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Commands Reference, Volume 3

ls_dpass Command


Create passwords for License Use Management-licensed software from compound licenses.



ls_dpass -- [ standard X arguments ]

ls_dpass -v VendorName -i VendorID -k supplier [-N ProductName] -p ProductID -r Version -w { license | compound -S Date [ -D NumberOfDays] [ -E date] } -l [ concurrent [ -m [u] [n] [g] [j] ] | nodelock | useonce ] [ -a Annotation] -s Date [ -d NumberOfDays | -e Date ] [ -t [ aix |dgux | domain | hpux | intergraph | msdos | next | novell | sco | sgi | sun | svr4 | ultrix | vms ] ] [ -u ] [ -usage | -h ] [ -version ] [ -z ] -n NumLicenses { TargetList }


The ls_dpass command creates passwords for customers and distributors of enabled software products. ls_dpass features both a command line and graphical interface. If all options are omitted, or the x argument delimiter is found on the command line, ls_dpass invokes a graphical interface. Both interfaces are described here.


-a Annotation (Optional) Specifies the license annotation (up to 80 characters).
-d NumberOfDays Specifies the duration of the password. If the password type is license, then this value specifies the number of days for which the licenses are valid; if the password type is compound, then this value specifies the number of days during which license passwords may be derived from the compound password.
-D NumberOfDays (Compound passwords only). Specifies maximum aggregate duration (in days) of all derived passwords.
-e mm/dd/yy Specifies the end date of the password. If the password type is license, then this value specifies the end date of the licenses; if the password type is compound, then this value specifies the end date for creating license passwords derived from the compound password.
-E mm/dd/yy (Compound passwords only). Specifies the derived license end date. This is the date after which no license password derived from the compound password is valid.
-h Command usage information. (Same as -usage)
-i VendorID Specifies the vendor ID. Supply the vendor ID specified by the provider of the compound licenses.
-l (Uppercase i) Specifies the license type; use one of the following keywords:
concurrent If you specify concurrent, you may optionally define multiple-use rules for the licenses being created.
-m (Optional) Specifies the rules whereby multiple invocations of a product require only a single concurrent license. You can specify the rules as any combination of the following arguments: u (same user), n (same node), g (same group), j (same job ID).

For example, the specification -m un means that, if the user and node are the same as those associated with a previously granted license, then any succeeding invocations of the product will not require any additional concurrent-use licenses.

Note: Arguments to the -m option are specified without separating spaces, commas, etc. (ungj).

-k supplier Use the keyword supplier: this causes ls_dpass to use the supplier's vendor key (which is known to the license server) to encode the passwords.
-n Number of licenses. Supply the total number of licenses over all target IDs on the list.
-N ProductName (Optional) Specifies the product name. If an argument is not supplied, a product name of the form "Product <product ID>" is created by ls_dpass.
-p ProductID Specifies the product ID.
-r Version Specifies the product revision text.
-s mm/dd/yy Specifies the start date of the password. If the password type is license, then this value specifies the start date of the licenses; if the password type is compound, then this value specifies the start date for creating license passwords derived from the compound password.
-S mm/dd/yy (Compound passwords only). Specifies the derived license start date. This is the date before which no license password derived from the compound password is valid.
-t Specifies the target type; default if omitted: domain. Or supply one of the following keywords: aix, dgux, domain, hpux, intergraph, msdos, next, novell, sco, sgi, svr4, sun, ultrix, or vms. (See the release notes for the latest list of supported targets).
-u (Optional) Generates ls_admin command lines as part of the ls_dpass output. These ls_admin command lines can be used to install the passwords generated by ls_dpass.
-v VendorName Specifies the vendor name.
-w Specifies the password type; supply one of the following keywords: license or compound. If the password type is compound, you must also supply the derived start/end dates (-S, -E) and the aggregate duration in days (-D).
Note: If this option is omitted, the start date of the password defaults to the current date as the start date. Start dates cannot be "before" the current date.
-z Debugging flag. (Prints RPC debugging information)
-usage Command usage information. (Same as -h)
Note: Valid combinations of the following -s, -d, and -e options are as follows:
-d alone -s defaults to the current date; ls_dpass calculates the expiration date for you.
-s and -d ls_dpass calculates the expiration date for you.
-s and -e ls_dpass calculates the duration for you.
TargetList This argument must come at the end of the command line. Enter a list of target IDs separated by spaces.

