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System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

Processes Overview

A program or command that is actually running on the computer is referred to as a process. Processes exist in parent-child hierarchies. A process started by a program or command is a parent process; a child process is the product of the parent process. A parent process may have several child processes, but a child process can only have one parent.

The system assigns a process identification number (PID number) to each process when it starts. If you start the same program several times, it will have a different PID number each time.

When a process is started on a system, the process uses a part of the available system resources. When more than one process is running, a scheduler that is built into the operating system gives each process its share of the computer's time, based on established priorities. These priorities can be changed by using the nice or renice commands.

Note: Only someone with root user authority can change a process priority to a higher one. All users can lower priorities on a process they start by using the nice command, or on a process they have already started by using the renice command.

This section discusses:

Foreground and Background Processes

Processes that are started from and require a user's interaction are called foreground processes. Processes that are run independently of a user are referred to as background processes. Programs and commands run as foreground processes by default. To run a process in the background, place an ampersand (&) at the end of the command name that you use to start the process.


Daemons are processes that run unattended. They are constantly in the background and are available at all times. Daemons are usually started when the system starts and run until the system stops. A daemon process performs system services and is available at all times to more than one task or user. Daemon processes are started by the root user or root shell and can be stopped only by the root user. For example, the qdaemon process provides access to system resources such as printers. Another common daemon is the sendmail daemon.

Zombie Process

A zombie process is a dead process that is no longer executing but is still recognized in the process table (in other words, it has a PID number). It has no other system space allocated to it. Zombie processes have been killed or have exited and continue to exist in the process table until the parent process dies or the system is shut down and restarted. Zombie processes show up as <defunct> when listed by the ps command.

Starting a Process

You start a foreground process from a display station by either entering a program name or command name at the system prompt. Once a foreground process has started, the process interacts with you at your display station until it is complete. This means no other interaction (for example, entering another command) can take place at the display station until the process is finished or you halt it.

A single user can run more than one process at a time up to a default maximum of 40 processes per user.

To Start a Process in the Foreground

To run a process in the foreground, enter the name of the command with all the appropriate parameters and flags:

$ CommandName

To Start a Process in the Background

To run a process in the background, enter the name of the command with all the appropriate parameters and flags, followed by an ampersand (&):

$ CommandName&

When the process is running in the background, you can perform additional tasks by entering other commands at your display station.

Generally, background processes are most useful for commands that take a long time to run. However, because they increase the total amount of work the processor is doing, background processes also slow down the rest of the system.

Most processes direct their output to standard output, even when they run in the background. Unless redirected, standard output goes to the display station. Because the output from a background process can interfere with your other work on the system, it is usually good practice to redirect the output of a background process to a file or a printer. You can then look at the output whenever you are ready.

Note: Under certain circumstances, a process may generate its output in a different sequence when run in the background than when run in the foreground. Programmers may want to use the fflush subroutine to ensure that output occurs in the proper order regardless of whether the process runs in foreground or background.

As long as a background process is running, you can check its status with the ps command.

Checking Processes (ps Command)

Any time the system is running, several processes are also running. You can use the ps command or a Web-based System Manager fast path to find out which processes are running and to display information about those processes.

ps Command

The ps command has several flags that enable you to specify which processes to list and what information to display about each process.

To show all processes running on your system, at the prompt, enter:

ps -ef

The system displays information similar to the following:

    root     1     0   0   Jun 28      -  3:23 /etc/init 
    root  1588  6963   0   Jun 28      -  0:02 /usr/etc/biod 6 
    root  2280     1   0   Jun 28      -  1:39 /etc/syncd 60 
    mary  2413 16998   2 07:57:30      -  0:05 aixterm 
    mary 11632 16998   0 07:57:31  lft/1  0:01 xbiff 
    mary 16260  2413   1 07:57:35  pts/1  0:00 /bin/ksh 
    mary 16469     1   0 07:57:12  lft/1  0:00 ksh /usr/lpp/X11/bin/xinit 
    mary 19402 16260  20 09:37:21  pts/1  0:00 ps -ef 

The column heading definitions are as follows:

USER User login name
PID Process ID
PPID Parent process ID
C CPU utilization of process
STIME Start time of process
TTY Controlling workstation for the process
TIME Total execution time for the process
CMD Command

In the previous example, the process ID for the ps -ef command is 19402. Its parent process ID is 16260, the /bin/ksh command.

