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Commands Reference, Volume 4

post Command


Routes a message.


post [ -alias File ... ] [ -format | -noformat ] [ -msgid | -nomsgid ] [ -filter File | -nofilter ] [ -width Number ] [ -verbose | -noverbose ] [ -watch | -nowatch ] File


The post command routes messages to the correct destinations. The post command cannot be started by the user. The post command can be called only by other programs.

The post command searches a message for all components that specify a recipient's address and parses each address to check for the proper format. The post command then puts addresses into the standard format and calls the sendmail command. The post command also performs header operations, such as appending the Date: and From: components and processing the Bcc: component. The post command uses the File parameter to specify the name of the file to be posted.

Note: The post command may report errors when parsing complex addresses (for example, @A:harold@B.UUCP). If you use complex addresses, use the spost command instead of the post command.


-alias File Searches the specified mail alias file for addresses. This flag may be repeated to specify multiple mail alias files. The post command automatically searches the /etc/mh/MailAliases file.
-filter File Uses the header components in the specified file to copy messages sent to Bcc: recipients.
-format Puts all recipient addresses into a standard format for the delivery transport system. This flag is the default.
-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For Message Handler (MH), the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-msgid Adds a message-identification component (such as Message-ID:) to the message.
-nofilter Strips the Bcc: header from the message for the To: and cc: recipients. Sends the message with minimal headers to the Bcc: recipients. This flag is the default.
-noformat Does not alter the format of the recipient addresses.
-nomsgid Does not add a message-identification component to the message. This flag is the default.
-noverbose Does not display information during the delivery of the message to the sendmail command. This flag is the default.
-nowatch Does not display information during delivery by the sendmail command. This flag is the default.
-verbose Displays information during the delivery of the message to the sendmail command. This information allows you to monitor the steps involved.
-watch Displays information during the delivery of the message by the sendmail command. This information allows you to monitor the steps involved.
-width Number Sets the width of components that contain addresses. The default is 72 columns.


/etc/mh/MailAliases Contains the default mail aliases.
/etc/mh/mtstailor Contains MH command definitions.

Related Information

The ali command, conflict command, mhmail command, send command, sendmail command, spost command, whom command.

The .mh_alias File Format.

Mail Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Communications and Networks.

Peek, Jerry. MH and xmh: E-mail for Users and Programmers. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.

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