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Commands Reference, Volume 4

repquota Command


Summarizes quotas for a file system.


repquota [ -v ] [ -g ] [ -u ] { -a | FileSystem ... }


The repquota command prints a summary of quotas and disk usage for a file system specified by the FileSystem parameter. If the -a flag is specified instead of a file system, the repquota command prints the summary for all file systems enabled with quotas in the /etc/filesystems file. By default, both user and group quotas are printed.

For each user or group, the repquota command prints:


-a Specifies that quotas are printed for all file systems enabled with quotas in the /etc/filesystems file.
-g Specifies that only group quotas are printed.
-u Specifies that only user quotas are printed.
-v Prints a header line before the summary of quotas for each file system.


Access Control: Only the root user can execute this command.


To print a summary of user quotas in the /u file system, enter:

repquota -u /u

The system prints the following information:

                  Block  limits                 File limits
User      used    soft    hard   grace   used   soft  hard  grace
root  --  3920     0       0             734     0     0
davec +-    28     8      30     3 days    3     0     0
keith --    48     0       0               7     0     0

The + printed in the first column next to davec indicates that the user has exceeded established block limits. If there were a + in the second column, it would indicate that the user had exceeded established file limits.


quota.user Specifies user quotas.
quota.group Specifies group quotas.
/etc/filesystems Contains file system names and locations.
/etc/group Contains basic group attributes.
/etc/passwd Contains user names and locations.

Related Information

The quota command, quotaon and quotaoff commands, edquota command, quotacheck command.

The Disk Quota System Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

How to Set Up the Disk Quota System in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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