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Problem Solving Guide and Reference

Graphics Subsystem Error Identifiers for theError Log

This category of identifiers contains the following error labels:


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This error is logged by the Graphics Subsystem which includes the inpute device drivers and graphics display device drivers.

An example of an LFT error log entry in the system error log.

ERROR ID:                <an errorid>
Date/Time:               <time and date>
Sequence Number:         <sequence number>
Machine Id:              <machine ID>
Node Id:                 <node ID>
Class:                   <class>
Resource Name:           <resource name>
Error Description
Probable Causes
Failure Causes
Recommended Actions
Detail Data

The Detail Data consists of the following:

DETECTED Specifies the name of the module where the error occurred.
FAILED Specifies the called function that returned an error.
RC Specifies the return code.
ERROR Specifies a number that identifies the error.
LOCATION Specifies a unique number (per module) to help locate the failure.

Table 1. List of Errors in the lftconfig Module.
lftconfig NULL 0 1000 1 LFT is already initialized. No re- covery - reboot
lftconfig NULL 0 1001 2 LFT is in an unknown state. No recovery - reboot
lftconfig xmalloc 0 1002 3 Could not allocate the lft_ptr data structure
lftconfig NULL 0 1003 4 Invalid data transfer size User space -> Kernel space
lftconfig xmalloc 0 1002 5 Could not allocate the dds structure
lftconfig copyin > 0 1004 6 Copy of the dds structure failed
lftconfig NULL 0 1040 7 No font file in the DDS structure
lftconfig xmalloc 0 1002 8 No space for font file names
lftconfig copyin > 0 1004 9 Could not copy font file names
lftconfig lft _fonts _init > 0 1041 10 Font initialization failed
lftconfig NULL 0 1030 11 No software key- board map file pointer in the DDS struct
lftconfig xmalloc 0 1002 12 No space for swkb map file names
lftconfig copyin > 0 1004 13 Could not copy swkb map file names
lftconfig lft- _swkbd- _init > 0 1031 14 swkbd initialization failed
lftconfig lft_init > 0 1005 15 lft initialization failed
lftconfig lft_ STREAMS _init > 0 1011 16 lft STREAMS initializa- tion failed
lftconfig pincode > 0 1012 17 Could not pin code
lftconfig NULL 0 1013 18 lft termination failed
lftconfig NULL 0 1014 19 Invalid command

Table 2. List of Errors in the lftinit Module.
lftinit fp_open- dev > 0 1020 1 Could not open a display device driver
lftinit get- _disp- _dataptr > 0 1007 2 Unable to get the phys_display data structure pointer
lftinit xmalloc 0 1002 3 Could not allocate the vtm structure
lftinit vttinit > 0 1060 4 Display device driver - initialization failed
lftinit vttact > 0 1061 5 Display device driver - activation failed
lftinit NULL 0 1008 6 No displays initialized
lftinit NULL 0 1009 7 Default display did not initialize
lftinit devswqry > 0 1010 8 Could not query the devsw table
lftinit NULL 0 1007 9 The device has a bad status in devsw table or the dataptr=0
lftinit get- _devsw- _dataptr > 0 1007 10 Unable to get the phys_display data structure pointer

Table 3. List of Errors in the lftterm Module.
lftterm vttdact > 0 1062 1 Display device driver - deactivation failed
lftterm vttterm > 0 1063 2 Display device driver - termination failed

Table 4. List of Errors in the lftfonts Module.
lftfonts xmalloc 0 1002 1 Could not allocate space for fonts
lftfonts fp_open > 0 1021 2 Could not open the font file
lftfonts NULL 0 1041 3 lft did not load any fonts
lftfonts create- _fkproc > 0 1043 4 Could not create the font kernel process
lftfonts fp_fstat > 0 1022 5 Could not stat the font file
lftfonts fp_fstat 0 1022 6 Incorrect font file size
lftfonts fp_lseek >0 1023 7 Font file seek error
lftfonts xmalloc 0 1002 8 Could not allocate space for font data
lftfonts fp_read >0 1024 9 Font file read error
lftfonts NULL 0 1041 10 Unsupported variable width font
lftfonts NULL 0 1001 11 lft_ptr is NULL

Table 5. List of Errors in the lftswkbd Module.
lftswkbd fp_open >0 1021 1 Could not open the software keyboard map file
lftswkbd fp_fstat >0 1022 2 Could not stat swkbd map file
lftswkbd fp_lseek >0 1023 3 swkbd file seek error
lftswkbd NULL 0 1002 4 Could not allocate space for the swkbd file
lftswkbd fp_read >0 1024 5 Read of the swkbd map file failed

