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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

Subcommands for the KDB Kernel Debugger and kdb Command

View a list of the KDB Kernel Debug Subcommands grouped by:

Introduction to Subcommands

Numeric Values

Numeric arguements for the subcommands presented in this section are required to be hexadecimal, except for arguments that specify slot numbers and arguments to the dcal subcommand. Slot numbers and arguements for the dcal subcommand must be decimal values.


Register values may be referenced by the KDB Kernel Debugger and kdb command. Register values may be used in subcommands by preceding the register name with an "@" character. This character is also used to deference addresses as explained later. The list of registers that may be referenced include:

asr Address space register
cr Condition register
ctr Count register
dar Data address register
dec Decrementer
dsisr Data storage interrupt status register
fp0-fp31 Floating point registers 0 through 31.
fpscr Floating point status and control register
iar Instruction address register
lr Link register
mq Multiply quotient
msr Machine State register
r0-r31 General Purpose Registers 0 through 31
rtcl Real Time clock (nanoseconds)
rtcu Real Time clock (seconds)
s0-s15 Segment registers.
sdr0 Storage description register 0
sdr1 Storage description register 1
srr0 Machine status save/restore 0
srr1 Machine status save/restore 1
tbl Time base register, lower
tbu Time base register, upper
tid Transaction register (fixed point)
xer Exception register (fixed point)

Other special purposes registers that may be referenced, if supported on the hardware, include: sprg0, sprg1, sprg2, sprg3, pir, fpecr, ear, pvr, hid0, hid1, iabr, dmiss, imiss, dcmp, icmp, hash1, hash2, rpa, buscsr, l2cr, l2sr, mmcr0, mmcr1, pmc1-pmc8, sia, and sda.


The KDB Kernel Debugger and kdb command do not provide full expression processing. Expressions can only contain symbols, hex constants, references to register or memory locations, and operators. Furthermore, symbols are only allowed as the first operand of an expression. Supported operators include:

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
@ Dereferencing

The dereference operator indicates that the value at the location indicated by the next operand is to be used in the calculation of the expression. For example, @f000 would indicate that the value at address 0x0000f000 should be used in evaluation of the expression. The dereference operator is also used to access the contents of register. For example, @r1 references the contents of general purpose register 1. Recursive dereferencing is allowed. As an example, @@r1 references the value at the address pointed to by the value at the address contained in general purpose register 1.

Expressions are processed from left to right only. There is no operator precedence.


Valid Expressions Results
dw @r1 displays data at the location pointed to by r1
dw @@r1 displays data at the location pointed to by value at location pointed to by r1
dw open displays data at the address beginning of the open routine
dw open+12 displays data twelve bytes past the beginning of the open routine
Invalid Expressions Problem
dw @r1+open symbols can only be the first operand
dw r1 must include @ to reference the contents of r1, if a symbol r1 existed this would be valid
dw @r1+(4*3) parentheses are not supported

Subcommand Arguments

The following table describes the most common argument types referenced in the subcommand syntax diagrams that follow.

Argument Description
* A wildcard used to select all entries.
count A hex constant specifying the number of times to perform a specific operation.
cpu A decimal value specifying a cpu number in a SMP machine
dev eaddr An effective address for device memory.
dev paddr A physical address for device memory.
eaddr Effective address. This may be a hex contstant or an expression.
phys. addr A physical address
pid A hex constant or expression specifying a process ID.
selection Indicates that a menu is displayed from which a selection must be made.
slot A decimal constant specifying a slot number within a table.
symb A symbolic reference to a value. Symbols from the kernel and/or kernel extensions may be used.
tid A hex constant or expression specifying a thread ID.

