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Commands Reference, Volume 3

mpcfg Command


Manages remote maintenance service information.


Display Service Information

mpcfg -d { -f -m -p -S}

Change Service Information

mpcfg -c { -f | -m | -p -S -w} Index Value...

Save or Restore Service Information

mpcfg { -r | -s }


The mpcfg command enables a user with root authority to manage service information consisting of the service support and diagnostic flags (-S and -f flags), the modem and site configuration (-m flag), and the remote support phone numbers (-p flag).

The mpcfg command works only on multiprocessor systems with Micro Channel I/O. For IBM systems, this includes the IBM 7012 Model G Series, the IBM 7013 Model J Series, and the IBM 7015 Model R Series

You can perform the following actions:


-c Changes values of service information. The values that you want to modify are identified first by the flag -f, -m, -p or -S, and then by their index (Index parameter) within this category. The new value to assign (Value parameter) directly follows this index in the command. You can specify only one flag among -f, -m, -p, -S but several pairs "Index Value". The flag -w allows to change maintenance passwords.
-d Displays the values of service information according to the -f, -m, -p and -S flags set in the command. These values are displayed associated with their corresponding indexes and names.
-r Reads the service information in the /etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/bump file, and restores it in the non volatile memory (NVRAM).
-s Saves the service information in the /etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/bump file.
-f Indicates that the action (display or change) will be applied to the diagnostic flags.
-m Indicates that the action (display or change) will be applied to the modem and site configuration.
-p Indicates that the action (display or change) will be applied to the remote support phone numbers.
-S Indicates that the action (display or change) will be applied to the service support flags.
-w Indicates that the change will be applied to a password.


Access Control: only the root user can run this command.


  1. To display the modem and site configuration, enter the following command:
    mpcfg -dm
    This produces output similar to the following:
    Index   Name                            Value
    1       Modem Parameters File Name      /usr/share/modems/plextel
    2       Service Line Speed              2400
    3       Protocol Inter Data Block Delay 15
    4       Protocol Time Out               30
    5       Retry Number                    2
    6       Customer ID                     xyz
    7       Login ID                        abcd
    8       Password ID                     %qw!as
  2. To assign the new value 22114433 to the first remote support phone number, enter the following command:
    >mpcfg -c -p 1 22114433
  3. To save the service information in the /etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/bump file, enter the following command:
    mpcfg -s
  4. To restore the service information from the /etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/bump file to NVRAM, enter the following command:
    mpcfg -r


/usr/sbin/mpcfg Contains the mpcfg command.
/etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/bump Contains the service support and diagnostic flags, remote support phone numbers, and modem and site configuration.

Related Information

The AIX Version 4.3 Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

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