Table 6. List of Errors in the cfglft Module.
cfglft odm- _get_list -1 1102 1 Could not receive list of adapters from the PdAt
cfglft odm- _get_list -1 1103 2 ODM failure re- trieving list of displays from the CuDv
cfglft NULL 0 1105 3 Found no available displays for the lft
cfglft malloc 0 1106 4 Could not malloc memory for the dds structure
cfglft getattr 0 1101 5 No font*_path attribute found in either CuAt or PdAt
cfglft NULL 0 1107 6 No fonts found in the ODM belonging to the lft
cfglft getattr 0 1101 7 No default_disp attribute found in either CuAt or PdAt
cfglft odm- _get_list -1 1103 8 ODM failure in retrieving list of adapters from the CuDv
cfglft get- _devno >0 1108 9 Failed to get the devno of a display
cfglft putattr -1 1101 10 Failed to update the CuAt with a new default_disp value.
cfglft odm- _get_list -1 1102 11 ODM failure retriev- ing list of keyboards from PdAt
cfglft odm- _get_obj -1 1103 12 ODM failure re- trieving keyboard information from CuDv
cfglft get- _devno >0 1108 13 Failed to get the devno of a keyboard
cfglft NULL -1 1122 14 No available system keyboard found
cfglft odm_get_list -1 1102 15 ODM failure re- trieving list of fkproc attributes from PdAt
cfglft get- _attrval 0 1101 16 Found no swkb_path attribute in either CuAt or PdAt
cfglft odm- _get_first <= 0 1102 17 Found no swkb_path attribute in PdAt
cfglft open -1 1109 18 Failed to open the system keyboard file
cfglft mknode >0 1110 19 mknode failed for the lft special file /dev/lft0
cfglft stat >0 1110 20 stat failed on lft special file /dev/lft0
cfglft unlink >0 1110 21 unlink failed on lft special file /dev/lft0
cfglft mknode >0 1110 22 mknode failed for the lft special file /dev/lft0 after unlink- ing the previous special file
cfglft NULL 0 1111 23 Illegal parameters passed into cfglft
cfglft NULL 0 1112 24 Logical device name passed into cfglft is invalid
cfglft odm_- initialize -1 1100 25 ODM failed to initialize
cfglft odm- _get_first 0 1103 26 Failed to find the logical name for the lft in the CuDv
cfglft odm- _get_first -1 1103 27 ODM failure re- trieving logical name of lft from the CuDv
cfglft odm- _get_first 0 1104 28 Failed to find the PdDv class associated with the lft
cfglft odm- _get_first -1 1104 29 ODM failure re- trieving PdDv class for the lft
cfglft NULL 0 1113 30 lft is listed as missing in the CuDv
cfglft build_dds >0 1114 31 The build_dds function had an error building the dds
cfglft loadext 0 1115 32 Failure occurred while trying to load the lft driver
cfglft genmajor -1 1116 33 Failure occurred creating the major number for the lft
cfglft genminor 0 1117 34 Failure occurred creating the minor number for the lft
cfglft sysconfig -1 1118 35 Failure occurred while initializing the lft driver
cfglft make- _special- _file >0 1110 36 Failure occurred while creating the lft special file
cfglft lft_auto- push >0 1120 37 Failure occurred during auto push of STREAMS modules
cfglft odm- _change _obj -1 1103 38 Failure occurred while updating the lft status to available
cfglft getattr 0 1101 39 Failure getting syscons attribute
cfglft odm- _run- _meth- ods -1 1118 40 odm_run_method failed doing mkitab
cfglft sysconfig >0 1115 41 Error loading 1dterm module
cfglft sysconfig >0 1115 42 Error loading tioc module
cfglft stream- _ioctl >0 1115 43 Error in ioctl to SAD to auto push modules
cfglft loadext 0 1121 44 Failure occurred while unloading the lft driver
cfglft sysconfig -1 1119 45 Failure occurred while terminating the lft driver
cfglft odm_run_methods -1 1118 46 odm_run_methods failed doing rmitab

Table 7. List of Errors in the startlft Module.
startlft odm_- initialize -1 1200 1 ODM failed to initialize
startlft odm_- get_first 0 1203 2 No lft driver infor- mation found in the PdDv class
startlft odm_- get_first -1 1203 3 ODM failure re- trieving PdDv class for lft
startlft odm_- get_first -1 1201 4 ODM failure re- trieving information from the PdAt class
startlft odm_- get_first -1 1202 5 ODM failure re- trieving information from the CuDv class
startlft NULL 0 1204 6 No available displays found for the lft
startlft odm_- run_- method >0 1205 7 Error occurred attempting to define the lft