KDB Kernel Debug Program Subcommands grouped in Alphabetical Order

The following table shows the KDB Kernel Debug Program subcommands in alphabetical order:

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument Task Category
ames - - VMM address map entries [symb/eaddr] VMM
apt - - VMM APT entries [selection] VMM
asc ascsi - Display ascsi [slot/symb/eaddr] SCSI
B - - step on branch [count] Breakpoints/Steps
b brk - set/list break point(s) [-p/-v] [symb/addr] Breakpoints/Steps
bt - - set/list trace point(s) [-p/-v] [symb/addr[script] [cond]] Trace
btac - - branch target [-p/-v] [symb/eaddr] btac/BRAT
buf buffer - Display buffer [slot/symb/eaddr] File System
c cl - clear break point [slot|[-p/-v] symb/addr] Breakpoints/Steps
ca - - clear all break points - Breakpoints/Steps
cat - - clear all trace points - Trace
cbtac - - clear branch target - btac/BRAT
cdt - - Display cdt [?] Basic
cku cku_priv - Display cku private symb/eaddr File System
clk cpl - Display complex lock [symb/eaddr] System Table
cpu - - Switch to cpu [cpu number | any] SMP
ct - - clear trace point slot|[-p/-v] symb/addr Trace
ctx - context switch to KDB context [cpu number] Basic
cw stop-cl - clear watch - Watch
d dump - display byte data symb/eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
dbat - - display dbats [index] bat/Block Address Translation
dc dis - display code symb/eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
dcal - - calc/conv a decimal expr decimal expression Calculator Converter
dd - - display double word data symb/eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddpb - - display device byte dev paddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddpd - - display device double word dev paddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddph - - display device half word dev paddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddpw - - display device word dev paddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvb diob - display device byte dev eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvd diod - display device double word dev eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvh dioh - display device half word dev eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
ddvw diow - display device word dev eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
debug - - enable/disable debug [?] Miscellaneous
dev devsw - Display devsw table [symb/address/major] System Table
devno devnode - Display devnode [slot/symb/eaddr] File System
dp - - display byte data phys. addr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
dpc - - display code phys. addr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
dpd - - display double word data phys. addr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
dpw - - display word data phys. addr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
dr - - display registers [gp | sr | sp | ] Dumps/Display/Decode
dw - - display word data symb/eaddr [count] Dumps/Display/Decode
e q g exit [dump] Basic
exp - - list export tables [symb] Kernel Extension Loader
ext - - extract pattern [-p] symb/eaddr delta [size [count]] Dumps/Display/Decode
extp - - extract pattern [-p] phys. addr delta [size [count]] Dumps/Display/Decode
f stack where stack frame trace [+x/-x][th {slot/eaddr}] Basic
fb fbuffer - Display freelist [bucket/symb/eaddr] File System
fifono fifonode - Display fifonode slot/symb/eaddr] File System
file - - Display file [slot/symb/eaddr] File System
find - - find pattern [-s] symb/eaddr pattern [mask [delta]] Dumps/Display/Decode