If the listing is very long, the top portion scrolls off the screen. To prevent this from happening, use the ps command piped to the pg command. At the prompt, enter:

ps -ef | pg

To show status information of all processes running on your system, at the prompt, enter:

ps gv

This form of the command lists a number of statistics for each active process. Output from this command looks something like this:

     0      - A     0:44    7     8     8    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 swapper
     1      - A     1:29  518   244   140    xx    21    24  0.1  1.0 /etc/init
   771      - A     1:22    0    16    16    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 kproc
  1028      - A     0:00   10    16     8    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 kproc
  1503      - A     0:33  127    16     8    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 kproc
  1679      - A     1:03  282   192    12 32768   130     0  0.7  0.0 pcidossvr
  2089      - A     0:22  918    72    28    xx     1     4  0.0  0.0 /etc/sync
  2784      - A     0:00    9    16     8    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 kproc
  2816      - A     5:59 6436  2664   616     8   852   156  0.4  4.0 /usr/lpp/
  3115      - A     0:27  955   264   128    xx    39    36  0.0  1.0 /usr/lib/
  3451      - A     0:00    0    16     8    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 kproc
  3812      - A     0:00   21   128    12 32768    34     0  0.0  0.0 usr/lib/lpd/
  3970      - A     0:00    0    16     8    xx     0     0  0.0  0.0 kproc
  4267      - A     0:01  169   132    72 32768    16    16  0.0  0.0 /etc/sysl
  4514  lft/0 A     0:00   60   200    72    xx    39    60  0.0  0.0 /etc/gett
  4776  pts/3 A     0:02  250   108   280     8   303   268  0.0  2.0 -ksh 
  5050      - A     0:09 1200   424   132 32768   243    56  0.0  1.0 /usr/sbin
  5322      - A     0:27 1299   156   192    xx    24    24  0.0  1.0 /etc/cron
  5590      - A     0:00    2   100    12 32768    11     0  0.0  0.0 /etc/writ
  5749      - A     0:00    0   208    12    xx    13     0  0.0  0.0 /usr/lpp/
  6111      - T     0:00   66   108    12 32768    47     0  0.0  0.0 /usr/lpp/

See the ps command in the AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference for the exact syntax.

Web-based System Manager Fast Path

You can use the Web-based System Manager fast path to find out which processes are running and to display information about those processes. At the prompt, type:

wsm processes
In the Processes container, select a process, then use the menus to complete the task.

Other commands you can use are smit process and smit monitors.

Setting the Initial Priority of a Process (nice Command)

You can set the initial priority of a process to a value lower than the base scheduling priority by using the nice command to start the process.

Note: To run a process at a higher priority, you must have root user authority.

nice Command

To set the initial priority of a process, type:

nice -n Number CommandString

where Number is in the range of 0 to 39, with 39 being the lowest priority. The higher the number, the lower the priority. If you use zero, the process will run at its base scheduling priority. CommandString is the command and flags and parameters you want to run.

See the nice command in the AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference for more information and the exact syntax.

You can also use the smit nice command to perform this task.

Changing the Priority of a Running Process (renice Command)

You can change the scheduling priority of a running process to a value lower or higher than the base scheduling priority by using the renice command. This command changes the nice value of a process. There are two ways to run this command:

From the Command Line

To change the initial priority of a running process, type:

renice Priority -p ProcessID

where Priority is in the range of -20 to 20. The higher the number, the lower the priority. If you use zero, the process will run at its base scheduling priority. ProcessID is the PID you want to change the priority of.

Web-based System Manager Fast Path

You can use the Web-based System Manager fast path to change the priority of a running process. At the prompt, type:

wsm processes
In the Processes container, select a process, then use the menus to complete the task.