All other target types must specify either a target ID or a date. Enter a date in the following format: mm/dd/yy.

Information on Graphic Interface

The following describes the options on the graphical user interface version of ls_dpass.

Exit Button Select this button to exit from ls_dpass.
Select Menu Select an item from this menu to specify the type of object you want to work with (vendor, product, password, or customer).
Vendor Select this button to display a list of vendors in the List box, and a menu of vendor-related commands in the Command box. Select a vendor. Then select either a vendor-related command to operate on the vendor list, or Product to display a list of products for the vendor you selected.
Product After you have selected a vendor, select this button to display a list of the vendor's products in the List box, and a menu of product-related commands in the Command box. Select a product. Then select either a product-related command to operate on the vendor list, or Customer to display a list of customers for the product you selected.
Password After you have selected a vendor, product, and customer, select this button to display information fields related to the creation of passwords for the selected customer.
Customer Select this button to display a list of customers in the List box, and a menu of customer-related commands in the Command box.
Vendor-related Commands
Add New Vendor Select this button to define a new vendor. Enter the vendor name and vendor ID on the form that pops up. Then select Add Vendor to establish the vendor, or Cancel to cancel the operation.
Note: As a distributor, before you can create license passwords, you must first use ls_admin to install the licensor's vendor password and compound password(s) for the product (the licensor supplies these passwords.

(See "Graphic Interface Data Entry Fields" for a description of the fields in the Add Vendor popup).

Show Vendor After selecting a vendor from the List box, select this button to display vendor information, including the vendor's name and ID.
Delete Vendor Select this button to delete a vendor from the vendor list. A popup appears prompting you to confirm that you want to perform the delete. Select the popup to delete the Vendor. If you do not want to delete the vendor, move the cursor off the popup and it will disappear from the screen.
Product-related Commands
Add New Product Select this button to define a new product. If your company is the original licensor of the product, enter the product name, product ID, and version text on the form that pops up. Then select Add product to establish the product, or Cancel to cancel the operation.

(See "Graphic Interface Data Entry Fields" for a description of the fields in the Add Product popup).

Show product After selecting a product from the List box, select this button to display product information, including the product name and product ID.
Delete product Select this button to delete a product from the product list. A popup appears prompting you to confirm that you want to perform the delete. Select the popup to delete the product. If you do not want to delete the product, move the cursor off the popup and it will disappear from the screen.
Password-related Commands
Password type: Select the button to the right of the label Password type: to toggle between License (default) and Compound.
License type: Select the button to the right of the label License type: to display a menu of License Use Management license types, from which you can choose one. The types are concurrent, use once, and node locked.
Multiple-Use Rules Use this menu to specify the rules whereby multiple invocations of a product require only a single concurrent-use license. Do not specify different rules for passwords for any single version of a product that are destined for installation in the same network environment.
Same User Check this item to indicate that only a single concurrent-use license is required for multiple invocations of the product so long as the same user is invoking the product.
Same Group Check this item to indicate that only a single concurrent-use license is required for multiple invocations of the product so long as the invocations originate from the same group.
Same Node Check this item to indicate that only a single concurrent-use license is required for multiple invocations of the product so long as the product is being invoked at the same node.
Same Job Check this item to indicate that only a single concurrent-use license is required for multiple invocations of the product so long as the invocations are associated with the same job ID.
Exit Exits from the multiple-use rules menu.
Target type: Select the button to the right of the label Target Type: to display a menu of target types from which you can choose one to specify the type of node for which you are creating passwords. The default choice is AIX. Other choices include: DGUX, Domain, HPUX, Intergraph, MSDOS, NeXT, Novell, SCO, SGI, SVR4, Sun, Ultrix, and VMS.
Next target Select this button to switch to the next target.
Create Passwords Creates passwords based on the product/vendor data specified. If you have used the Output file option, this information is saved in the file you specify. Note that when you create license passwords, ls_dpass decrements the number of compound licenses available according to the type and number of licenses specified.
Create script ls_dpass can output scripts that customers can use to automate the installation of the passwords. The script is appended to the ls_dpass transcript. If you want ls_dpass to generate the shell script, select the check box.
Output file Use this to enter a filename in which you want customer passwords to be saved. (Optional) You must select this button before you select Create Passwords.
Graphic Interface Data Entry Fields

Vendor Information

Vendor name, Vendor ID, Vendor key Enter the vendor name and vendor ID. If the vendor ID has not already been established, you may use the Create Vendor ID button to generate one.