findp - - find pattern [-s] phys. addr pattern [mask [delta]] Dumps/Display/Decode
fino icache - Display icache list [slot/symb/eaddr] File System
gfs - - Display gfs symb/eaddr File System
gno gnode - Display gnode symb/eaddr File System
gt - - go until address [-p/-v] symb/addr Breakpoints/Steps
h ? help help topic Basic
hb hbuffer - Display buffehash [bucket/symb/eaddr] File System
hcal cal - calc/conv a hexa expr hexa expression Calculator Converter
hino hinode - Display inodehash [bucket/symb/eaddr] File System
his hi hist print history [?][count] Basic
hno hnode - isplay hnodehash [bucket/symb/eaddr] File System
hp heap - Display kernel heap [symb/eaddr] Memory Allocator
ibat - - display ibats [index] bat/Block Address Translation
ifnet - - Display interface [slot/symb/eaddr] NET
ino inode - Display inode [slot/symb/eaddr] File System
intr - - @Display int handler [slot/symb/eaddr] Process
ipc - - IPC information - VMM
ipl iplcb - Display ipl proc info [*/cpu index] System Table
kmbucket bucket - Display kmembuckets [?][-l][-c n][-i n][adr] Memory Allocator
kmstats - - Display kmemstats [symb/eaddr] Memory Allocator
lb lbrk - set/list local bp(s) [-p/-v] [symb/addr] Breakpoints/Steps
lbtac - - local branch target [-p/-v] [symb/eaddr] btac/BRAT
lc lcl - clear local bp [slot|[-p/-v] symb/addr [ctx]] Breakpoints/Steps
lcbtac - - clear local br target - btac/BRAT
lcw lstop-cl - clear local watch - Watch
lka lockanch tblk VMM lock anchor/tblock [slot/symb/eaddr] VMM
lke - - list loaded extensions [?][-l][slot|symb/eaddr] Kernel Extension Loader
lkh lockhash - VMM lock hash [slot/symb/eaddr] VMM
lkw lockword - VMM lock word [slot/symb/eaddr] VMM
lq lockq - Display lock queues [bucket/symb/eaddr] Process
lvol lvol - Display logical vol symb/eaddr LVM
lwr lstop-r - local stop on read data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]] Watch
lwrw lstop-rw - local stop on r/w data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]] Watch
lww lstop-w - local stop on write data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]] Watch
m - - modify sequential bytes symb/eaddr Modify Memory
mbuf - - Display mbuf [tcp/udp][symb/eaddr] NET
md - - modify sequential double word symb/eaddr Modify Memory
mdbat - - modify dbats [index] bat/Block Address Translation
mdpb - - modify device byte dev paddr Modify Memory
mdpd - - modify device double word dev paddr Modify Memory
mdph - - modify device half dev paddr Modify Memory
mdpw - - modify device word dev paddr Modify Memory
mdvb miob - modify device byte dev eaddr Modify Memory
mdvd miod - modify device double word dev eaddr Modify Memory
mdvh mioh - modify device half dev eaddr Modify Memory
mdvw miow - modify device word dev eaddr Modify Memory
mibat - - modify ibats [index] bat/Block Address Translation
mp - - modify sequential bytes phys. addr Modify Memory
mpd - - modify sequential double word phys. addr Modify Memory
mpw - - modify sequential word phys. addr Modify Memory
mr - - modify registers [gp | sr | sp | ] Modify Memory
mst - - Display mst area [slot] [[-a] symb/eaddr] Process
mw - - modify sequential word symb/eaddr Modify Memory
n nexti - next instruction [count] Breakpoints/Steps
nm - - translate symbol to eaddr symb Namelist/Symbol
ns - - no symbol mode (toggle) - Namelist/Symbol
p proc - Display proc table [*/slot/symb/eaddr] Process
pbuf pbuf - Display physical buf [*] symb/eaddr LVM
pdt - - VMM paging device table [*][slot] VMM
pfhdata - - VMM control variables - VMM
pft - - VMM PFT entries [selection] VMM
