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System User's Guide: Communications and Networks

Using BNU Path Names

Path names used with Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) commands can be entered in a number of different ways. The path names list either the root directory or a shortcut path to the target, the name of a remote system or systems. Each path variation follows specific guidelines.

Full Path Name

A full path name starts at the root and traces all the directories down to the target directory and file. For example, /etc/uucp/Devices refers to the Devices file in the uucp directory in the root directory etc.

Always enter a preceding / (slash) to signify a root directory. Always separate elements in paths with a / (slash).

Relative Path Name

The relative path name lists only those directories that are relative to the current directory.

For example, if your current directory is /usr/bin and your target directory is /usr/bin/reports, enter the relative path name reports (without the leading slash).

Relative path names can be used with the cu, uucp, and uux commands, and with the name of the source file in the uuto command.

Note: Relative path names may not work with all BNU commands. If you have trouble using a relative path name, enter the command again with the full path name.

~ [option] Path Name

The ~ [option] path name represents the home directory of the specified user. The ~ (tilde) can be used as a shortcut to certain directories.

For example, ~jane refers to the home directory of the user, Jane. The entry, ~uucp or ~ (tilde alone) refers to the BNU public directory on the remote system. The full path name for the BNU public directory is /var/spool/uucppublic.

Note: This use of the tilde should not be confused with the other use of the tilde in BNU. The tilde is also used to preface commands for execution on a local system when logged in to a remote system.

System_Name! Path Name

The system_name! path name identifies the path to a file on another system. For example, distant!/account/march refers to the march file in the account directory on the remote system distant.

System_Name!System_Name! Path Name

The system_name!system_name! path name identifies a path through multiple systems. For example, if the system named distant can only be reached through another system called near, the path name is near!distant!/account/march.

Separate system names with an ! (exclamation mark). In the case of multiple-system path names, the rule of separating elements with a / (slash) does not apply to the system names. However, the rule does hold for the termination system, where directories and files are stipulated.

Note: When using a bourne shell, separate system names with an ! (exclamation mark). When using BNU in either a C or korn shell, precede the exclamation mark with a \ (back slash). The back slash is an escape character necessary to interpret the next character literally rather than as the special character.

Related Information

Identifying Compatible Systems.

Communicating Between Local and Remote Systems.

Exchanging Commands Between Local and Remote Systems.

Exchanging Files Between Local and Remote Systems.

Reporting the Status of Command and File Exchanges.

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