You can also use the smit renice command to perform this task.

Canceling a Foreground Process

If you start a foreground process and then decide you do not want to let it finish, you can cancel it by pressing INTERRUPT. This is usually Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Backspace. To find out what your INTERRUPT key is set to, see Listing Control Key Assignments for Your Terminal (stty Command) .

Note: INTERRUPT (Ctrl-C) does not cancel background processes. To cancel a background process, you must use the kill command.

Most simple commands are not good examples for demonstrating how to cancel a process-they run so quickly that they finish before you have time to cancel them. The examples in this section, therefore, use a command that takes more than a few seconds to run: find / -type f. This command displays the path names for all files on your system. You do not need to study the find command in order to complete this section; it is used here simply to demonstrate how to work with processes.

In the following example, the find command starts a process. After the process runs for a few seconds, you can cancel it by pressing the INTERRUPT key:

$ find / -type f
/usr/sbin/acct/shutacct INTERRUPT (Ctrl-C)
$ _

The system returns the prompt to the screen. Now you can enter another command.

Stopping a Foreground Process

It is possible for a process to be stopped but not have its process ID (PID) removed from the process table. You can stop a foreground process with a Ctrl-Z from the keyboard.

Note: Ctrl-Z works in the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh), but not in the Bourne shell (bsh).

Restarting a Stopped Process

This procedure describes how to restart a process that has been stopped with a Ctrl-Z.

Note: Ctrl-Z works in the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh), but not in the Bourne shell (bsh). To restart a stopped process, you must either be the user who started the process or have root user authority.
  1. To show all the processes running or stopped but not killed on your system, type:
    ps -ef
    You may want to pipe this command through a grep command to restrict the list to those processes most likely to be the one you want to restart. For example, if you want to restart a vi session, you could enter:
    ps -ef | grep vi
    This command would display only those lines from the ps command output that contained the word vi. The output would look something like this:
    UID    PID   PPID   C      STIME       TTY  TIME  COMMAND
    root   1234  13682  0      00:59:53    -    0:01  vi test
    root  14277  13682  1      01:00:34    -    0:00  grep vi

  2. In the ps command output, find the process you want to restart and note its PID number. In the example, the PID is 1234.

  3. To send the CONTINUE signal to the stopped process, type:
    kill -19 1234
    Substitute the PID of your process for the 1234. The -19 indicates the CONTINUE signal. This command restarts the process in the background. If it is okay for the process to run in the background, you are finished with the procedure. If the process needs to run in the foreground (as a vi session would), you must proceed with the next step.

  4. To bring the process in to the foreground, type:
    fg 1234
    Once again, substitute the PID of your process for the 1234. Your process should now be running in the foreground. (You are now in your vi edit session).

Scheduling a Process for Later Operation (at Command)

You can set up a process as a batch process to run in the background at a scheduled time. The at and smit commands let you enter the names of commands to be run at a later time and allow you to specify when the commands should be run.

Note: The /var/adm/cron/at.allow and /var/adm/cron/at.deny files control whether you can use the at command. A person with root user authority can create, edit, or delete these files. Entries in these files are user login names with one name to a line. The following is an example of an at.allow file:

If the at.allow file exists, only users whose login names appear in it can use the at command. A system administrator can explicitly stop a user from using the at command by listing the user's login name in the at.deny file. If only the at.deny file exists, any user whose name does not appear in the file can use the at command.

You cannot use the at command if one of the following is true:

If the at.allow file does not exist and the at.deny file does not exist or is empty, only someone with root user authority can submit a job with the at command.

The at command syntax allows you to specify a date string, a time and day string, or an increment string for when you want the process to run. It also allows you to specify which shell or queue to use. The following examples show some typical uses of the command.

at Command

For example, if your login name is joyce and you have a script named WorkReport that you want to run at midnight, do the following:

  1. Type in the time you want the program to start running.
    at midnight
  2. Type the names of the programs to run, pressing Enter after each name. After typing the last name, press the end-of-file character (Ctrl-D) to signal the end of the list.

