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Commands Reference, Volume 1

addbib Command


Creates or extends a bibliographic database.


addbib-a ] [ -p PromptFile Database


The addbib command uses a series of prompts to guide the user through creating or extending a bibliographic database. The user can define responses to these prompts. All default prompts and instructions are contained in the refer message catalog.

The first prompt is Instructions?. If the answer is affirmative, you can receive directions.

If the answer is negative or if you press the Enter key, you cannot receive directions. The addbib command then prompts for various bibliographic fields, reads responses from the terminal, and sends output records to the database specified by the Database parameter.

Pressing the Enter key (a null response) means to omit a particular field. Typing a - (minus sign) means to return to the previous field. A trailing backslash allows a field to be continued on the next line. The repeating Continue? prompt allows you to resume, to quit the current session, or to edit the database. To resume, type the defined affirmative answer or press the Enter key. To quit the current session, type the defined negative answer.

To edit the database, enter any system text editor (vi, ex, edit, ed).


-a Suppresses prompting for an abstract. Prompting for an abstract is the default. Abstracts are ended by pressing a Ctrl-D key sequence.
-pPromptFile Causes the addbib command to use a new prompting skeleton, which is defined in the file specified by the PromptFile parameter. This file contains prompt strings, a tab, and the key letters written to the specified database.

The following are the most common key letters and their meanings. The addbib command insulates you from these key letters, since it gives you prompts in English. If you edit the bibliography file later, you need to know this information.

Author's name
Book containing article referenced
City (place of publication)
Date of publication
Editor of book containing article referenced
Footnote number or label (supplied by the refer command)
Government order number
Header commentary, printed before reference
Issuer (publisher)
Journal containing article
Keywords to use in locating reference
Label field used by -k flag of the refer command
Bell Labs memorandum (undefined)
Number within volume
Other commentary, printed at end of reference
Page numbers
Corporate or foreign author (unreversed)
Report, paper, or thesis (unpublished)
Series title
Title of article or book
Volume number
Abstract used by the roffbib command, not by the refer command
Ignored by the refer command.

Note: Except for the %A key letter, each field should be given just once. Only relevant fields should be supplied.


The following is an example of a bibliography file:

%A Bill Tuthill
%T Refer - A Bibliography System
%I Computing Services
%C Berkeley
%D 1982
%O UNIX 4.3.5.

Related Information

The indxbib command, lookbib command, refer command, roffbib command, sortbib command.

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