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Commands Reference, Volume 5

snap Command


Gathers system configuration information.


snap [ -a ] [ -A ] [ -b ] [ -c ] [ -D ] [ -f ] [ -g ] [ -G ] [ -i ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L ][ -n ] [ -N ] [ -p ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -o OutputDevice ] [ -d Dir ] [ -v Component ]


The snap command gathers system configuration information and compresses the information into a tar file. The file can then be downloaded to disk or tape, or transmitted to a remote system. The information gathered with the snap command may be required to identify and resolve system problems.

Note: Root user authority is required to execute the snap command.

Use the snap -o /dev/rfd0 command to copy the compressed image to diskette. Use the snap -o /dev/rmt0 command to copy the image to tape.

Approximately 8MB of temporary disk space is required to collect all system information, including contents of the error log. If you do not gather all system information with the snap -a command, less disk space may be required (depending on the options selected).

Note: If you intend to use a tape to send a snap image to IBM for software support, the tape must be one of the following formats:

Using other formats prevents or delays IBM software support from being able to examine the contents.

The snap -g command gathers general system information, including the following:

The output of the snap -g command is written to the /tmp/ibmsupt/general/general.snap file.

The snap command checks for available space in the /tmp/ibmsupt directory, the default directory for snap command output. You can write the output to another directory by using the -d flag. If there is not enough space to hold the snap command output, you must expand the file system.

Each execution of the snap command appends information to previously created files. Use the -r flag to remove previously gathered and saved information.


-a Gathers all system configuration information. This option requires approximately 8MB of temporary disk space.
-A Gathers asynchronous (TTY) information.
-b Gathers SSA information.
-c Creates a compressed tar image (snap.tar.Z file) of all files in the /tmp/ibmsupt directory tree or other named output directory.
Note: Information not gathered with this option should be copied to the snap directory tree before using the -c flag. If a test case is needed to demonstrate the system problem, copy the test case to the /tmp/ibmsupt/testcase directory before compressing the tar file.
-D Gathers dump and /unix information. The primary dump device is used.
Attention: If bosboot -k was used to specify the running kernel to be other than /unix, the incorrect kernel will be gathered. Make sure that /unix is , or is linked to, the kernel in use when the dump was taken.
Gathers dump and /unix information. The primary dump device is used.
-d Dir Identifies the optional snap command output directory (/tmp/ibmsupt is the default).
-f Gathers file system information.
-g Gathers the output of the lslpp -hBc command, which is required to recreate exact operating system environments. Writes output to the /tmp/ibmsupt/general/lslpp.hBc file. Also collects general system information and writes the output to the /tmp/ibmsupt/general/general.snap file.
-G Includes predefined Object Data Manager (ODM) files in general information collected with the -g flag.
-i Gathers installation debug vital product data (VPD) information.
-k Gathers kernel information
-l Gathers programming language information.
-L Gathers LVM information.
-n Gathers Network File System (NFS) information.
-N Suppresses the check for free space.
-o OutputDevice Copies the compressed image onto diskette or tape.
-p Gathers printer information.
-r Removes snap command output from the /tmp/ibmsupt directory.
-s Gathers Systems Network Architecture (SNA) information.
-S Includes security files in general information collected with the -g flag.
-t Gathers Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) information.
-v Component Displays the output of the commands executed by the snap command. Use this flag to view the specified name or group of files.
Note: Press the Ctrl-C key sequence to interrupt the snap command. A prompt will return with the following options: press the Enter key to return to current operation; press the S key to stop the current operation; press the Q key to quit the snap command completely.


  1. Enter the following command to gather all system configuration information:
    snap -a
    The output of this command is written to the /tmp/ibmsupt directory.
  2. Enter the following command to create a tar image of all files contained in the /tmp/ibmsupt directory:
    snap -c
  3. Enter the following command to gather general system configuration information, including the output of the lslpp -hBc command:
    snap -g -o /dev/rfd0
    Output is written to the /tmp/ibmsupt/general/lslpp.hBc and /tmp/ibmsupt/general/general.snap files. This command also writes the system information to a removable diskette.


/usr/sbin/snap Contains the snap command.
/tmp/ibmsupt Contains snap command output.
/tmp/ibmsupt/general/lslpp.hBc Contains the output of the lslpp -hBc command, which is required to recreate exact operating system environments.
/tmp/ibmsupt/general/general.snap Contains general system information that is collected with the snap -g command.
/tmp/ibmsupt/testcase Contains the test case that demonstrates your system problem.

Related Information

The crash command, errpt command, lslpp command, sysdumpdev command, sysdumpstart command.

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