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Commands Reference, Volume 3

man Command


Displays manual entries online.


man [ [ [ -c ] [ -t ] [ Section ] ] | [ -k | -f ] ] [ -MPath ] Title ...


The man command provides reference information on topics, such as commands, subroutines, and files. The man command provides one-line descriptions of commands specified by name. The man command also provides information on all commands whose descriptions contain a set of user-specified keywords.

The man command formats a specified set of manual pages. If you specify a section for the Section parameter, the man command searches in that section of the manual pages for the title specified by the Title parameter. The value of the Section parameter can be either an Arabic number from 1 through 8 or a letter.

The Section letters are:

C Specifies commands (including system management commands).
F Specifies file-type manual pages.
L Specifies library functions.
n Specifies new.
l Specifies local.
o Specifies old.
p Specifies public.
Note: The n, l, o, and p section specifiers are not valid for reading the hypertext information bases, which contain the operating system documentation.

The Section numbers are:

1 Indicates user commands and daemons.
2 Indicates system calls and kernel services.
3 Indicates subroutines.
4 Indicates special files, device drivers, and hardware.
5 Indicates configuration files.
6 Indicates games.
7 Indicates miscellaneous commands.
8 Indicates administrative commands and daemons.
Note: The operating system documentation in the hypertext information databases is grouped into three sections only: command manual pages (in section 1, equivalent to section C), subroutine manual pages (in section 3, equivalent to section L), and file manual pages (in section 4, equivalent to section F). When searching for hypertext information, specifying section 1, 6, 7, or 8 will default to the command manual pages, section 2 or 3 will default to the subroutine manual pages, and section 4 or 5 will default to the file manual pages.

If the Section parameter is omitted, the man command searches all sections of the manual.

The search path the man command uses is a list of directories separated by a : (colon) in which manual subdirectories can be found. The MANPATH environment variable value is used for the default path. The MANPATH environment variable is not valid when reading the hypertext information bases.

The man command displays the manual pages as follows:

  1. The man command searches the nroff directories (man?) under the /usr/share/man directory.
  2. The man command searches the formatted version directories (cat?) under the /usr/share/man directory. If the formatted version is available, and if it has a more recent modify time than the nroff command source, the man command displays the formatted version. Otherwise, the manual page is formatted with the nroff command and displayed. If the user has permission, the formatted manual page is deposited in the proper place, so that later invocations of the man command do not format the page again.
    Note: There is no nroff source for the supplied manual pages. However, you can put nroff source for manual pages into the man directories and the man command can locate and process the nroff source.
  3. If the man command does not find a manual page in the /usr/share/man/man or /usr/share/man/cat directory, the man command reads from the hypertext information bases. The hypertext information bases reside in the /usr/share/man/info directory structure and contain the operating system documentation. When reading from the hypertext databases, the man command does not put any manual pages in the /usr/share/man/cat directory structure. The man command strips formatting information from the manual page, wraps lines so the lines fit on the display, and displays the manual page using the command described by the PAGER environment variable.

When accessing the HTML databases, man looks for the AIX library before it proceeds to other LPP libraries. Within these libraries, it processes information in the following order:

cmds Commands Reference
libs Subroutines, System Calls
files Files Reference

If the standard output is a tty, the man command pipes its output using the more command with the -s and -v flags. The -s flag eliminates multiple blank lines and stops after each page on the screen. The -v flag suppresses the display of nonprinting characters to the screen. To continue scrolling, press the space bar. To scroll an additional 11 lines when the output stops, press the Ctrl-D key sequence.

The PAGER environment variable can be set to whatever pager is desired. The default value is the more command. To change the default pager, enter:

export PAGER

For example, if there are customized manual pages which are formatted with reverse or fractional line feeds, the PAGER environment variable may be set to /usr/bin/pg so that the line feeds are not printed as control characters. This procedure is not necessary for the AIX manual pages.

When the man command uses a hypertext database, it can retrieve several articles. For example, man open displays several articles. The use of SIGINT (Ctrl-C) exits the man command completely. On the other hand, man open close also displays several articles but the use of SIGINT (Ctrl-C) causes man to display the close command information instead of exiting. Using SIGINT (Ctrl-C) again exits the man command completely.

When specifying one of the Network Computing System library routines that contains a $ (dollar sign) in its name, enter a \ (backslash) preceding the $.


-c Displays the manual information using the cat command.
-f Displays entries in the keyword database related only to the command name given as the final parameter. You can enter more than one command name, each separated by a space. Use this flag to search for command articles only. To use the -f flag, a root user must have previously entered catman -w to create the /usr/share/man/whatis file.
-k Displays each line in the keyword database that contains a string of characters matching the title given as the final parameter. You can enter more than one title, each separated by a space. To use the -k flag, a root user must have previously entered catman -w to create the /usr/share/man/whatis file.
-MPath Changes the standard location where the man command searches for manual information. The search path the man command uses is a list of directories separated by a : (colon) in which manual subdirectories can be found. The MANPATH environment variable value is used for the default path.
Note: The -M flag is not valid when the man command reads from the hypertext databases.
-t Formats the manual information using the troff command. This flag is ignored if the manual page is found in a hypertext information base.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


  1. To display information about the grep command, enter:
    man grep
  2. To display information about the rpc_$register library routine, enter:
    man rpc_\$register
  3. To display all entries in the /usr/share/man/whatis keyword database that contain the "mkdir" string , enter:
    man -k mkdir
    The output is equivalent to the apropos command. You receive output from the -k flag only when the /usr/share/man/whatis keyword database already exists.
  4. To display all entries from the keyword database related to the nroff and troff commands, enter:
    man -f nroff troff
    The output is equivalent to the whatis command. You receive output from the -f flag only when the /usr/share/man/whatis keyword database already exists.
  5. To display all ftp command related articles in the /usr/share/man or /usr/share/man/local path, enter:
    man -M/usr/share/man:/usr/share/man/local ftp


/usr/bin/man Contains the man command.
/usr/share/man Standard manual directory structure.
/usr/share/man/cat?/* Directory containing preformatted pages.
/usr/share/man/whatis Contains the keyword database.
/usr/share/man/man?/* Directory containing nroff format manual pages.

Related Information

The apropos command, catman command, more command, whatis command, whereis command.

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