Table 8. List of Errors in the ucfglft Module.
pop_mod load_ext 0 1300 1 Failed to get kmid for STREAMS module
pop_mod NULL 0 1301 2 Unknown STREAMS module
pop_mod sysconfig <0 1302 3 Sysconfig failed attempting to unconfigure STREAMS module
pop_mod loadext 0 1300 4 Failed to unload a STREAMS module
ucfglft odm_- open_- class -1 1303 1 Open of the CuDv class in the ODM failed
ucfglft odm_- get_first 0 1304 2 Failed to find any objects belonging to LFT in the CuDv
ucfglft odm_- get_first -1 1305 3 ODM error occurred while retrieving object from CuDv
ucfglft odm_- get_first 0 1306 4 Failed to find any objects belonging to LFT in the PdDv
ucfglft odm_- get_first -1 1307 5 ODM error occurred while retrieving object from PdDv
ucfglft getmajor -1 1308 6 Error occurred attempting to get the major number for LFT
ucfglft getminor 0 1309 7 Error occurred attempting to get the minor number for LFT
ucfglft loadext 0 1310 8 Error occurred attempting to unload the LFT driver
ucfglft odm_- change_ obj -1 1311 9 Error occurred updating LFT status to defined
ucfglft odm_- close_ class -1 1312 10 Error occurred closing the CuDv class of the ODM

Table 9. List of Errors in the GT1X Device Driver.
config.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 1 Unable to xmalloc define device struct
define.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 1 Unable to xmalloc phys_display struct
define.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 2 Unable to xmalloc ddf structure
define.c dev- swadd >0 1003 3 Unable to add driver to device switch table
define.c NULL ENODEV 1007 4 Phys_display structure not found for device
open.c i_init >0 1006 1 Unable to register SLIH
open.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 2 Unable to register parity handler
ioctl.c NULL EINVAL 1002 1 Invalid ioctl command
interrupt.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 1 SGA Bus I/O Exception
draw.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 1 SGA Bus I/O Exception
draw.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1004 2 SGA Bus I/O Exception
load_pal.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 1 SGA Bus I/O Exception
reset.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 1 SGA Bus I/O Exception
vtt_act.c NULL EINVAL 1000 1 Invalid terminal mode specified
vtt_defc.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 1 Unable to xmalloc cursor bit map
vtt_defc.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 2 Unable to xmalloc cursor inverted bit map
vtt_init.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 1 Unable to xmalloc local driver data (1d)
vtt_init.c load- _font- _table EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 2 Unable to load aix character font
vtt_init.c xmalloc ENOMEM 1001 3 Unable to xmalloc presentation space
vtt_init.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 4 SGA Bus I/O Exception
vtt_scr.c setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO_SGA 1004 1 SGA Bus I/O Exception

Table 10. List of Errors in the vtt2drvr Module Color gda/Gray gda Device Driver.
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 1 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 2 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 3 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 4 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 5 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 6 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1002 7 Neither GRAPHICS nor KSR mode specified
vtt2drvr NULL !KSR- _MODE 1002 8 Not in KSR- _MODE
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 9 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1004 10 Bad Command specified
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 11 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 12 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 13 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr xmalloc NULL 1001 14 Could not alloc memory for local data
vtt2drvr xmalloc NULL 1001 15 Could not alloc memory for presentation space
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 16 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 17 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 18 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 19 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 20 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 21 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr xmalloc NULL 1001 22 Could not alloc memory for pd
vtt2drvr xmalloc NULL 1001 23 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr talloc NULL 1005 24 Could not alloc timer for device
vtt2drvr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 25 Unable to set parity handler
vtt2drvr dev- swadd >0 1006 26 Could not add to dev switch table
vtt2drvr devswqry NULL 1007 27 Null physical disp list
vtt2drvr copyin !NULL 1008 28 Could not copy buffer
vtt2drvr copyin !NULL 1008 29 Could not copy buffer
vtt2drvr copyout !NULL 1009 30 Could not copy buffer
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1004 31 Invalid query option
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1004 32 Invalid command
vtt2drvr devswqry NULL 1007 33 Null physical display list
vtt2drvr NULL DMA- _FAIL 1010 34 Invalid DMA channel ID
vtt2drvr i_init !INTR- _SUCC 1011 35 Could not set interrupt data
vtt2drvr devswqry NULL 1007 36 Null physical display list
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1013 37 Device is in use
vtt2drvr xmalloc NULL 1001 38 Could not allo- cate dds stuff
vtt2drvr devswqry NULL 1007 39 Null physical display list
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1004 40 Invalid command
vtt2drvr devswqry NULL 1007 41 Null physical display list
vtt2drvr NULL NULL 1007 42 Do not know which pd to release
vtt2drvr devswdel >0 1014 43 Could not delete entry from devsw table

Table 11. List of Errors in the vtt2intr Module Color gda/Gray gda Device Driver.
vtt2intr setjmpx EXCEPT- _IO 1000 1 Unable to set parity handler

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