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Commands Reference, Volume 3

lsdsmitm Command


Displays an alphabetically ordered list of machines in the Distributed System Management Interface Tool (DSMIT).


lsdsmitm-C -L ] [ -O ] [ -D ] [ -x ] [ -m Machine ,Machine ... ] [ -o OperatingSystem ,OperatingSystem ... ] [ -d Domain ,Domain ] ... 

Note: Do not put a space between the comma and multiple values for the Machine, OperatingSystem, or Domain parameters.


The lsdsmitm command enables you to display the machines on your system and optionally display additional information about the machines. Enter the lsdsmitm command with no criteria flags to display all machines. To display only a subset of the machines, use one of the -m, -o, and -d criteria flags. To specify machines explicitly, use the -m flag. To specify machines by operating system, use the -o flag. To specify machines by domain, use the -d flag. If you specify two or three criteria flags at the same time, the subsets of machines that the criteria define are unified (all machines meeting any of the criteria are listed). If you use the -x flag with two or more of the -m,-o, or -d criteria flags, the subsets are intersected (only machines meeting all the criteria are listed).


-? Displays the usage statement.
-C Displays output in the SMIT colon format.
-d Domain Displays machines with domains in the specified operating systems.
-D Displays the list of domains of each machine.
-L Displays output in the SMIT cmd_to_list format.
-m Machine Specifies the machines to display.
-o OperatingSystem Displays the machines with the specified operating systems.
-O Displays the operating system of each machine.
-x Displays the intersection of the subsets of machines defined by the -m,-o, and -d criteria flags.


  1. To list all machines on your system, enter:
  2. To list all machines on your system along with their operating system and domain membership, enter:
    lsdsmitm -OD 
  3. To list all information available about machine aztec, enter:
    lsdsmitm -OD -m aztec
  4. To list all machines (and their operating system and domain membership) that belong to the Floor_1 domain or have either a HPUX_1.2 or AIX_3.2 operating system, enter:
    lsdsmitm -OD -d Floor_1 -o HPUX_1.2,AIX_3.2 


/usr/share/DSMIT/domains Contains the list of domains used by DSMIT.
/usr/share/DSMIT/hosts Contains the list of machines that have DSMIT installed on them.
/usr/share/DSMIT/dsmitos Contains the list of operating systems of DSMIT clients.

Related Information

Distributed System Management Interface Tool (DSMIT) Overview in the Distributed SMIT 2.2 for AIX: Guide and Reference.

The lsdsmitd command.

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