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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_traps Command


Displays or configures the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps.


ntx_traps-d Device ] [ [ -f File ] | [ -h ] | [ [ -p Port ] [ -r ] [ -s ] TrapType Community Host ] ]


The ntx_traps command displays or configures the adapter SNMP traps. A trap is an unsolicited SNMP message that the agent transmits when specific events occur. By default, this command displays the current trap configuration for the adapter identified by the /dev/rhp0 file. The configuration is sent to standard output in the format required by the File parameter.

The ntx_traps command determines which trap protocol data units (PDUs) the SNMP agent sends to which network management station (NMS). If the host does not issue the ntx_traps command, the agent does not transmit trap PDUs. IBM supports the standard SNMP generic traps as well as some enterprise-specific traps that are unique to the adapter.

Note: It is possible, and simple, for the host to configure more than one NMS to receive the same trap type.

The TrapType parameter is a decimal number or symbol that specifies the SNMP trap type. A trap can be generic or specific. If the -s flag is specified, the TrapType parameter is interpreted as a specific trap. Otherwise, it is a generic trap. Valid values for trap types are integers or the corresponding symbolic names. Valid generic trap types are:

The SNMP agent does not generate warmstart, linkdown, linkup, or egploss traps.

Specific traps identify enterprise-specific traps. Refer to the /usr/include/ntx/st.snmp.h file for the current list of enterprise-specific traps. The following traps are defined:

0 (hostrej) Connection attempt rejected by host computer.
1 (netrej) Connection attempt rejected by terminal.
2 (neterr) Unrecoverable network error occurred on the session.


Community Specifies the community to generate the trap to. The parameter is normally an ASCII string that serves to identify a set of NMSs that have access to the adapter's SNMP agent. The SNMP agent uses the community specified in the PDU when generating the specified trap to the specified NMS.
-d Device Sets the adapter raw device file name. The default is the /dev/rhp0 file.
-f File Identifies a trap configuration file. The file contains an entry for each port to configure. Entries are separated by new-line characters and have the following form:
Port GenericTrap SpecificTrap Community Host

These fields have the following values:

UDP port number.
Type of generic trap.
Type of specific trap.
Name of the community.
Name of the host or Internet address of the host.

Fields in an entry are separated by blank space. The # (pound sign) indicates a comment line. Characters to the right of a # (pound sign) are ignored.

Host Specifies the Internet address or host name of the NMS that is to receive the specified trap PDU.
-h Provides help on symbolic names for traps.
-s Interprets the TrapType parameter as a specific trap.
-r Disables the SNMP agent from generating the specified trap to the specified NMS.
-p Port Specifies the UDP port number that the NMS uses to receive the trap. The default port is 162.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


  1. To configure cold start traps to be sent to hosts and, enter:
    ntx_traps 0 public
    ntx_traps 0 public
  2. To configure authentication failure traps to be sent to host, enter:
    ntx_traps authfail private
  3. To configure session network error traps to be sent to host, enter:
    ntx_traps -s neterr public


/usr/bin/ntx_traps Contains the ntx_traps command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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