Product Information

Product name, Product ID, Product Version Enter the product name, product ID, and the version.

Password Information

Number of targets: Enter the total number of target nodes on which passwords are to be installed. (Optional; default is 1.)
Number of Licenses (total): Enter the total number of licenses to be created (that is, the aggregate of all licenses specified by all passwords to be created in this session).
License annotation Enter an annotation of up to 80 characters for the licenses (optional). The software product defines the annotation, and when licenses are created, ls_dpass outputs the annotation along with the passwords. If there is no annotation, leave this field blank. Do not specify different annotations for passwords for any single version of a product that are destined for installation in the same network environment.
Target n of n Indicates the target for which ls_dpass is currently displaying password information.
Target id: Enter the target ID. The passwords generated are installable only at the target having the specified ID.
Start: If the password type is License, enter the start date for the licenses (the licenses become effective at midnight on the day before the specified date). This date can't be earlier than the current date. (Default is the current date.)

If the password type is Compound, enter the start date for the compound password(s) (passwords become effective at midnight on the day before the specified date). This date can't be earlier than the current date. (Default is the current date.)

Duration (days): If the password type is License, enter the duration of the licenses (in days); or skip this field and enter the expiration date instead. The maximum duration of a license is 4096 days. (Default is 0.)
Expiration: If the password type is License, enter the expiration date of the licenses in date format (licenses expire at midnight on the specified date). If you prefer, skip this field and enter the duration in days instead. The latest expiration date may be no more than 4096 days after the start date. (Default is today's date, corresponding to a duration of 0 days.)

If the password type is Compound, enter the expiration date of the password(s) in date format (passwords expire at midnight pm on the specified date). The latest expiration date may be no more than 4096 days after the start date. (Default is today's date, corresponding to a duration of 0 days.)

Derived license start: Enter the earliest start date for licenses that are to be derived from a compound password (this item is not applicable to license passwords). The derived licenses may start later, but not earlier, than the date you specify here.
Derived license expiration: Enter the latest expiration date for licenses that are to be derived from a compound password (this item is not applicable to license passwords). The derived licenses may expire earlier, but not later, than the date you specify here.
Aggregate duration (days): Enter the aggregate duration of all licenses that are to be derived from a compound password (this item is not applicable to license passwords). For example, a compound password from which 100 licenses may be derived might have an aggregate duration of 36500 days. From this password may be derived 100 1-year licenses, or 50 6-month licenses and 50 18-month licenses, and so on.
Number of licenses (this target): Enter the number of licenses to be installed on the current target if this number is different from the default number shown here. (By default, ls_dpass divides the total number of licenses to be installed by the number of targets on which the licenses are to be installed.) (This information applies only to concurrent-use and use-once license types; passwords for nodelock licenses are always one per target.)

Customer Information

Customer name, address, contact Use these fields to add the name and address of a new customer. The customers file stores customer names, addresses, and contacts.


Access Control: Only root users have execute (x) access to this command.

Files Accessed: lic_db

Event Information
lic_db Decrements number of compound licenses available.


  1. To create a nodelocked password for a single node:
    ls_dpass -v vendor -i 
    vendor_uuid -k supplier -N product -p 4 \
    -r 4.0 -w license -l nodelocked -s 90/02/07 -d 5 -t ibm/aix -u \
    -n 1 21a9a 
  2. To create a nodelocked password for multiple nodes:
    ls_dpass -v vendor -i 
    vendor_uuid -k supplier -N product -p 4 \
    -r 4.0 -w license -l nodelocked -s 90/02/07 -d 5 -t ibm/aix -u \
    -n 4 21a9a \ 20add fb40 18fa0 
    Note: When creating nodelocked passwords, the total number of licenses specified by -n must equal the number of target IDs in the list.
  3. To create concurrent-use licenses for a single node:
    ls_dpass -v vendor -i 
    vendor_uuid -k supplier -N product -p 4 \
    -r 4.0 -w license -l concurrent -s 90/02/07 -d 5 -t ibm/aix -u \
    -n 1 21a9a
    1. When creating concurrent-use licenses for multiple nodes, the total number of licenses specified by the -n switch will be evenly divided among the total number of servers specified in the target list.
    2. Use-once passwords work the same way that concurrent-use licenses do.


/usr/lib/netls/conf/products Products database for creating licenses.

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