ppda - - Display per processor data area [*/cpunb/symb/eaddr] Process
pta - - VMM PTA segment [?] VMM
pte - - VMM PTE entries [selection] VMM
pvol pvol - Display physical vol symb/eaddr LVM
r return - go to end of function - Breakpoints/Steps
reboot kill - reboot the machine - machdep
rmap - - VMM RMAP [*][slot] VMM
rmst - - remove symbol table slot|symb/eaddr Kernel Extension Loader
rno rnode - Display rnode symb/eaddr File System
rq runq - Display run queues [bucket/symb/eaddr] Process
s stepi ste single step [count] Breakpoints/Steps
S - - step on bl/blr [count] Breakpoints/Steps
scb - - VMM segment control blocks [selection] VMM
scd scdisk - Display scdisk [slot/symb/eaddr] SCSI
segst64 - - VMM SEGSTATE [-p pid][-e esid][[-s flag] [fno|shm]] VMM
set - setup display/update kdb toggles [toggle] Basic
slk spl - Display simple lock [symb/eaddr] System Table
sock - - Display socket [tcp/udp][symb/eaddr] NET
specno specnode - Display specnode symb/eaddr File System
sq sleepq - Display sleep queues [bucket/symb/eaddr] Process
sr64 - - VMM SEG REG [-p pid] [esid] [size] VMM
start - - Start cpu cpu number | all SMP
stat - - system status message - Machine Status
stbl - - list loaded symbol tables [slot|symb/eaddr] Kernel Extension Loader
ste - - VMM STAB [-p pid] VMM
stop - - Stop cpu cpu number | all SMP
switch sw - switch thread [[th {slot/eaddr} | {u/k}]] Machine Status
tcb - - Display TCBs [slot/symb/eaddr] NET
tcpcb - - Display TCP CB [tcp/udp][symb/eaddr] NET
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr == symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr != symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr >= symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr <= symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr > symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr < symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr ^ symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr & symb/eaddr] Conditional
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr | symb/eaddr] Conditional
time - - display elapsed time - Miscellaneous
th thread - Display thread table [*/slot/symb/eaddr/-w ?] Process
tpid th_pid - Display thread pid [pid] Process
tr - - translate to real address symb/eaddr Address Translation
trace - - Display trace buffer [?] System Table
trb timer - Display system timer request blocks - System Table
ts - - translate eaddr to symbol eaddr Namelist/Symbol
ttid th_tid - Display thread tid [tid] Process
tv - - display MMU translation symb/eaddr Address Translation
u user - Display u_area [-?][slot/symb/eaddr] Process
udb - - Display UDBs [slot/symb/eaddr] NET
var - - Display var - System Table
vfs mount - Display vfs [slot/slot/symb/eaddr] File System
vmdmap - - VMM disk map [slot/symb/eaddr] VMM
vmlocks vmlock vl VMM spin locks - VMM
vmaddr - - VMM Addresses - VMM
vmker - - VMM kernel segment data - VMM
vmlog - - VMM error log - VMM
vmstat - - VMM statistics - VMM
vmwait - - VMM wait status [symb/eaddr] VMM
vno vnode - Display vnode symb/eaddr File System
volgrp volgrp - Display volume group symb/eaddr LVM
vrld - - VMM reload xlate table - VMM
vsc vscsi - Display vscsi [slot/symb/eaddr] SCSI
wr stop-r - stop on read data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]] Watch
wrw stop-rw - stop on r/w data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]] Watch
ww stop-w - stop on write data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]] Watch
xm xmalloc - Display heap debug [-?] Memory Allocator
zproc - - VMM zeroing kproc - VMM

