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Commands Reference, Volume 5

startsrc Command


Starts a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.


To Start a Subsystem

startsrc [-a Argument] [-e Environment] [-h Host] {-s Subsystem |-g Group}

To Start a Subserver

startsrc [-h Host] -t Type [-o Object] [-p SubsystemPID]


The startsrc command sends the System Resource Controller (SRC) a request to start a subsystem or a group of subsystems, or to pass on a packet to the subsystem that starts a subserver.

If a start subserver request is passed to the SRC and the subsystem to which the subserver belongs is not currently active, the SRC starts the subsystem and transmits the start subserver request to the subsystem.


-a Argument Specifies an argument string that is passed to the subsystem when the subsystem is executed. This string is passed from the command line and appended to the command line arguments from the subsystem object class. The Argument string specified is a maximum of 1200 characters or the command is unsuccessful. The command argument is passed by the SRC to the subsystem, according to the same rules used by the shell. Quoted strings are passed as a single argument, and blanks outside a quoted string delimit an argument. Single and double quotes can be used.
-e Environment Specifies an environment string that is placed in the subsystem environment when the subsystem is executed. The Environment string specified is a maximum of 1200 characters, or the command is unsuccessful. Using the same rules that are used by the shell, the SRC sets up the environment for the subsystem.

Quoted strings are assigned to a single environment variable and blanks outside quoted strings delimit each environmental variable to be set. For example: -e "HOME=/tmp TERM=dumb MESSAGE=\"Multiple word message\""would set HOME=/tmp as the first, TERM=dumb as the second, and MESSAGE="Multiple word message" as the third environment variable for the subsystem.

-g Group Specifies a group of subsystems to be started. The command is unsuccessful if the Group name is not contained in the subsystem object class.
-h Host Specifies the foreign host on which this start action is requested. The local user must be running as "root". The remote system must be configured to accept remote System Resource Controller requests. That is, the srcmstr daemon (see /etc/inittab) must be started with the -r flag and the /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts file must be configured to allow remote requests.
-o Object Specifies that a subserver object is to be passed to the subsystem as a character string. It is the subsystems responsibility to determine the validity of the Object string.
-p SubsystemPID Specifies a particular instance of the subsystem to which the start subserver request is to be passed.
-s Subsystem Specifies a subsystem to be started. The Subsystem can be the actual subsystem name or the synonym name for the subsystem. The command is unsuccessful if the Subsystem is not contained in the subsystem object class.
-t Type Specifies that a subserver is to be started. The command is unsuccessful if Type is not contained in the subserver object class.


  1. To start a subsystem with arguments and environmental variables, enter:
    startsrc -s srctest -a "-D DEBUG" -e "TERM=dumb HOME=/tmp"
    This starts the srctest subsystem with "TERM=dumb", "HOME=/tmp" in its environment and "-D DEBUG" as two arguments to the subsystem.
  2. To start a subsystem group on a foreign host, enter:
    startsrc -g tcpip -h zork
    This starts all the subsystems in the subsystem tcpip group on the zork machine.
  3. To start a subserver, enter:
    startsrc -t tester
    This sends a start subserver request to the subsystem that owns the tester subsystem.
  4. To start a subsystem with command arguments, enter:
    startsrc -s srctest -a "-a 123 -b \"4 5 6\""
    This places "-a" as the first argument, "123" as the second, "-b" as the third, and"456" as the fourth argument to the srctest subsystem.


/etc/objrepos/SRCsubsys Specifies the SRC Subsystem Configuration Object Class.
/etc/objrepos/SRCsubsvr Specifies the SRC Subserver Configuration Object Class.
/etc/services Defines the sockets and protocols used for Internet services.
/dev/SRC Specifies the AF_UNIX socket file.
/dev/.SRC-unix Specifies the location for temporary socket files.

Related Information

The stopsrc command.

The System Resource Controller Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices gives an explanation of subsystems, subservers, and the System Resource Controller.

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