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Commands Reference, Volume 4

piopredef Command


Creates a predefined printer data-stream definition.


piopredef-r ] -d QueueDeviceName -q PrintQueueName -s DataStreamType -t PrinterType


The piopredef command creates a predefined printer data-stream definition from a virtual printer definition. It can be thought of as the inverse of the mkvirprt command. The mkvirprt command copies a predefined printer data stream definition to create a virtual printer definition, which can then be customized as desired. The piopredef command, however, copies a customized virtual printer definition to create a predefined printer data stream definition.

The piopredef command can be used to create a predefined printer definition for an unsupported printer that accepts a print data stream similar to that of a supported printer. For example, a virtual printer definition for a 4201-3 Proprinter III can be created with the mkvirprt command, displayed with the lsvirprt command, modified as necessary for the unsupported printer with the chvirprt command, and then specified with the piopredef command to create a predefined definition for the unsupported printer.

The new predefined printer definition can then be specified with a mkvirprt command to generate additional virtual printers for the unsupported printer type on the same computer, or transported to other computers and used there.


-d QueueDeviceName Specifies with the QueueDeviceName variable the spooler of the customized virtual printer definition to be used to create the predefined printer definition.
-q PrintQueueName Specifies with the PrintQueueName variable the spooler of the virtual printer definition to be used to create the predefined printer definition.
-r Specifies that if the -s flag and the -t flag specify a predefined printer definition that already exists, the existing one should be replaced.
-s DataStreamType Specifies with the DataStreamType variable the printer for the predefined printer definition to be created. Example data stream types are:
IBM extended ASCII
Hewlett-Packard GL
Hewlett-Packard PCL
Diablo 630
Texas Instruments 855.
-t PrinterType Specifies the printer type for the predefined printer definition to be created. Examples of existing printer types are: 4201-3, hplj-2, ti2115, and so on.
Note: If no flags are specified, the command syntax is displayed.


To create a new predefined printer definition from an existing virtual printer definition for the virtual printer, enter:

piopredef -d mypro -q proq -s asc -t 9234-2

The attributes for the virtual printer assigned to the mypro queue device on the proq print queue are copied to create a new predefined printer definition for the 9234-2 printer (asc data stream).


/etc/piopredef Contains the piopredef command.
/usr/lpd/pio/predef/* Predefined printer data stream attribute files. File names are in the format: PrinterType.DataStreamType.
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/custom/* Customized virtual printer attribute files. File names are in the format: PrintQueueName:QueueDeviceName.

Related Information

Printer Overview for System Management, Printer Specific Information, Virtual Printer Definitions and Attributes, Printer Backend Overview for Programming, Adding a Printer Using the Printer Colon File, Printer Code Page Translation Tables in AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing .

Printer Addition Management Subsystem: Programming Overview in AIX Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts.

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