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Commands Reference, Volume 2

frcactrl Command


Controls and configures FRCA


frcactrl [ load | unload ]
frcactrl config ipaddr port server_name virtual_root log_file_name [ bin ]
frcactrl stats [ reset]
frcactrl loadfile document_root list_of_absolute_or_relative_filenames
frcactrl logging [ on | off ]
frcactrl logfmt binary_log_file_name
frcactrl [ start | stop ] ipaddr port


The frcactrl command controls and configures the FRCA kernel extension. The kernel extension must be loaded before starting any WEB servers that want to use FRCA.

For the IBM HTTP Web Server, no config commands are necessary. Configuration data is stored in the IBM HTTP Web Server configuration files, and automatically passed to FRCA via an API. The IBM HTTP Web Server automatically loads files into the Network Buffer Cache.

For other WEB servers, which wish to use FRCA, an frcactrl config command is required after the W server has been started. This causes FRCA to be activated on the socket with the specified address and port. If the server is restarted, it is necessary to reissue this command.

An administrator can monitor the operation of FRCA with the stats command. The clear subcommand resets (zeros) the statistic counters.

The loadfile subcommand can be used to manually load files into the FRCA cache.

The logging subcommand can be used to turn the logging of HTTP requests on or off.

The logfmt subcommand converts binary logfiles to Common Log Format

The operation of FRCA for a specific IP address and port may be enable or disabled with the start and stop commands.


Loads the FRCA kernel extension if not loaded.
Unloads the FRCA kernel extension if loaded
config ipaddr port server_name virtual_root log_file_name [ bin ]
Configures and starts FRCA under the name server_name for IP address ipaddr on port port. The virtual_root parameter specifies the directory where the Web data starts. The requests will be logged in the file specified by log_file_name (this must be fully qualified).

The optional bin keyword specifies that the log file will be written in binary format, instead of Common Log Format. Note, that this means that the log must be converted with the logfmt command, in order to be readable.

Note: FRCA only support one log file. When running more than one WEB server on a system with FRCA, all requests will be logged to the same file.


frcactrl config 80 Apache /usr/local/apache/htdocs /logs/frca.log

The IP address may be, if the Web server is not bound to a specific IP address.

stat [ clear ]
Displays FRCA statistics:
Number of successful hits: 16556
Number of cache misses: 0
Number of resource errors: 0

The optional clear subcommand resets (zeros) the statistics.

loadfile document_root list_of_absolute_or_relative_filenames
Loads given files into the FRCA / Network Buffer Cache


frcactrl loadfile /a/b/c /a/b/c/d e

Loads content of files /a/b/c/d and /a/b/c/e with URLs /d and /e.

logging [ on | off ]
Turns logging of request served by the kernel get engine on or off.
logfmt binary_log_file_name
Converts binary_log_file_name from binary log format to Common Log Format with the name binary_log_file_name.asc.


frcactrl frca.log.1

Generates: frca.log.1.asc

start addr port
Enables the kernel get engine to serve request send to port at address addr
stop addr port
Disables the kernel get engine for port at address addr

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