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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_pserv Command


Displays and assigns services to protocol ports for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).


ntx_pserv-c ] [ -d Device ] [ -f File | [ Service Port1 [ -Port2 ] Protocol ] ]

ntx_pserv -r-d Device ] Service


The ntx_pserv command displays assigned services and assigns services to a protocol ports. Once a protocol port is assigned a service, you cannot assign it to a different service without clearing all entries for the service with the -r flag or clearing the entire database with the -c flag. You can assign a port to services:

The nop (no-operation) service is a transparent terminal service that provides no special processing.

You can assign a service to a single port a range of ports. To specify a single port, use the Port1 parameter. To specify a range of ports, use the Port1 and Port2 parameters, separated by a - (minus sign). You can set the Protocol parameter to tcp or udp.

You can change a service assignment at any time. However, some changes do not take immediate effect. The telnet, rlogin, and nop services affect the next connection request a port receives. The snmp and snmp-trap services have an affect only before the adapter has been enabled with the ntx_ifcfg command.

By default, the ntx_pserv command displays the current service assignments for the adapter identified by the /dev/rhp0 file.


-c Clears all entries for all services, ports, and protocols. The default is to add the new services to the current configuration. If the -f flag or a service is also specified, the ntx_pserv command clears the database before adding new services.
-d Device Specifies the adapter raw device file name. The /dev/rhp0 file is the default.
-f File Reads the service configuration from the File parameter and sends it to the adapter. The service specification is in the same format as the command line:
Service Port1[-Port2] Protocol

Each service specification is separated from the next with a new line. The # (pound sign) identifies a comment line. Everything to the right of the # is ignored.

-r Service Removes all entries for the specified service on all ports and protocols.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


/usr/bin/ntx_pserv Contains the ntx_pserv command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The ntx_ifcfg command.

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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