After pressing Ctrl-D, the system displays information similar to the following:

job joyce.741502800.a at Fri Jul  6 00:00:00 CDT 1994.

The program WorkReport is given the job number joyce.741502800.a and will run at midnight July 6.

To list the programs you have sent to be run later, type:

at -l

The system displays information similar to the following:

joyce.741502800.a       Fri Jul  6 00:00:00 CDT 1994

To cancel a program you have set up to run later, first list the job numbers assigned to your programs with at -l. Once you know the job number of the program you want to cancel, type:

at -r joyce.741502800.a

This cancels job joyce.741502800.a.

See the at command in the AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference for the exact syntax.

You can also use the smit at and smit sjat commands to perform this task.

Listing All Scheduled Processes

You can list all scheduled processes with the -l flag of the at command or with the atq command. Both commands give the same output, but the atq command can order the processes by the time the at command was issued and can display just the number of processes in the queue.

You can list all scheduled processes in the following ways:

For user restrictions on using the at command, see the Note .

at Command

To list the scheduled processes, type:

at -l

This command lists all the scheduled processes in your queue. If you are a root user, this command lists all the scheduled processes for all users. For complete details of the syntax, see the at command.

atq Command

To list all scheduled processes in the queue, type:


If you are a root user, you can list the scheduled processes in a particular user's queue by typing:

atq UserName

To list the number of scheduled processes in the queue, type:

atq -n

Removing a Process from the Schedule

You can remove a scheduled process with the at command using the -r flag of that command or with the Web-based System Manager fast path. For user restrictions on using the at command, see Note. .

From the Command Line

  1. To remove a scheduled process, you must know the process number. You can obtain the process number using the at -l command or the atq command. See "Listing All Scheduled Processes" for details.

  2. When you know the number of the process you want to remove, type:
    at -r ProcessNumber

Web-based System Manager Fast Path

You can use the Web-based System Manager fast path to remove a process from the schedule. At the prompt, type:

wsm processes
In the Processes container, select a process, then use the menus to complete the task.

You can also use the smit rmat command to perform this task.

Removing a Background Process (kill Command)

If INTERRUPT does not halt your foreground process or if you decide, after starting a background process, that you do not want the process to finish, you can cancel the process with the kill command. Before you can cancel a process using the kill command, you must know its PID number. The general format for the kill command is:

kill ProcessID
Note: To remove a process, you must have root user authority or be the user who started the process. The default signal to a process from the kill command is -15 (SIGTERM).

kill Command

  1. Use the ps command to determine the process ID of the process you want to remove. You may want to pipe this command through a grep command to list only the process you want. For example, if you want the process ID of a vi session, you could type:
    ps -l | grep vi
  2. In the next example, you issue the find command to run in the background. You then decide to cancel the process. Issue the ps command to list the PID numbers.
    $ find / -type f > dir.paths &
    [1]    21593
    $ ps
      1627  pts3  0:00  ps
      5461  pts3  0:00  ksh
     17565  pts3  0:00  -ksh
     21593  pts3  0:00  find / -type f
    $ kill 21593
    $ ps
      1627  pts3  0:00  ps
      5461  pts3  0:00  ksh
     17565  pts3  0:00  -ksh
    [1]  +  Terminated 21593     find  /  -type f > dir.paths  &

    The command kill 21593 stops the background find process, and the second ps command returns no status information about PID 21593. The system does not display the termination message until you enter your next command, unless that command is cd.

    The kill command lets you cancel background processes. You may want to do this if you realize that you have mistakenly put a process in the background or a process is taking too long to run.

    1. Removing a parent process automatically removes all its child processes.
    2. To remove a zombie process, you must remove its parent process.

See the kill command in the AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference for the exact syntax.

Web-based System Manager Fast Path

You can use the Web-based System Manager fast path to cancel a running process. At the prompt, type:

wsm processes
In the Processes container, select a process, then use the menus to complete the task.

You can also use the smit kill command.

Related Information

Commands and Processes

Commands Overview

Shells Overview

Korn Shell or POSIX Shell

Bourne Shell

C Shell

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