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Messages Guide and Reference

List of Three-Digit Display Values: c00-c99

Select the value that is currently displayed in the three-digit display.

c00   c01   c02   c03   c04
c05   c06   c07   c08   c09
c10   c20   c21   c25   c26
c29   c31   c32   c33   c34
c40   c41   c42   c43   c44
c45   c46   c47   c48   c49
c50   c51   c52   c53   c54
c55   c56   c57   c58   c59
c61   c70   c99

Display Value c00

Explanation AIX Install/Maintenance loaded successfully.
System Action Loading AIX Install/Maintenance.
User Action Return to the step that asked you to load AIX Install/Maintenance.

Display Value c01

Explanation Insert the AIX Install/Maintenance diskette.
System Action Waiting for the user to insert diskette.
User Action Insert the AIX Install/Maintenance diskette. When the display value changes, find that value in this list. If no actions are possible, report the problem to your software service organization.

Display Value c02

Explanation Diskettes inserted out of sequence.

Display Value c03

Explanation Wrong diskette inserted.
System Action Waiting for the user to insert the proper diskette.
User Action Insert the correct diskette. When the display value changes, find that value in this list. If this value is displayed while the correct diskette is inserted, then there is a problem with the diskette. If you have a backup copy of the diskette, use it instead. If you are unable to resolve the problem, report it to your software service organization.

Display Value c04

Explanation Irrecoverable error occurred.
System Action This error halts the system.
User Action Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

If there is a hardware failure, report it to your hardware service organization. Otherwise, retry loading AIX Install/Maintenance. If you cannot resolve the problem, report it to your software service organization, and then stop. You have completed these procedures.

Display Value c05

Explanation Diskette error occurred.
System Action This error halts the system.
User Action Try loading AIX Install/Maintenance again using a backup diskette. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, report it to your software service organization.

Display Value c06

Explanation The rc.boot configuration shell script is unable to determine type of boot.
System Action This error halts the system.
User Action Try loading AIX Install/Maintenance again. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, report it to your software service organization.

Display Value c07

Explanation Insert next diskette.
System Action Waiting for the user to insert diskette.
User Action Insert the next diskette. When the display value changes, find that value in this list.

Display Value c08

Explanation RAM file system started incorrectly.
System Action This error halts the system.
User Action Try loading AIX Install/Maintenance again. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, report it to your software service organization.

Display Value c09

Explanation Progress indicator. Writing to or reading from diskette.
System Action Accessing diskette.
User Action No action necessary.

Display Value c10

Explanation Platform-specific bootinfo command not in boot image.

Display Value c20

Explanation An unexpected system halt occurred, and your system is configured to enter the kernel debug program instead of performing a system dump. Enter bosboot -D for information about kernel debugger enablement.
System Action Activating kernel debug program. c20 will remain if the system does not enter the kernel debugger or if there is no tty available.
User Action If the system has entered the kernel debugger, record the line of text at the bottom of the debugger screen on item 8 of the Problem Summary Form. Then, enter the quit dump subcommand to leave the program. The system dumps to the primary dump device, and the three-digit display changes.

If the system has not entered the kernel debugger or if there is no tty available, a forced dump to the dump device will occur (indicated by 888-102-700-000 in the three-digit display). If this situation occurred due to a reboot condition, see "Accessing a System That Will Not Boot .

Display Value c21

Explanation The ifconfig command was unable to configure the network for the client network host.
System Action The system halts.
User Action You will need to log on to the server or to another client with superclient privileges to perform the following:
  • Verify that the network is operating correctly by running the following command:
    ping -c 3 ClientHostName

    ClientHostName refers to the client host that detected the error. If running the ping command reveals that the client host is connected to the network, use this command on other clients on the system to test thoroughly the status of the network.

If you are unable to correct the problem, contact your software service organization for assistance.

Display Value c25

Explanation Client did not mount remote miniroot during network install.
System Action The system halts.
User Action You will need to log on to the server or to another client with superclient privileges to perform the following activities:
  • Verify that the client's root file system, which is /export/root/ClientHostName on the server, has been exported by the server. To do this, run the following command:
    /usr/bin/showmount -e ServerHostName

    If the client's file system is not in the list, use a text editor to add it to the /etc/exports file. After you have saved the changes, run the following command to update the client's root file system:

  • Run the following command to verify that the nfsd daemon is running on the server:
    ps -e | grep nfsd

    If the system does not return any data, the daemon is not running and must be started using the following command:


If you are unable to correct the problem, contact your software service organization for assistance.

Display Value c26

Explanation Client did not mount the /usr file system during the network boot.

Display Value c29

Explanation The system was unable to configure the network device.

Display Value c31

Explanation If a console has not been configured, the system pauses with this value in the three-digit display and then displays instructions for choosing a console on the native display. System initialization and configuration continue after you choose a console.
System Action The system waits for you to choose a console.
User Action See "Booting Problems" for recovery procedures. If those procedures fail to correct the problem, record SRN 101-201 in item 4 on the Problem Summary Form. Report the problem to your hardware service organization, and then stop. You have completed these procedures.

