cmdlvmpvns"
   has_name_select = ""
   name = "List Contents of a Physical Volume"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 15
   name_msg_id = 100
   type = "j"
   ghost = ""
   cmd_to_classify = ""
   raw_field_name = ""
   cooked_field_name = ""
   next_type = "d"
   help_msg_id = "0516100"
   id_seq_num = "0"
   id = "demo_cmdlvmpvns"
   disc_field_name = "PVName"
   name = "PHYSICAL VOLUME name"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 15
   name_msg_id = 101
   op_type = "l"
   entry_type = "t"
   entry_size = 0
   required = "+"
   cmd_to_list_mode = "1"
   cmd_to_list = "lsvg -o|lsvg -i -p|grep -v '[:P]'| \
      cut -f1 -d' '"
   cmd_to_list_postfix = ""
   multi_select = "n"
   help_msg_id = "0516021"
# Topic: 1
# The cmd_to_discover_postfix passes in the name of the physical
# volume, which is the raw data selected by the user in the
# name_hdr - _rawname.
   id = "demo_lspvd"
   option_id = "demo_cmdlvmlspv"
   has_name_select = "y"
   name = "List Contents of a Physical Volume"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 15
   name_msg_id = 100
   cmd_to_exec = "lspv"
   ask = "n"
   cmd_to_discover_postfix = "_rawname"
   help_msg_id = "0516100"
   id_seq_num = "01"
   id = "demo_cmdlvmlspv"
   disc_field_name = "_rawname"
   name = "PHYSICAL VOLUME name"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 15
   name_msg_id = 101
   op_type = "l"
   entry_type = "t"
   entry_size = 0
   required = "+"
   cmd_to_list_mode = "1"
   cmd_to_list = "lsvg -o|lsvg -i -p|grep -v '[:P]'| \
      cut -f1 -d' '"
   help_msg_id = "0516021"
# Topic: 2
# Here a ringlist of 3 values matches with the aix_values we
# want to pass to the sm_cmd_hdr's cmd_to_exec.
   id_seq_num = "02"
   id = "demo_cmdlvmlspv"
   disc_field_name = "Option"
   name = "List OPTION"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 15
   name_msg_id = 92
   op_type = "r"
   entry_type = "n"
   entry_size = 0
   required = "n"
   value_index = 0
   disp_values = "status,logical volumes,physical \
   values_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   values_msg_set = 15
   values_msg_id = 103
   aix_values = "  ,-l,-p"
   help_msg_id = "0516102"
# Demo 4
# ------
# Goal: Change / Show Date & Time
# Topics:       1. Using a ghost name header to get variable
#                  values for the next dialog screen.
#               2. Using a cmd_to_discover to fill more than one
#                  cmd_opt with initial values.
#               3. Re-ordering parameters in a cmd_to_exec.
# Topic: 1
# This ghost name_hdr gets two values and stores them in the
# variables daylight_y_n and time_zone for use in the cmd_opts
# for the next dialog. The output of cmd_to_classify is colon-
# delimited, as is the list of field names in cooked_field_name.
   id = "demo_date"
   next_id = "demo_date_dial"
   option_id = "date_sel_opt"
   name_msg_set = 0
   name_msg_id = 0
   ghost = "y"
   cmd_to_classify = " \
if [ $(echo $TZ | awk '{ \
  if (length($1) <=6 ) {printf(\"2\")} \
  else {printf(\"1\")} }') = 1 ] \n\
    echo $(dspmsg smit.cat -s 30 18 'yes')\":$TZ\"\n\
    echo $(dspmsg smit.cat -s 30 19 'no')\":$TZ\"\n\
fi #"
   cooked_field_name = "daylight_y_n:time_zone"
   id_seq_num = "0"
   id = "date_sel_opt"
# Topic: 2,3
# Here the cmd_to_discover gets six values, one for each of the
# editable sm_cmd_opts for this screen. The cmd_to_discover
# output is two lines, the first with a # followed by a list of
# variable names, and the second line the list of values. Both
# lists are colon-delimited. We also see here the cmd_to_exec
# takeing the parameters from the cmd_opts and reordering them
# when calling the command.
   id = "demo_date_dial"
   option_id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   has_name_select = "y"
   name = "Change / Show Date & Time"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 21
   cmd_to_exec = "date_proc () \
# MM dd hh mm ss yy\n\
# dialogue param order   #  3  4  5  6  7  2\n\
date \"$3$4$5$6.$7$2\"\n\
date_proc "
   exec_mode = "P"
   cmd_to_discover = "disc_proc() \n\
echo '#cur_month:cur_day:cur_hour:cur_min:cur_sec:cur_year'\n\
date +%m:%d:%H:%M:%S:%y\n\
   cmd_to_discover_postfix = ""
   help_msg_id = "055101"
# The first two cmd_opts get their initial values 
# (disc_field_name) from the name_hdr.
   id_seq_num = "04"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "time_zone"
   name = "Time zone"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 16
   required = "y"
   id_seq_num = "08"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "daylight_y_n"
   name = "Does this time zone go on daylight savings time?\n"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 17
   entry_size = 0
# The last six cmd_opts get their values from the
# cmd_to_discover.
   id_seq_num = "10"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "cur_year"
   name = "YEAR (00-99)"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 10
   entry_type = "#"
   entry_size = 2
   required = "+"
   help_msg_id = "055102"
   id_seq_num = "20"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "cur_month"
   name = "MONTH (01-12)"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 11
   entry_type = "#"
   entry_size = 2
   required = "+"
   help_msg_id = "055132"
   id_seq_num = "30"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "cur_day"
   name = "DAY (01-31)\n"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 12
   entry_type = "#"
   entry_size = 2
   required = "+"
   help_msg_id = "055133"
   id_seq_num = "40"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "cur_hour"
   name = "HOUR (00-23)"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 13
   entry_type = "#"
   entry_size = 2
   required = "+"
   help_msg_id = "055134"
   id_seq_num = "50"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "cur_min"
   name = "MINUTES (00-59)"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 14
   entry_type = "#"
   entry_size = 2
   required = "+"
   help_msg_id = "055135"
   id_seq_num = "60"
   id = "demo_chtz_opts"
   disc_field_name = "cur_sec"
   name = "SECONDS (00-59)"
   name_msg_file = "smit.cat"
   name_msg_set = 30
   name_msg_id = 15
   entry_type = "#"
   entry_size = 2
   required = "+"
   help_msg_id = "055136"

Related Information

System Management Interface Tool (SMIT): Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices

System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) for Programmers

Understanding SMIT Object Classes

dspmsg command, gencat command, ksh command, man command, odmadd command, odmcreate command, odmget command, smit command

sm_name_hdr (SMIT Selector Header) Object Class , sm_cmd_hdr (SMIT Dialog Header) Object Class , sm_cmd_opt (SMIT Dialog/Selector Command Option) Object Class , sm_menu_opt (SMIT Menu) Object Class

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