KDB Kernel Debug Subcommands grouped by Task Category

The kernel debug program subcommands can be grouped into the following task categories:

Basic Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
h ? help help topic
his hi hist print history [?][count]
e q g exit [dump]
set - setup display/update kdb toggles [toggle]
f stack where stack frame trace [+x/-x][th {slot/eaddr}]
ctx - context switch to KDB context [cpu number]
cdt - - Display cdt [?]

Trace Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
bt - - set/list trace point(s) [-p/-v] [symb/addr[script] [cond]]
ct - - clear trace point slot|[-p/-v] symb/addr
cat - - clear all trace points -

Breakpoints/Steps Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
b brk - set/list break point(s) [-p/-v] [symb/addr]
lb lbrk - set/list local bp(s) [-p/-v] [symb/addr]
c cl - clear break point [slot|[-p/-v] symb/addr]
lc lcl - clear local bp [slot|[-p/-v] symb/addr [ctx]]
ca - - clear all break points -
r return - go to end of function -
gt - - go until address [-p/-v] symb/addr
n nexti - next instruction [count]
s stepi ste single step [count]
S - - step on bl/blr [count]
B - - step on branch [count]

Dumps/Display/Decode Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
d dump - display byte data symb/eaddr [count]
dw - - display word data symb/eaddr [count]
dd - - display double word data symb/eaddr [count]
dp - - display byte data phys. addr [count]
dpw - - display word data phys. addr [count]
dpd - - display double word data phys. addr [count]
dc dis - display code symb/eaddr [count]
dpc - - display code phys. addr [count]
dr - - display registers [gp | sr | sp | >reg nam>]
ddvb diob - display device byte dev eaddr [count]
ddvh dioh - display device half word dev eaddr [count]
ddvw diow - display device word dev eaddr [count]
ddvd diod - display device double word dev eaddr [count]
ddpb - - display device byte dev paddr [count]
ddph - - display device half word dev paddr [count]
ddpw - - display device word dev paddr [count]
ddpd - - display device double word dev paddr [count]
find - - find pattern [-s] symb/eaddr pattern [mask [delta]]
findp - - find pattern [-s] phys. addr pattern [mask [delta]]
ext - - extract pattern [-p] symb/eaddr delta [size [count]]
extp - - extract pattern [-p] phys. addr delta [size [count]]

Modify Memory Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
m - - modify sequential bytes symb/eaddr
mw - - modify sequential word symb/eaddr
md - - modify sequential double word symb/eaddr
mp - - modify sequential bytes phys. addr
mpw - - modify sequential word phys. addr
mpd - - modify sequential double word phys. addr
mr - - modify registers [gp | sr | sp | >reg nam>]
mdvb miob - modify device byte dev eaddr
mdvh mioh - modify device half dev eaddr
mdvw miow - modify device word dev eaddr
mdvd miod - modify device double word dev eaddr
mdpb - - modify device byte dev paddr
mdph - - modify device half dev paddr
mdpw - - modify device word dev paddr
mdpd - - modify device double word dev paddr

Namelist/Symbol Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
nm - - translate symbol to eaddr symb
ns - - no symbol mode (toggle) -
ts - - translate eaddr to symbol eaddr

Watch Break Point Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
wr stop-r - stop on read data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]]
ww stop-w - stop on write data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]]
wrw stop-rw - stop on r/w data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]]
cw stop-cl - clear watch -
lwr lstop-r - local stop on read data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]]
lww lstop-w - local stop on write data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]]
lwrw lstop-rw - local stop on r/w data [[-p/-v] symb/addr [size]]
lcw lstop-cl - clear local watch -

Miscellaneous Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
time - - display elapsed time -
debug - - enable/disable debug [?]

Conditional Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr == symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr != symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr >= symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr <= symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr > symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr < symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr ^ symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr & symb/eaddr]
test [ - bt condition [symb/eaddr | symb/eaddr]

Calculator Converter Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
hcal cal - calc/conv a hexa expr hexa expression
dcal - - calc/conv a decimal expr decimal expression

Machine Status Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
stat - - system status message -
switch sw - switch thread [[th {slot/eaddr} | {u/k}]]

Kernel Extension Loader Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
lke - - list loaded extensions [?][-l][slot|symb/eaddr]
stbl - - list loaded symbol tables [slot|symb/eaddr]
rmst - - remove symbol table slot|symb/eaddr
exp - - list export tables [symb]

Address Translation Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
tr - - translate to real address symb/eaddr
tv - - display MMU translation symb/eaddr

Process Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
ppda - - Display per processor data area [*/cpunb/symb/eaddr]
intr - - @Display int handler [slot/symb/eaddr]
mst - - Display mst area [slot] [[-a] symb/eaddr]
p proc - Display proc table [*/slot/symb/eaddr]
th thread - Display thread table [*/slot/symb/eaddr/-w ?]
ttid th_tid - Display thread tid [tid]
tpid th_pid - Display thread pid [pid]
rq runq - Display run queues [bucket/symb/eaddr]
sq sleepq - Display sleep queues [bucket/symb/eaddr]
lq lockq - Display lock queues [bucket/symb/eaddr]
u user - Display u_area [-?][slot/symb/eaddr]

LVM Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
pbuf pbuf - Display physical buf [*] symb/eaddr
volgrp volgrp - Display volume group symb/eaddr
pvol pvol - Display physical vol symb/eaddr
lvol lvol - Display logical vol symb/eaddr

SCSI Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
asc ascsi - Display ascsi [slot/symb/eaddr]
vsc vscsi - Display vscsi [slot/symb/eaddr]
scd scdisk - Display scdisk [slot/symb/eaddr]

