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Commands Reference, Volume 4

rcvstore Command


Incorporates new mail from standard input into a folder.


rcvstore [ +Folder ] [ -create | -nocreate ] [ -sequence Name ] [ -public | -nopublic ] [ -zero | -nozero ]


The rcvstore command adds incoming messages to a specified message directory (a folder). The rcvstore command is not started by the user. The rcvstore command is placed in the $HOME/.maildelivery file called by the /usr/lib/mh/slocal command.

The rcvstore command accepts messages from standard input and places them in a specified folder. Run the rcvstore command on all incoming messages by specifying the rcvstore command in the .maildelivery file.

You can specify rcvstore command flags in the $HOME/.maildelivery file or, as with most MH commands, in the $HOME/.mh_profile file.


-create Creates the specified folder in your mail directory if the folder does not exist. This flag is the default.
+Folder Places the incorporated messages in the specified folder. The default is +inbox.
-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For MH, the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-nocreate Does not create the specified folder if the folder does not exist.
-nopublic Restricts the specified sequence of messages to your usage. The -nopublic flag does not restrict the messages in the sequence, only the sequence. This flag is the default if the folder is write-protected against other users.
-nozero Appends the messages incorporated by the rcvstore command to the specified sequence of messages. This flag is the default.
-public Makes the specified sequence of messages available to other users. The -public flag does not make protected messages available, only the sequence. This flag is the default if the folder is not write-protected against other users.
-sequence Name Adds the incorporated messages to the sequence of messages specified by the Name parameter.
-zero Clears the specified sequence of messages before placing the incorporated messages into the sequence. This flag is the default.

Profile Entries

Folder-Protect: Sets the protection level for your new folder directories.
Msg-Protect: Sets the protection level for your new message files.
Path: Specifies the UserMHDirectory (the user's MH directory) variable.
Unseen-Sequence: Specifies the sequences of commands used to keep track of your unseen messages.
Rcvstore: Specifies flags for the rcvstore program.


$HOME/.mh_profile Contains the MH user profile.
$HOME/.maildelivery Provides the user with MH instructions for local mail delivery.
$HOME/.forward Provides the user with the default message filter.

Related Information

The inc command, rcvdist command, rcvpack command, rcvtty command, sendmail command, slocal command.

The .mh_alias File Format.

Mail Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Communications and Networks.

Peek, Jerry. MH and xmh: E-mail for Users and Programmers. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.

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