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Commands Reference, Volume 2

del Command


Deletes files if the request is confirmed.


del ] File ...


Attention: The del command ignores file protection, allowing the owner of a file to delete a write-protected file. However, to delete a file, you must have write permission in the directory containing the file. Since pressing the Enter key by itself is the same as answering yes, be careful not to delete files accidentally.

The del command displays the list of specified files and asks you to confirm your request to delete the group of files. To answer yes (delete the files), press the Enter key or enter a line beginning with y (or the locale's equivalent of a y). Any other response specifies no (do not delete the files).

The del command does not delete directories. See the rmdir command for information about deleting directories.

Environment Variables

The LANG and LC_MESSAGES environment variables determine the locale's equivalent of y for yes/no queries. If the LANG and LC_MESSAGES variables are not set or are set to an invalid locale, the yesstr value is from the default C locale. To find valid affirmative responses, enter locale -k LC_MESSAGES at the command line and note the values displayed after the yesstr heading.


- Requests confirmation for each specified file name rather than for the entire group.


  1. To delete a file, enter:
    del chap1.bak
    This displays the message:
    del : Remove chap1.bak? Enter yes or press the Enter key for yes.
       Press any other key for no.
    You can press the Enter key or y to answer yes. Pressing any other key cancels the deletion. Note the warning under description.
  2. To use the del command with pattern-matching characters, enter:
    del *.bak
    Before passing the command line to the del command, the shell replaces the pattern *.bak with the names of all the files in the current directory that end with .bak. (This is known as file-name expansion.) The del command prompts you for confirmation before deleting them all at one time. Note the warning under description.
  3. To interactively select files to be deleted, enter:
    del - *
    This displays the name of each file in the current directory one at a time, allowing you to select which ones to delete. Note the warning under description.


/usr/bin/del Contains the del command.

Related Information

The rm command, rmdir command.

National Language Support Overview for System Management in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices explains locale.

File and Directory Access Modes in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices introduces file ownership and permissions to access files and directories.

Directory Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices describes the structure and characteristics of directories in the file system.

Files Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices describes files, file types, and how to name files.

File Systems and Directories Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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