Memory Allocator Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
hp heap - Display kernel heap [symb/eaddr]
xm xmalloc - Display heap debug [-?]
kmbucket bucket - Display kmembuckets [?][-l][-c n][-i n][adr]
kmstats - - Display kmemstats [symb/eaddr]

File System Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
buf buffer - Display buffer [slot/symb/eaddr]
hb hbuffer - Display buffehash [bucket/symb/eaddr]
fb fbuffer - Display freelist [bucket/symb/eaddr]
gno gnode - Display gnode symb/eaddr
gfs - - Display gfs symb/eaddr
file - - Display file [slot/symb/eaddr]
ino inode - Display inode [slot/symb/eaddr]
hino hinode - Display inodehash [bucket/symb/eaddr]
fino icache - Display icache list [slot/symb/eaddr]
rno rnode - Display rnode symb/eaddr
cku cku_priv - Display cku private symb/eaddr
vno vnode - Display vnode symb/eaddr
vfs mount - Display vfs [slot/slot/symb/eaddr]
specno specnode - Display specnode symb/eaddr
devno devnode - Display devnode [slot/symb/eaddr]
fifono fifonode - Display fifonode slot/symb/eaddr]
hno hnode - isplay hnodehash [bucket/symb/eaddr]

System Table Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
var - - Display var -
dev devsw - Display devsw table [symb/address/major]
trb timer - Display system timer request blocks -
slk spl - Display simple lock [symb/eaddr]
clk cpl - Display complex lock [symb/eaddr]
ipl iplcb - Display ipl proc info [*/cpu index]
trace - - Display trace buffer [?]

Net Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
ifnet - - Display interface [slot/symb/eaddr]
tcb - - Display TCBs [slot/symb/eaddr]
udb - - Display UDBs [slot/symb/eaddr]
sock - - Display socket [tcp/udp][symb/eaddr]
tcpcb - - Display TCP CB [tcp/udp][symb/eaddr]
mbuf - - Display mbuf [tcp/udp][symb/eaddr]

VMM Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
vmker - - VMM kernel segment data -
rmap - - VMM RMAP [*][slot]
pfhdata - - VMM control variables -
vmstat - - VMM statistics -
vmaddr - - VMM Addresses -
pdt - - VMM paging device table [*][slot]
scb - - VMM segment control blocks [selection]
pft - - VMM PFT entries [selection]
pte - - VMM PTE entries [selection]
pta - - VMM PTA segment [?]
ste - - VMM STAB [-p pid]
sr64 - - VMM SEG REG [-p pid] [esid] [size]
segst64 - - VMM SEGSTATE [-p pid][-e esid][[-s flag] [fno|shm]]
apt - - VMM APT entries [selection]
vmwait - - VMM wait status [symb/eaddr]
ames - - VMM address map entries [symb/eaddr]
zproc - - VMM zeroing kproc -
vmlog - - VMM error log -
vrld - - VMM reload xlate table -
ipc - - IPC information -
lka lockanch tblk VMM lock anchor/tblock [slot/symb/eaddr]
lkh lockhash - VMM lock hash [slot/symb/eaddr]
lkw lockword - VMM lock word [slot/symb/eaddr]
vmdmap - - VMM disk map [slot/symb/eaddr]
vmlocks vmlock vl VMM spin locks -

SMP Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
start - - Start cpu cpu number | all
stop - - Stop cpu cpu number | all
cpu - - Switch to cpu [cpu number | any]

bat/Block Address Translation Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
dbat - - display dbats [index]
ibat - - display ibats [index]
mdbat - - modify dbats [index]
mibat - - modify ibats [index]

btac/BRAT Subcommands

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
btac - - branch target [-p/-v] [symb/eaddr]
cbtac - - clear branch target -
lbtac - - local branch target [-p/-v] [symb/eaddr]
lcbtac - - clear local br target -

machdep Subcommand

Subcommand Alias Alias Function Argument
reboot kill - reboot the machine -

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