Correct a device hardware problem by:
Follow these steps to check your device connections:
Refer to the publications for the specific device for cabling and configuring procedures and for further troubleshooting information.
Did your checks correct the problem with the device?
Yes | Your checks of the device connections have corrected the problem. |
No | Go to the next step, "Checking the Ready State of a Device" . |
To determine whether the device is in a ready state:
Did your checks correct the problem with the device?
Yes | Your check of the device's ready state corrected the problem. |
No | Go to the next step, "Running Diagnostics on a Device" . |
You might have a defective device. Go to "Hardware Diagnostics" to find the hardware problem with your device.
If running hardware diagnostics fails to find a problem with your device, go to "Check the Device Software" . If your device passes the diagnostic tests, you might have a problem with the way your device works with your system software. If it is possible that the preceding problem exists, report the problem to your software service organization.