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Commands Reference, Volume 3

mhl Command


Produces formatted listings of messages.


mhl [ -form FormFile ] [ -folder +Folder ] [ -moreproc Command | -nomoreproc [ -bell | -nobell ] [ -clear | -noclear ] ] [ -length Number ] [ -width Number ]


The mhl command creates formatted lists of messages. The command is usually started through the showproc: profile entry or through the -showproc flag in other MH commands. When displaying messages, the mhl command uses the directions listed in the format file. If you specify more than one message, the mhl command provides a prompt before displaying each screen of messages.

If the -nomoreproc flag is specified, the mhl command prompts the user to press the Return key (the Ctrl-D key sequence is also acceptable) to see the next message. To stop the current message output and receive a prompt for the next message, press the Ctrl-D key sequence. Press the QUIT key sequence to stop the command output.

Note: To use the mhl command, you must make the folder you wish to work with the current directory.


-bell Produces a bell at the end of each page. When the -nomoreproc flag is specified or the moreproc: profile entry is defined, but empty, the -bell flag is the default.
-clear Clears the screen after each page when the output device is a display. The mhl command uses the $TERM environment variable to determine the type of display. When the output device is not a display, the -clear flag inserts a form feed character at the end of each message. This flag affects the mhl command only if the moreproc: profile entry is defined and empty.
-folder +Folder Identifies the folder to be used for the mhl.format file's MessageName: entry. The default is the value of the $mhfolder environment variable.
-form FormFile Specifies a file containing an alternate output format. The default format is described in the UserMHDirectory/mhl.format file. If this file does not exist, the mhl command uses the system default format described in the /etc/mh/mhl.format file.
-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For MH, the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-length Number Sets the screen length for the output. The default is the value indicated by the $TERM environment variable. If that value is not appropriate, the default is 40 lines.
-moreproc Command Uses the value of the Command variable instead of the value of the moreproc: entry specified in the $HOME/.mh_profile file.
-nobell Suppresses the bell at the end of each page. This flag affects the mhl command only if the output device is a display, the -nomoreproc flag is used, or the moreproc: profile entry is defined and empty.
-noclear Prevents clearing of the screen at the end of each page when the output device is a display. When the output device is not a display, the -clear flag does not insert a form-feed character at the end of each message. This flag is the default when the -moreproc flag is used or the moreproc: entry is defined and is empty.
-nomoreproc Sets the moreproc: entry as an empty value.
-width Number Sets the screen width for the output. The default is the value indicated by the $TERM environment variable. If that value is not appropriate, the default is 80 characters.

Profile Entries

The following entry is found in the UserMHDirectory/.mh_profile file:

moreproc: Specifies the interactive program for communicating with the user.


  1. To list message 5 in the inbox folder, change the directory to inbox:
    cd /home/mickey/Mail/inbox
    Then enter:
    /usr/lib/mh/mhl 5
    A display similar to the following appears:
    --- Using template MHL.FORMAT ---
    Message Text
  2. To display more than one message, enter:
    /usr/lib/mh/mhl 5 6 7


$HOME/.mh_profile Contains the MH user profile.
/etc/mh/mhl.format Defines the default MH message template.
UserMHDirectory/mhl.format Specifies a user's default message template. (If it exists, it overrides the default MH message template.)
/usr/lib/mh/mhl Contains the mhl command.

Related Information

The ap command, dp command, next command, prev command, show command.

The mh_alias file format, mh_profile file format.

Mail Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

Peek, Jerry. MH and xmh: E-mail for Users and Programmers. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.

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