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Commands Reference, Volume 4

nisserver Command


Sets up NIS+ servers.


To set up a root master server

/usr/lib/nis/nisserver -r-d Domain ] [ -f ] [ -g GroupName ] [ -l Password ] [ -v ] [ -x ] [ -Y ]

To set up a non-root master server

/usr/lib/nis/nisserver -M -d Domain-f ] [ -g GroupName ] [ -h HostName ] [ -v ] [ -x ] [ -Y ]

To set up a replica server

/usr/lib/nis/nisserver -R-d Domain ] [ -f ] [ -h HostName ] [ -v ] [ -x ] [ -Y ]


The nisserver command is a shell script used to set up root master, non-root master, and replica NIS+ servers with level 2 security (DES).

When setting up a new domain, this script creates the NIS+ directories (including groups_dir and org_dir) and system table objects for the domain specified in Domain. However, nisserver does not populate tables with data. Use nispopulate to populate tables.

The -r flag is used to set up a root master server. In order to use this flag, you must be a superuser on the server where nisserver is executing. The -M flag is used to set up a non-root master server for the specified domain. To use this flag you must be an NIS+ principal on an NIS+ machine and have write permission to the parent directory of Domain. The new non-root master server must already be an NIS+ client (see the nisclient command) with the rpc.nisd daemon running. The -R flag is used to set up a replica server for both root and non-root domains. You must be an NIS+ principal on an NIS+ server and have write permission to the parent directory of the domain being replicated.


-d Domain Specifies the NIS+ domain. The default is your local domain.
-f Forces the NIS+ server setup without prompting for confirmation.
-g GroupName Specifies the NIS+ group for the new domain. The -g flag is invalid with the -R flag. The default group is admin.
-h HostName Specifies the host name for the NIS+ server. The server must be a valid host in the local domain. Use a fully qualified host name to specify a host outside of your local domain. The -h flag is only valid for setting up non-root master or replica servers. The default for the master server is to use the same list of servers as the parent domain's. The default for the replica server is to use the local host name.
-l Password Specifies the network password for creating the credentials for the root master server. The -l flag is only valid with the -r flag. If you do not supply this flag, the nisserver script prompts you for the login password.
-M Sets up the specified host as the master server. The rpc.nisd daemon must be running on that host before you execute the nisserver command with the -M flag.
-R Sets up the specified host as the replica server. The rpc.nisd daemon must be running on that host before you execute the nisserver command with the -M flag.
-r Sets up the server as the root master server.
-v Runs the script in verbose mode.
-x Turns the echo mode on.
-Y Sets up an NIS+ server with NIS-compatibility mode. The default is no NIS-compatibility mode.


  1. To set up a root master server for the domain abc.com., enter:
    /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -r -d abc.com.
  2. To set up a replica server for the domain abc.com. on the host abcreplica, enter:
    /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -R -d abc.com.
    /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -R -d abc.com. -h abcreplica
  3. To set up a non-root master server for the domain abc.xyz.com. on the host defhost with the NIS+ group name as admin-mgr.abc.xyz.com. enter:
    /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -M -d abc.xyz.com.
    /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -M -d abc.xyz.com. -h defhost -g admin-mgr.abc.xyz.com.
  4. To set up a non-root replica server for the domain abc.xyz.com. on defhost, enter:
    /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -R -d abc.xyz.com. -h defhost
    Note: In each of the last three examples, the host must be an NIS+ client with the rpc.nisd daemon running before executing the command string.

Related Information

The nisaddcred command, the nisclient command, the nisgrpadm command, the nisinit command, the nismkdir command, the nispopulate command, the nissetup command, and the rpc.nisd daemon.

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