Display Value c32

Explanation Progress indicator. The console is a high-function terminal.
System Action The console configuration method is being run.
User Action No action necessary. This display is for information purposes only.

Display Value c33

Explanation Progress indicator. The console is a tty.
System Action The console configuration method is being run.
User Action No action necessary. This display is for information purposes only.

Display Value c34

Explanation Progress indicator. The console is a file.
System Action The console configuration method is being run.
User Action No action necessary. This display is for information purposes only.

Display Value c40

Explanation Extracting data files from media. This LED displays briefly on the panel.
System Action The system is reading data files from the install media.
User Action No action necessary. This display is for information purposes only.

Display Value c41

Explanation Could not determine the boot type or device.
System Action The device ODM did not contain information about the boot device.
User Action If you are unable to correct the problem, contact your software service organization for assistance.

Display Value c42

Explanation Extracting data files from diskette.
System Action The system is reading data files from the diskette drive.
User Action Ensure that the diskette does not contain read errors.

Display Value c43

Explanation Could not access the boot or installation tape.
System Action Tape control failed.
User Action Ensure that the tape is in the drive and does not have read errors. If the problem cannot be corrected, contact your software service representative.

Display Value c44

Explanation Initializing installation database with target disk information.
System Action If this LED persists, the system may be having trouble accessing disks.
User Action If this LED persists, contact your software service organization for assistance.

Display Value c45

Explanation Cannot configure the console.
System Action The cfgcon command has failed.
User Action Ensure that the media is readable, that the display type is supported, and that the media contains device support for the display type.

Display Value c46

Explanation Normal installation processing.
System Action This LED displays briefly on the panel.
User Action No action is necessary. This display is for information purposes only.

Display Value c47

Explanation Could not create a physical volume identifier (PVID) on disk.
System Action The chgdisk command has failed.
User Action Run hardware diagnostics on the target disks. Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

Display Value c48

Explanation Prompting you for input.
System Action BosMenus is being run.
User Action If this LED persists, you must provide responses at the console.

Display Value c49

Explanation Could not create or form the JFS log.
System Action The logform command has failed.
User Action Run hardware diagnostics on the target disks. Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

Display Value c50

Explanation Creating root volume group on target disks.
System Action System is making volume group and logical volumes.
User Action If this LED persists, run hardware diagnostics on the target disks. Go to"Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

Display Value c51

Explanation No paging devices were found.
System Action Either selected disks were not already in a root volume group or the data files did not specify paging devices.
User Action Correct the problem and try the install again.

Display Value c52

Explanation Changing from RAM environment to disk environment.
System Action The system is setting up devices in the disk environment.
User Action If this LED persists, the disks may not be accessible. Run hardware diagnostics on the target disks. Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

Display Value c53

Explanation Not enough space in the /tmp directory to do a preservation installation.
System Action The system has detected that there is not enough space in /tmp.
User Action Reboot and make the /tmp directory larger.

Display Value c54

Explanation Installing either BOS or additional packages.
System Action The system is either restoring bos.rte/mksysb or device packages.
User Action If this LED persists, the installation media may not be readable.

Display Value c55

Explanation Could not remove the specified logical volume in a preservation installation.
System Action The system could not remove a logical volume during a preservation install.
User Action Run diagnostics on the target disks. Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference. An overwrite installation must be done on that disk if it is not bad.

Display Value c56

Explanation Running user-defined customization.
System Action This LED displays briefly on the panel.
User Action No action is necessary. This display is for information purposes only.

Display Value c57

Explanation Failure to restore BOS.
System Action The system was attempting to restore the BOS image.
User Action Ensure that the media contains a valid BOS image and that the disks are large enough to contain the image. Run diagnostics on the disks and ensure that the image.data file accurately describes the image being installed.

Display Value c58

Explanation Displaying message to turn the key.
System Action The system is prompting the user to turn the key.
User Action Turn the key to Normal and press Enter. If the client machine does not have a configured console, turn the key to the Normal position and press the yellow button twice in rapid succession.

Display Value c59

Explanation Could not copy either device special files, device ODM, or volume group information from RAM to disk.
System Action The system was attempting to copy devices from the RAM file system to the disk file system.
User Action Ensure that the image.data file accurately describes the image being installed.

Display Value c61

Explanation Failed to create the boot image.
System Action The system was running the bosboot command.
User Action Run hardware diagnostics on the target disks. Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference. Ensure that the /tmp directory has enough space to create the boot image.

Display Value c70

Explanation Problem mounting diagnostic CD ROM disk in stand-alone mode.

Display Value c99

Explanation Progress indicator. The diagnostic programs have completed. This code is only used when there is no console.
System Action The system waits for you to restart.
User Action Restart the system. Turn off your system, wait one minute, then turn on the system. This display is for information purposes only.

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