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Commands Reference, Volume 3

just or fjust Command


Fills and justifies unevenly indented paragraphs of text.


just-d ] [ -x ] [ Request ... ]

fjust-lNumber ]


The just command is a filter intended for use with the Do function (the Alt-X key sequence), which runs the filter. For information about keyboard layouts, press the F1 key (the Help function) within the INed editor. You can use the just command either in the INed editor or from the system prompt. The just command reads text from standard input, justifies and fills each paragraph, and writes the result to standard output.

If you supply the Request parameter, the just command treats it as an nroff command line if the request begins with a . (period). If the request does not begin with a . (period), the just command passes it to the nroff formatter as a value. You can give the just command one or more Request parameters (nroff requests).

Attention: If you do not have the nroff formatter installed, using the just command may cause loss of data.

The just command is identical to the fill command, except that the just command justifies each line to produce an aligned right margin. This is accomplished by replacing spaces in short lines with multiple spaces.

The fjust command is a fast version of the just command that does not use the nroff formatter.

If the just command is unable to create a temporary file, it exits with a -2 value.

  1. The just command sets the left margin incorrectly if the first line of any paragraph is more than twice as long as the specified right margin.
  2. The just command produces incorrect output for input lines longer than 512 characters.


-d Does not process through the nroff formatter. In this mode, the just command takes text from standard input, inserts nroff request lines that preserve indentation and paragraphing, and writes the result to standard output.
-lNumber Sets the right margin at the column specified by the Number variable. The default value is 65. The -lNumber flag works with the fjust command only.
-x Suppresses compression of multiple blanks within input text lines. Initial blanks are always replaced by paragraph-indenting commands. The -x flag is useful for processing text that is bracketed by the nroff requests .nf or .na, because it prevents the loss of spacing between columns.


/var/tmp/IjustNumber Contains temporary data. The part of the file name represented by Number represents the process number.

Related Information

The fill command, nroff command.

To Run Filter Commands, and Editors Overview in AIX Version 4.3 INed Editor User's Guide introduces general concepts about editors and describes the main AIX editors.

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